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This page is for PhixFlow administrators who want to manage user groups. 

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PhixFlow Default User Groups

PhixFlow has 6 user groups enabled by default. Each user group has its own role, which defines the privileges for the group. We recommend that you do not change the default roles, although users who belong to the Administrator group have permissions to update them if required.

We recommend that you create an App-User and App-Admin user group and associated role for PhixFlow. In the role you can configure the privileges related to using and managing applications

. - Do we say this in the installation guide? Should his be a role?

From version 9.0 onward, when a new application is created, PhixFlow automatically creates 2 user groups that belong to the application. The application creator is added to the user groups. Use these groups to configure the roles and privileges required to use and manage the completed application. If you have configured the App-User and App-Admin user groups and roles at the system level, you can simply refer to

these groups and roles. -How? Would that not negate the need for the groups PhixFlow creates? How do we set the permissions per app if we use a centralised user group? Otherwise

them in the application user groups. Otherwise, you have to set the privileges separately for each application; see Controlling User Access to Applications.

The user groups are :

User GroupAssociated RoleDescription
Default User Groups (maintained by PhixFlow)
AdministratorsAdministratorMembers can add new users and modify other user's accounts. Only members of this group can create, delete or update another users' credentials.
DesignersModellerMembers can create models and applications. They can also update general configuration options.
GuestsGuestMembers can view configurations, but have few other privileges.

A user group for the initial setup of a new PhixFlow installation.  When first installed, PhixFlow creates a startup user in this group, with privileges to administer other users. Once you have added users to the Administrator group, remember to delete this user.

UsersUserMembers can view application screens, data and the repository.
SuperUsersSuperuserMembers have more privileges than users. Use this group for application designers or model managers. Superuser's have full access to PhixFlow data and can create filters and views on it. 
Recommended Roles Configured:
  • either in the Full Repository, if you want all applications to use the same role
  • or in the application-specific repository, if you want to create a separate role for each application.

Requires configuration with the privileges required for application users to access and run applications. 

-AppAdminRequires configuration with the privileges required for application managers to maintain an application.
Application User Groups; see Controlling User Access to Applications


The administrator or application designer must add users, roles and privileges to enable members to use the application.



The administrator or application designer must add users, roles and privileges to enable members to manage the application.
For example, you may want to provide an application administrator with permission to approve certain actions, to run data management tasks or to add users to the application.

*appname is the application's name.

Adding or Changing a User Group

To configure PhixFlow to have a different set of permissions, create:

  • a new user group and define the PhixFlow components that users can access.
  • a new role that specifies the privileges.

To see the list of existing user groups, in the


Full Repository, scroll down to

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 and expand the section

- User needs to scroll down to the user groups in the Full Repository?

. If you are managing users for an application, find and expand the application name, and scroll to the user groups listed for the application.



change a user group, double-click on the name

. - We say edit here and changing in the title of this section

and edit the properties.



add a new user group, right click 

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 and select 
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; see User Group.

- We say Adding in the title and create new here?


There are two ways you can add a user to a user group.

  • In the user group
property tab
  • properties Users section, open a list of users and drag one or more into the list.
- Could you follow this? What is the user group property tab?
  • In the user
property tab
  • properties User Group section, open a list of user groups and drag one or more into the list.
- What is the user property tab?

PhixFlow automatically updates the properties so that users and their groups remain consistent. - What does this mean? 

Roles and Privileges

The privileges that members of a user group have is controlled by their role.

- Their role or the roles within the group?

To find out what privileges a user group has, in the user group

property tab

properties Role section, double-click on


a role. PhixFlow opens the role

property tab

properties where the Privileges section lists all the privileges. For example, the Modeller privilege includes List Database Exporters, Modify Database Exporters and View Database Exporters.

User groups can have multiple roles. For example you may want a group of users who can both create models and add filters to views on the models. In this case you could add the two roles Designers and SuperUsers. 


We recommend that you do not change the default roles, although users who belong to the Administrator group have permissions to update them if required.

Restricting Access to Modelling Objects

By default, PhixFlow is set up to allow all users with the relevant privileges to access all

modelling objects

items, such as






screens, filters etc.

Is this restricted by access to the application and or Package? However, you


For items that belong to an application or package, the user also requires the privilege to access that application or package; see Controlling User Access to Applications.

You may need to restrict access to only some


items, for example to provide access to specific


screens related to a project. To do this:

  1. In the
  1. item's
property tab
  1. properties Access Permissions section, untick the All Users can View Data check box.
- Not sure what the Object Property tab is?
  1. Either, in
the object
  1. the item's
property tab
  1. properties User Group section, drag in the user group.
    or, in the user group
property tab
  1. properties, expand the section related to the type of object and drag it into the user group.

Now only users of the specified group can use the

modelling object


Access Permissions

You can limit which users can add or remove members from a user group. Tick the Access Permissions → Restrict who can manage members of this user group check box. PhixFlow adds a grid where you can drag in other user groups. See User Group > Access Permissions for details.

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