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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerpt


Formatting rules are used This page is for application designers who want to vary the formatting of components depending on conditions.


Sometimes you want to vary the style of a component depending on some condition. For example, for a form field that:

  • has data, you want to apply a style that displays the field background in green
  • does not have data, you want to apply a style that displays the field background in red.

Use a formatting rule to determine when a style should be applied to an object. For example, highlighting a form field with a missing entry or changing an icon based on the selected company's industry sector.

For information about all the available options see Formatting Rule

All Formatting Rules perform a logic check that if it returns True the shared style will be applied.

Example: Cell

component as follows:

  1. Open the properties for a component or attribute.
  2. In the Formatting Rule section, click 
    Insert excerpt
    ; see the Formatting Rule properties for details of all options.
  3. Enter a Rule Expression to perform a logic check of the data.
  4. Specify a style. If the expression returns True, this style overrides any existing style on the component.
    • Either select an existing style in the Style box drop-down list.
      Alternatively, open the repository to find a style and drag it into the Style box.
    • Or create a new style, set its properties and save it.
      PhixFlow automatically adds a new style to the Style box.
  5. Save the formatting rule.
  6. Insert excerpt
     the screen, or close and reopen the screen to see the formatting rule applied to the screen.

This page shows how to use formatting rule expressions and styles:

How to Highlight a Cell 

In this example we will set the colour of a cell in a grid where the value is null as illustrated below:

Select the column header and its properties open

. In the screenshot below, the null cells are shown in red.

Image Added

  1. In the grid header, click a column header to open the attribute properties.
  2. In the Formatting Rule section, click 
    Insert excerpt
    . PhixFlow opens the new formatting rule properties.
  3. In the Rule Expression, set the criteria that if it returns true, the selected style will apply. In our Enter a Rule Expression.
    For this example we want to apply a style when a Web cell is empty. To do this enter the expression:
       _current.Web == _NULL
      where _current checks if each row has a value.
  4. Either select a style you want to use, or create a style to apply when the expression is true. Next to the Style drop-down, click 
    Insert excerpt
    . In Basic Settings, set:
    • a Name for the style.
    • Background Colour#BF0426.
    • Click 
      Insert excerpt
       to save the style.
  5. Phixflow automatically adds the new style to the formatting rule → Style.
  6. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to save the formatting rule.

Refresh or reload the page to show the grid with the empty cells of the Web column highlighted in red.

How to Highlight a Field 

In this example we will set the border of an input for to be red where the value is empty as illustrated below:Image Added

  1. In the screen canvas, click a field component to open its properties.
  2. In the Formatting Rule section click 
    Insert excerpt
  3. Enter a Rule Expression.
    In this example we want a style to be applied when the
  1. field is empty. To
achieve this we enter:_current.Web == _NULL
  1. do this enter the expression:
       _value == _NULL
      where _value checks the value in the form field.
  2. Either select a style you want to use, or create a style to apply when the expression is true. Next to the Style drop-down, click 
    Insert excerpt
    . In the style properties → Basic Settings, set:
    • Name, for example MandatoryField.
    • Border StyleSolid
    • Border Width1px 
    • Border Colour#BF0426.
    • Click 
      Insert excerpt
       to save the style.
  3. Phixflow automatically adds the new style to the formatting rule's Style.
  4. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to save the formatting rule.

How to Set a Dynamic Icon 

In this advanced example we will set an icon on a card component based on the industry field of our record as illustrated below:

Image Added

The screen illustrated above has a card container backed by company data. On the card we expect a field called Industry. We want to display a different icon for each industry.

Step 1  Upload icons for each industry

  1. Upload the images that you want to use as your icons; see Adding Images.

Step 2  Configure the default icon

  1. Create an area on your card component where you will display the images. We will call this the icon area.
  2. Open the properties for the icon area component.
  3. Set the area component's size to be suitable for an icon, for example with a Height and Width of 30px.
  4. To ensure there is never a blank icon area, select an  image to display be default. Use
    Insert excerpt
     → Style Settings of 
    • either a shared style; see Screen Styling
    • or directly in the component properties
  5. Set:
    • Background Image: select the image that you want to be the default image if none of the formatting rules are true. 
    • Background RepeatNone.
    • Background Position: Center.
        This is CSS so we use the American spelling.
    • Background Size: Contain
      Contain scales the image as large as possible within its container without cropping or stretching the image. Alternatively, specify a size in px.
    • Click 
      Insert excerpt
       to save the shared style or component.

Step 2 Create a formatting rule for each icon 

The following formatting rule checks the industry to determine which icon to display. Create a formatting rule for each of the icons.

  1. In the Formatting Rule section, click 
    Insert excerpt
  2. Enter a Rule Expression.
    We want to check which industry is on the card to determine which icon to display. To do this enter:
      _form.Industry == "Finance"
      where _form checks for the specified value in the Industry field.
  3.  Create a style to apply when the expression is true. Next to the Style drop-down, click 
    Insert excerpt
    . In the style properties → Basic Settings, set:
    • Name: for example FinanceIcon.
    • Background Image: select the icon to represent finance.
    •  Click 
      Insert excerpt
       to save the style.
  4. Phixflow automatically adds the new style to the formatting rule's Style.
  5. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to save the formatting rule.


You can see an example of this configuration in the Contact Manager demo application (Companies section), which you can download from the Learning Centre Downloads page.