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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


format(formatString, arg1, ..., argN) Formats a string according to a template format and supplied arguments.

Function: format()

Formats a string according to a template format and supplied arguments.


format(formatString, arg1, ..., argN)

formatStringFormat StringA string defining the format of the result. (Format String Syntax)
arg1..NAnyAny number of arguments to be placed into formatString


format("%10.3f", in.callTotal)

gives the output: "     2.718"

format("Value to 3 decimal places is: %1$10.3f, or rounded to a whole number and padded with zeroes is: %1$010.0f", in.callTotal)

The formatString can also contain fixed plain text string elements  elements as in this case which returns, with in.callTotal = 25.33256:

"Value to 3 decimal places is:     25.333, or rounded to a whole number and padded with zeroes is: 0000000025"


More generally, format specifiers have the syntax:

  • %[argument_index$][flags][width][.precision][data type]

Each component of this format specifier is described below:


This optional value specifies which of the supplied arguments provided to replace into the format string. This is useful when the same data is used several times, in a single format string - possibly, formatted differently in each case.

format("Value to 3 decimal places is: %1$10.3f, or rounded to a whole number and padded with zeroes is: %1$010.0f", in.callTotal)
with in.callTotal = 25.33256, returns "Value to 3 decimal places is:     25.333, or rounded to a whole number and padded with zeroes is: 0000000025"


For all data types:

  • '-' - left justify


  • '+' - always include a sign
  • ' ' - include a leading space for positive values
  • '0' - pad with zeroes
  • ',' - use local specified grouping operators, e.g. a comma rather than a point for a decimal separator in France
  • '(' - put negative numbers in brackets, .e.g. for ledger reports

width & precision

The width is an optional parameter which specifies the minimum number of characters written to the output.
The precision is an optional parameter which specifies the maximum number of characters written to the output.
For data types 'e', 'E', and 'f' the precision is the number of digits after the decimal separator. For data types 'g' or 'G' the precision is the total number of digits in the resulting magnitude after rounding.
format("%10.3f", in.callTotal)
gives the output: "     2.718"

Data type

  • 's' - string
  • 'd' - integer
  • 'e' - floating point number; the output is formatted as a decimal number in computerized scientific notation
  • 'f' - floating point number
  • 'g' - floating point number; the output is formatted using computerized scientific notation or decimal format, depending on the precision and the value after rounding
  • 't' - date/time
  • '%' - percent; gives a literal '%' sign in the output

Additional Examples:

  • format("%.2f",_out.example), where _out.example = 12345678.468

The above example will output "12345678.47" as a string. This is useful as toString(12345678.468) will output 1.2345678468E7, i.e. scientific form. the "f" character in the function input: format("%.2f",_out.example) converts the number to string in non-scientific notation.

  • do(
        $dps = 2,
        $variable = "%." + toString($dps) + "f",
        format($variable,_out.example )

    The above example demonstrates putting a dollar variable into the first input to the format function. This allows the output to be more flexible, i.e. in this example the $dps can hold the number of decimal places.

See Also