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The following statistics are currently recorded and available as data records in the STATS _RECORD table. (See STATS _RECORD record definition)

Activity Statistics

Activity Statistics are recorded from TaskPlans executed, Actions triggered.


_RECORD Column

Statistics Type: ACTIVITY

fromDtmDatetimeThe start time of the period that this measure refers totoDtmDatetimeThe end time of the period that this measure refers tocontext_1_idId

TaskPlanId or ActionId


Activity Types :

TASK_PLAN - for task plans executed

ACTION - for actions triggered

context_1_name NameName of TaskPlan or Actionvalue_1CountThe number of times this TaskPlan or action has been executed.


Pipe Read Statistics

Not yet available.

ActivityTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action name

TaskPlan/Action NamenumStarted

{Number of tasks started in this timeslot. The timeslot is set in the System Configuration > System Tuning Tab

Stats DB Logging Seconds field}

ActivityTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action name

TaskPlan/Action NamenumActive{Number of tasks still running at the end of this timeslot. The timeslot is set in the System Configuration > System Tuning Tab -

Stats DB Logging Seconds field}

ActivityTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action name

TaskPlan/Action NamenumEnded{Number of tasks ended in this timeslot. The timeslot is set in the System Configuration > System Tuning Tab - Stats DB Logging Seconds field}
ActivityTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action name

TaskPlan/Action NamesumDuration (seconds){Total duration of task ending in this timeslot. The timeslot is set in the System Configuration > System Tuning Tab -

Stats DB Logging Seconds field}

Stream Statistics

This is a record of data volumes written to Streams and Exporters

_RECORD Column

Statistics Type: StreamSet

fromDtmDatetimeThe start time of the period that this measure refers totoDtmDatetimeThe end time of the period that this measure refers tocontext_1_idId

Stream Id


Stream Type

context_1_name NameStream Namevalue_1Insert Count (Number)Total inserts countvalue_2Insert Volume (Records)Total Records insertedvalue_3Insert Volumne (Bytes)Average bytes written for records insertedvalue_4Update Count (Number)Total updates countvalue_5Update Volume (Records)Total Records updatedvalue_6Insert Volumne (Bytes)Average bytes written for records updated

Pipe Cache Statistics

Not yet available.

In-Memory-Stream Statistics

Not yet available.


Database Statistics Record Structure

The table structure for a STATS_RECORD is as follows:


Statistics Type:

E.g. 'activity_count'

fromDtmDatetimeThe start time of the period that this measure refers totoDtmDatetimeThe end time of the period that this measure refers tocontext_1_idUid

The first context object (id); may be null.

context_1_typeStringThe first context object (type); may be null.context_1_name String

The first context object (name); may be null.

value_1DoubleThe first context object (value)context_2_idUid

The second context object (id); may be null.

context_2_typeStringThe second context object (type); may be null.context_2_name String

The second context object (name); may be null.

value_2DoubleThe second context object (value)context_3_idUid

The third context object (id); may be null.

context_3_typeStringThe third context object (type); may be null.context_3_name String

The third context object (name); may be null.

value_3DoubleThe third context object (value)context_4_idUid

The fourth context object (id); may be null.

context_4_typeStringThe fourth context object (type); may be null.context_4_name String

The fourth context object (name); may be null.

value_4DoubleThe fourth context object (value)context_5_idUid

The fifth context object (id); may be null.

context_5_typeStringThe fifth context object (type); may be null.context_5_name String

The fifth context object (name); may be null.

value_5DoubleThe fifth context object (value)context_6_idUid

The sixth context object (id); may be null.

context_6_typeStringThe sixth context object (type); may be null.context_6_name String

The sixth context object (name); may be null.

value_6DoubleThe sixth context object (value)context_7_idUid

The seventh context object (id); may be null.

context_7_typeStringThe seventh context object (type); may be null.context_7_name String

The seventh context object (name); may be null.

value_7DoubleThe seventh context object (value)context_8_idUid

The eigth context object (id); may be null.

context_8_typeStringThe eigth context object (type); may be null.context_8_name String

The eigth context object (name); may be null.

value_8DoubleThe eigth context object (value)context_9_idUid

The ninth context object (id); may be null.

context_9_typeStringThe ninth context object (type); may be null.context_9_name String

The ninth context object (name); may be null.

value_9DoubleThe ninth context object (value)context_10_idUid

The tenth context object (id); may be null.

context_10_typeStringThe tenth context object (type); may be null.context_10_name String

The tenth context object (name); may be null.

value_10DoubleThe tenth context object (value)
StreamTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action nameStreamStream IDStream NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream NameinsertCount{Count of database insert batches}
StreamTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action nameStreamStream IDStream NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream NameinsertVolume{Volume of individual records inserted}
StreamTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action nameStreamStream IDStream NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name



{Volume of records bytes inserted}
StreamTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action nameStreamStream IDStream NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name



{Time taken to insert records}
StreamTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action nameStreamStream IDStream NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream NameupdateCount{Count of database updated batches}
StreamTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action nameStreamStream IDStream NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream NameupdateVolume{Volume of individual records updated}
StreamTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action nameStreamStream IDStream NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name



{Volume of records bytes updated}
StreamTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action nameStreamStream IDStream NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name



{Time taken to update records}

The timeslot is set in the System Configuration > System Tuning Tab

Stats DB Logging Seconds field

Pipe Statistics

This is a record of Pipe Read Statistics

PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NamereadCount{Numer of reads}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe Name



{Time taken to read}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe Name



{Maximum read time}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NamereadRecCount{Number of records read}

This is a record of Pipe Queue Statistics

PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe Name



{Time take to add to queue}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NameenqueueCount{Pipe added to queue}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe Name



{Time take to remove from queue}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NamedequeueCount{Pipe removed from queue}

This is a record of Pipe Lookup Statistics

PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NamecacheSize{Size of lookup pipe cache}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NameaddedToCache{Lookup pipe added to cache}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NameremovedFromCache{Lookup pipe removed from cache}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NamecacheHits{Count a read done from cache}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NamecacheMisses{Count a read not yet from the cache}
PipeTaskPlan, Action

TaskPlan/Action ID

TaskPlan/Action namePipePipe IDPipe NameTaskPlan/Action Name.Stream Name.pipe NamecacheParallelMisses{Total reads from cache by two simulatneous processes}

Database Statistics Record Structure

The table structure for STATS is as follows:


Statistics Type:

E.g. 'Activity, Pipe, PipeLookup, PipeQueue, Stream'

fromDtmDatetimeThe start time of the period that this measure refers to
toDtmDatetimeThe end time of the period that this measure refers to

The object initiating the activity - eg. "TaskPlan", or "Action"

initiator_idUidThe ID of the initiating TaskPlan or Action / other object.

The name of the initiating TaskPlan or Action / other object.

context_typeStringThe activity triggered by the initiator. eg "Stream"

e.g. The "Streams" ID that Analysis was run on.

context_nameStringeg. The name of the stream that Analysis was run on.`

This a dotted notation indicating the full context.

eg. TaskPlan1.Stream

data_typeStringThe type of statistics data being recorded for this stats type. Eg. totalRecordsWritten, totalWriteTime.

The value of the statistic being recorded for the given data_type.

titlefromDtm and toDtm dates can be identical on a record

They are not the same as the fromDTM and toDTM datetimes on streamsets - they give the start and end times for a stats logging window. The duration of the stats logging window is set in the system configuration.

  • fromDtm is when the monitor is opened.
  • toDtm is when the statistic is recorded/written to the stats table.

If a task finishes inside of a stats logging window, then the datetimes will be the same.