Versions Compared


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Comment: Clarification on Grid Header Style in T1

This page is for installers or application designers who want import additional packages provided for PhixFlow.


Always check first. this will overwrite an existing theme and will lose any changes - Wording tbc

Installing Packages

Instructions on how to download and import a package


First installation - add packages.

Existing installation without them - add packages

Upgrade - DON'T redo

Additional Themes

PhixFlow provides additional Installing additional packages is part of the initial configuration of a new instance of PhixFlow. For a summary of what else to configure, with links to the relevant pages, see the Administration topic.


For any packages supplied by PhixFlow, you only need to install packages:

  • when you install PhixFlow for the first time
  • if the package has never been installed on an existing instance.

After an upgrade, do not re-install packages.


When you install a package on an instance of PhixFlow, the files and data it contains overwrites any existing files with the same name. This means you could lose any changes or customisation you have made.

For theme palettes, we recommend they are only installed once.

Installing Theme Palettes

PhixFlow provides additional theme palettes that you can use when designing an application. Each theme Theme palette contains a set of tiles ready-made components that you can drag in to create forms and buttons with a consistent look-and-feel; see About Themes.  For a demonstration that uses Theme 1, see PhixFlow Quick Start Guide.  For information about using Theme 2, see Using Theme 2 and Designing Applications with Theme 2 Course.

Theme 1 Palette

Download Package

What Theme 1 looks like

Link to using theme 1

Theme 2 Palette

Download package

What theme 2 looks like

Link to using theme 2This video shows how to install a palette using Theme 2 as an example.


Summary of the Video Instructions

  1. To download the Theme palette XML files, click the following links, then click the Download button in the file preview.
    • Theme 1 Palette Password: Theme1 


      The Grid Header Style in Theme 1 is called "T1 - Grid and Banner Header Style".

    • Theme 2 Palette Password: Theme2
  2. From the 
    Insert excerpt
    menu, select Import Options →  Import Configuration. Navigate to the downloaded package and select it. Click OK.
  3. Click 
    Insert excerpt
  4. The packages are encrypted and password protected. When prompted, enter the password for the them and click
    Insert excerpt
    . PhixFlow imports the package.
  5. Optionally, configure PhixFlow to use the palette by default. If you already have a default palette, check that everyone wants to use the new palette as the system default.
    • Either set the palette as the default for the entire system by selecting it in System Configuration → General Settings → Default Component Palette. All the applications you create will use Theme 2 automatically. You can still use tiles and components from other palettes.
    • Or set the palette for a specific application by selecting it in the application properties → Basic SettingsDefault Component Palette. Use this option if you want to use different palettes with different applications.