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This page is for application designers who need to apply a background filter to the data that is displayed from streamtable.

The following layout components display data from a streamrecord:

  • a stream view
  • a card container.

In some cases, you may need to apply a filter on the stream table data that is displayed in the stream view or card container. This is called a background filter. The layout properties enable to you select several filter rules that combine to form a background filter.  This page explains how to set up a filter rule.

This properties tab is not available from the repository. It opens from the layout properties → Background Filter Rules section.

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Basic settings

Rule Expression

Enter an expression. If the expression is empty or evaluates to true, PhixFlow applies the selected Filter. To prevent the filter from being applied in specific conditions, enter an expression that evaluates to false.

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To select a filter:

  • either select a filter that already exists in the backing stream table for this layout component,
  • or click 
    Insert excerpt
     to look for a filter in the repository,
  • or click 
    Insert excerpt
     to create a new filter; see Filter.
OrderSpecify the order in which this filter rule is listed in the layout properties → Background Filter Rules grid. PhixFlow evaluates the filter rules in order and applies those that evaluate to true in order. 

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 to indicate the filter can be used. 

Stop if True

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 to stop PhixFlow evaluating any following filter rules when the Rule Expression evaluates to true. 
