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This page is for application designers who want define the data that will back the application. It explains how to draw an ERD and setup its properties.


Use an ERD to define the structure of the data that backs your application.

Insert excerpt


For an introduction to ERD concepts and why ERDs are important, see 

Understanding ERDs creating

defining data structures in an ERD

is slightly different depending

depends on whether or not you have already created tables in PhixFlow.

  The following table

The following table summarises the different ways you can add


data to an ERD, depending on your starting point

. (See the sections below for details of how to add tables and relationships.)
titleSections on this page

Table of Contents

Starting PointProcessPrimary KeySee


Creating and Importing Data

Starting PointProcessAttributesFurther Topics
I have CSV or Excel dataDrag the file onto the ERD canvas. PhixFlow automatically imports the data for you.

In each table:

  • either set one attribute as the Primary Key and ensure all values are unique
  • or add an attribute called UID with 
    • Data Type = Integer
    • Precision = 10
  • and set one attribute to be the Display Name.
  • Creating Tables in an ERD, below.
I have no data

Define the tables, attributes and their relationships in the ERD.

Later you will need to add records to the



  • either manually, for
example create
  • example, create a screen in which application users can enter data.
  • or via an
analysis model
  • Analysis Model.

PhixFlow automatically creates

each table

each table with:

a primary key
  • Primary Key called UID
  • a Name attribute
Defining Data Structures using ERDs
  • , as the
Name attribute set as the display name (??link to display name info)
a Table
Load DataI have data in Excel files

Drag the Excel files directly into an ERD. PhixFlow loads the data structure and records. It then adds the table to the ERD.

In the ERD, you then add the relationships between tables.

PhixFlow prompts you to set the primary key and display name attributes.

??Link to doc on XD flow 4.10
I have data but it's not in PhixFlowUse an
analysis model
Analysis Model to connect to your data. PhixFlow can read the data structures to create tables.
When you run analysis on the model, PhixFlow loads the data records.

In each table:

  • either set one attribute as the
primary key
  • Primary Key and ensure all values
will be
  • are unique
  • or add an attribute called UID
with the
  • with 
    • Data Type = Integer
    • Precision = 10
    • Tick Primary Key
  • and set one attribute to be the Display Name
  • .
I have tables in PhixFlow alreadyIn the ERD toolbar, click
Insert excerpt
 (??wrong icon) to
 to display a list of all the tables. Drag tables into the ERD and then add the relationships.
Defining Data Structures using ERDs


Insert excerpt

How to Define

Create a Table From an Excel File

todo?? Flow 4.10

Add an Existing Table

In the toolbar, click  Insert excerpt_table_list_table_listnopaneltrue
  • PhixFlow filters the repository to show the list of tables available in this application.
  • Drag a table from the repository onto the ERD canvas. 
  • Create a New Table

    Creating Tables in an ERD

    Open an Existing ERD

  • From the home menu, select Data and click on an ERD in the list.
  • In the repository, open your application and find Data → ERD.
  • either right-click on an ERD name and select Display.
  • or double-click the ERD name to open the properties. In the properties toolbar, click the Insert excerpt_erd_erdnopaneltrue icon.

    Create a New ERD

  • From the home menu, select Data.
  • PhixFlow displays the list of ERDs. Select Create New from the left hand side.
  • In the pop-up, enter a name for your ERD, and a description then click  Insert excerpt_dialog_finish_dialog_finishnopaneltrue.

    When you are creating tables, choose a name that reflects the entity your table represents.

  • PhixFlow opens a new ERD canvas on the left with a toolbar at the top. Hover your mouse pointer over toolbar icons to display a tooltip.

  • Drag and Drop Import: Create a New Table using Excel or CSV

    1. Drag a CSV or Excel file directly onto an ERD canvas.
    2. PhixFlow creates a table automatically based on the information in the file.

    This topic is also covered in the ERD Fundamentals video course; see Entity Relationship Diagrams.

