Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


format(formatString, arg1, ..., argN) Formats a string according to a template format and supplied arguments.

Function: format()

Formats a string according to a template format and supplied arguments.


format(formatString, arg1, ..., argN)

formatStringFormat StringA string defining the format of the result. (Format String Syntax)
arg1..NAnyAny number of arguments to be placed into formatString


format("%10.3f", in.callTotal)


The formatString can also contain fixed plain text string elements  elements as in this case which returns, with in.callTotal = 25.33256:
"Value to 3 decimal places is:     25.333, or rounded to a whole number and padded with zeroes is: 0000000025"
