Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Set up a File Exporterfile exporter

In this exercise you will create an export of the customer summary report, to a file:

  1. In your model, to add a new


  1. file exporter hover over the stream Customer Summary by Region, and


  1. press Image Added Add a new File Exporter
  2. Give the new exporter the Name: Send Customer Summary Report


  1. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to save your changes.
  2. You will now see the new


  1. file exporter in the model.
  2. Save your model layout. 

As well as exporting the file to a directory on the PhixFlow server, you will email the file to yourself. Before you set this up, you need to update the user Train train with your email address:


  1. In the bottom right of the application, go to the 
    Insert excerpt
  2. Update the Email Address with your email address


  1. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to save your changes


  1. .

Complete settings for the file exporter.

  1. Double-click on the new


  1. file exporter icon on your model view


  1. Tick the flag Enabled
  2. In the field File Name (Expr) enter the value:

    Code Block

  3. In the field Output Directory (Expr) enter:

    Code Block

  4. Tick the flag Overwrite existing file
  5. Tick the flag


  1. Header


  1. Go to the Send By Email


  1. section, and set the following:
    • Email from:
    • Subject Expression: "Export of customerSummaryByRegion.txt at " + now()
    • Message Expression: "Please find file customerSummaryByRegion.txt attached. Generated at " + now()
    • Attach File:


    • tick
  1. Go to the User Recipients


  1. section and click 
    Insert excerpt
  2. In the New User Notification Rule. properties that opens, set:
    • Email As: To then click 
      Insert excerpt
    • In the Users section, click 
      Insert excerpt
       to open a list of users.
    • Drag the user Train (the user you are currently logged in as) into the list of recipients.

In the main File Exporter configuration form, press Image Removed

    • Save and close the notification rule. PhixFlow adds the user to the list of User Recipients.
  1. In the file exporter configuration form, click 

    Insert excerpt


    The pipe to the file exporter is dotted to indicate that it is a Push pipe. When linking a


  1. stream to a


  1. file exporter you must always use a


  1. push pipe. This is because you cannot run a


  1. file exporter on its own; it must always be driven from a


  1. stream. Otherwise, it has no data to process


  1. Run


  1. analysis on the


  1. Stream Customer Summary by Region
  2. Check the log


  1. messages generated in the


  1. console – in particular scroll to the end; you should see messages telling you that a file has been exported
  2. Now find your file - you should have received an email with the file attached
  3. The file


  1. has also been exported to the PhixFlow server