    Create a New Table 

    1. Drag 
      Insert excerpt
    1. tables
    1. tables
    1.  from the toolbar into the diagram.
    2. In the
    1. popup, enter a name
    , for example "Customer" and click Insert excerpt_dialog_finish_dialog_finishnopaneltrue.PhixFlow
    1. that reflects what the table will represent. For example, Customer.
    2. PhixFlow opens the properties for the new table and adds the table to the canvas
    and opens its properties tab on the right
    1. .
      The table header displays
    1. its name
    entered in step 2
    1. .PhixFlow automatically adds
    1. two attributes:
      • UID
    - PhixFlow requires
      • , a primary key that is a unique identifier
    and primary key
      • for each
      • record.
      • Name
     -  PhixFlow sets the Name attribute to be the display name. In data grids and forms etc. PhixFlow uses this attribute to provide a user-friendly name, rather than a numeric identifier. Optionally, change the attribute name
      • , a display name that is shown instead of the numeric UID in a view or form.
    1. To add attributes to the table:
      1. In the table, click 
        Insert excerpt
        . PhixFlow opens the attribute properties on the right, with the default settings of:
        • Type = String
        • Length = 50 characters.
      2. In the properties, enter the Name
    , Type and Length for the data; see Attributes.
    PhixFlow creates attributes with a Type or String and Length of 50 characters. Remember to select
      1. and select appropriate type properties
    for an attributes data
      1. , such as Date or Integer; see Attribute. The following data types have additional properties:
        • For String, add Length
        • For Integer, add Precision
        • For Decimal, add Significant Figures and Decimal Places
      2. Click 
        Insert excerpt
      1. _finish
      1. finish
      1.  to save the attribute properties.
    1. PhixFlow adds the attribute to the table in the ERD.

    Add an Existing Table

    1. In the
    table in the ERD.
    1. toolbar, click 
      Insert excerpt
    2. PhixFlow filters the repository to show the list of tables available in this application.
    3. Drag a table from the repository onto the ERD canvas. 

    Image Added

    Create Relationships

    In an ERD you can create a one-to-many relationship between a primary key in

    one table

    one table with an attribute in another table. For relationship concepts, see 

    Understanding ERDs

    Entity Relationship Diagrams.

    To create a relationship

    , click


    1. Click-drag from one attribute name to another.
    titleMore detail
  • Click on the source attribute.
  • Drag to the destination attribute.
    1. One of the attributes must be a primary key.
    2. PhixFlow highlights the attribute when your mouse pointer is over it. 
    3. When the destination attribute is highlighted, release the click.

    Image Added


    See the table below for the relationships that can be created between attributes



    Drag fromRelationship
    From table1To table2
    Table 1Table 2
    primary keyattribute



    Table1.primarykey →




    attributeprimary key
    table2.primarykey → table1.attribute


    manyprimary keytable headertable1.primarykey →


    Table2.primarykey → Table1.attribute

    if table1

    If Table1 has no primary key


    , PhixFlow makes the


    Table1.attribute the primary key.

    if table 1

    If Table1 has a primary key


    , the relationship is from


    Table1.primarykey instead of from


    the attribute being dragged.

    Relationship Restrictions

    PhixFlow cannot create a relationship between your selected attributes if your selected foreign key attribute: 

    • is already a foreign key to a different primary key.
    • has a different Data Type and type properties to the primary key.

    In these cases, PhixFlow reports an error: Related attributes must have the same type and length. This <type/length is different.

    If this happens, you can:

    • create a new attribute to be the foreign key.
    • change the foreign key attributes to match the primary key, provided there is no data in
    the table
    • the table.
    • create the relationship with a different attribute.

    To change the data type properties,


    in the ERD, click on an attribute to open its properties.

    Show Relationships From Other




    If you have created several


    ERDs to define the data structure that your application requires, then each ERD is a view onto a part of the full data structure. 

    If a table appears on more than one ERD it may have relationships with tables that are not visible in your current ERD. To see other related tables, right-click a table to show the


    popup menu and select:

    • Insert excerpt
    • Insert excerpt

    Saving ERDs

    Changes to tables, attributes and relationships are automatically saved. However, you must

    PhixFlow adds the related tables to your ERD. 

    To remove the related tables from your ERD, right click on each one and click 

    Insert excerpt




    To select multiple tables, draw a square around them. 

    Image Removed

    By default, relationships are straight lines, but you can change them to have angles (shown in the screenshot on the left).

    1. Click on a relationship line to add an angle point, which appears as a blue dot.
    2. Move the mouse pointer over the blue dot. It changes to a four-way arrow to indicate you can drag.
    3. Drag the point to the position you require. 

    To remove an unwanted angle, right-click the blue dot and select Remove Point (shown in the screenshot on the right).


    Insert excerpt_parent_parentnopaneltrue

    Basic Settings

    FieldDescriptionNameThe name for the ERD.


     to keep any changes you make to the layout, such as moving tables or adding angle points to relationships. PhixFlow notifies you if there are unsaved changes when you attempt to close an ERD.

    Rearranging ERDs

    To move tables around in the ERD, click on the header and drag the table. There are also Align options in the toolbar that you can use to line up or distribute selected tables.

    If you want to highlight the relationships that affect a table, click the table to select it. The following screenshot shows the Teacher table is selected.

    Image Removed

    • Blue lines indicate relationships to a foreign key in the selected table
    • Green lines indicate relationships from the primary key in the selected table.

    If a table has a lot of attributes that you do not need to see you can collapse the list to show only the table's primary and foreign keys.

    • either right-click on a table and select Hide attributes or Show attributes
    • or double-click on the table header.

    from the diagram.

    Saving ERDs

    Any changes you make on the ERD canvas are automatically saved. 

    Accessing Properties

    To access properties for:

    • the ERD: in the canvas toolbar click
      Insert excerpt
    description_descriptionnopaneltrue Insert excerpt_audit_audit
    • property_settings

    ERD Toolbar

    The toolbar is at the top of the canvas. Hover your mouse pointer over the toolbar to see a tooltip.

    CreateDrag this icon onto the canvas to create a table.ScreenCreates a new screen for the selected table.
    TablesClick to see a list available tables.ScreensClick to see a list available screens.
    SaveSave changes to the diagram. If there is no save icon, PhixFlow is saving changes automatically.Refresh

    Redraw the ERD to display recent changes to the diagram.

    PropertiesOpen the properties for the current diagram.

    Zoom out

    Zoom out to see more of the diagram, with smaller text.

    Zoom in

    Zoom in to see a smaller area of the diagram, with larger text.


    Select a grouped set of items and then click to ungroup them.

    Select several items then click to group them together.


    Select several items then click to group them together.


    For screen layout, move a component back.

    ForwardFor screen layout, bring a component forward.

    Align options

    Click/hover to show all the options for aligning items on the canvas.

    Align Grid

    Organise selected items into a grid pattern.

    Align left

    Align selected items to the left.

    Align right

    Align selected items to the right.

    Align top

    Align selected objects to the  top.

    Align bottom

    Align selected objects to the bottom.

    Distribute horizontally

    For 3 or more items, distributes the selected items evenly between the left and right items.

    Distribute vertically

    For 3 or more items, distributes the selected items evenly between the top and bottom items.

    Table Pop-up Menu

    You can access more options in a pop-up menu:

    in the table header, click  Insert excerpt_more_options_erd_more_options_erdnopaneltrue 
  • right-click anywhere in the table.
  • OptionRename to Description

    Configure Table

    Table properties

    Open the properties for this table.

    Remove this item from the Diagram

    Remove from ERD

    Remove the selected item(s) from the diagram.

    Hide AttributesHide attributesCollapse the table so that it only shows the table name, primary key and any foreign keys. Other attributes are hidden.Show AttributesShow attributesExpand the table to show all the attributesParmanently DeleteDelete everywhereDDelete the selected item(s) from the ERD and from everywhere it is used
    • tables: in the ERD, click on the table header or right-click to open the popup menu and select 
      Insert excerpt
    • attributes: in the table, click on an attribute

    PhixFlow opens the properties pane on the right.