This page is provides the reference information for dashboard properties.
Create application screens by starting with a dashboard; see Creating or Opening a Screen.
PhixFlow opens existing screens locked, to prevent accidental editing. To edit a screen, Insert excerpt |
_layout_unlock | _layout_unlock | nopanel | true |
it:- either using the toolbar
- or right-click anywhere in the screen to display the pop-up menu.
This page has the reference documentation for dashboard Insert excerpt |
| _Banners |
| _Banners |
name | screen |
nopanel | true |
Open MaximisedBasic Settings
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the screen. |
ticktick open the screen maximised._checkboxuntickcheckbox_untick to open the screen as a pop-up window.Allow User to Resizecheckbox_tickcheckbox_tick to enable the application user, when running in appapp, to resize the screen.untickuntick keep the screen size fixed when running in in This option does not affect resizing the screen in designmodedesignmode.Show Toolbar | always has a toolbar with the screen name on the left and toolbar icons on the right. the toolbar in designmodedesignmode. The screen name is displayed. Toolbar icons are not displayed.untickuntick is the default as the toolbar is not required in Insert excerpt |
_design_mode | _design_mode | nopanel | true |
.Show Window Button Bar | ticktick display a Windows-style bar at the top of the screen. This has a maximise/restore button and a close button.
Image Removeduntickuntick have no Windows-style bar at the top of the screen.Always On Toptickticknopanel | true |
to keep the screen on top of other screens. This is useful for a pop-up window that you want a user to complete before returning to another screen. Insert excerpt |
_check_box_untick | _check_box_untick | nopanel | true |
to allow other screens to be displayed in front. Keep Data allow screen data to be referenced even after is closed. This is useful if an application user needs access to global data available in the system screen data is not required once the screen is closed.Preload | Screens, especially complex screens, can take some time to open, which can feel slow to the application user. Use this option when you need a screen to open quickly. Preloading screens adds to the time it takes PhixFlow to initially start up. For this reason we recommend you only preload screens that an application user will always want to open. preload when PhixFlow first starts. When the user then opens the screen, it displays immediately. The data itself may still take time to load preloadedPreloading is only loaded when the screen opens, and this may also take time to load. Cache Locally | If an application user is likely to require the same screen in different stages of a task. Use this option so that, when the user closes and reopens the screen, it loads immediately.
Insert excerpt |
_check_box_tick | _check_box_tick | nopanel | true |
to cache the screen on the application user's client computer when the screen first opens. Insert excerpt |
_check_box_untick | _check_box_untick | nopanel | true |
is the default. The screen does not need to be cached.Caching relates to the screen itself. Any data backing the screen will be reload each time the screen is opened.
Open on Startup | Todo - not yet implemented
You may have a screen that acts as your application's welcome window. Use this option to open a screen whenever the application starts.
Insert excerpt |
_check_box_tick | _check_box_tick | nopanel | true |
to open the screen when the application starts. Insert excerpt |
_check_box_untick | _check_box_untick | nopanel | true |
is the default. The screen is opened by a user action within the application. Position | For screens that are not set to Open maximised. By default, pop-up screens are opened floating centrally. If you want a screen to open with a fixed position, select one of the drop-down options: - Pinned to top
- Pinned to bottom
- Pinned to left
- Pinned to right
- Floating (default)
Width | For screens that are not set to Open maximised, specify a screen width in pixels, for example 500px for a small confirmation window. The default size for a pop-up screen approximately 800px. |
Height | For screens that are not set to Open maximised, specify a screen height in pixels, for example 150px for a small confirmation window. The default size of a pop-up screen is approximately 500px. |
Top | Available when Position is Floating. For screens that are not set to Open maximised, set an offset value in pixels to position the screen where it is required. For example, to display a screen as a pop-up window towards the top left of the screen set: |
Left |
Right |
Bottom |
Dashboard Elements
This section lists the Dashboard Elements on this screen.PhixFlow creates dashboard elements when you use the pop-up menu Add Area... options to divide up the screen. In PhixFlow version 8.3 and earlier, dashboard elements enabled different parts of the screen to be bound to different sources of data, either a stream (table) or view.
Where dashboard elements are bound to data, you can link them, so that the data in one dashboard element drives the data in another; see Linked and Driving Views.
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons and:
Image Removed Show stream actions (record-actions) Insert excerpt |
_filter | _filter | nopanel | true |
The grid contains a list of menu items. To add a menu item to the list, click Insert excerpt |
_add | _add | nopanel | true |
click Insert excerpt |
_add | _add | nopanel | true |
Select - either Add a new sub-menu
- or Add a new menu item; see Menu
PhixFlow opens a new properties tab for a menu item or sub-menu; see Menu for details.To remove a menu, use the toolbar button Insert excerpt |
_delete | _delete | nopanel | true |
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.
Components on the screen, such as buttons or data-components, can have actions or stream-item actions. Stream-item actions can take data from attributes in different streams (tables) or views. Where the attributes have different names, you must map the attribute, so that the stream-item action recognises the data. This grid contains a list of mappings for the components on this screen.
To configure a mapping, in the screen, right-click a component and select Insert excerpt |
_mapping | _mapping | nopanel | true |
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons. The grid displays a list of actions and stream item actions (record-actions) that are linked to the screen.
Insert excerpt |
_access | _access | nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
_description | _description | nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
_audit | _audit | nopanel | true |
There is a toolbar above the screen canvas. This provides the following options:
List options |
Insert excerpt |
_tables | _tables | nopanel | true |
Open the repository showing the list of available tables for your application. | Insert excerpt |
_screen_toolbar | _screen_toolbar | nopanel | true |
Open the repository showing the list of available screens for your application. | Insert excerpt |
_actionflow | _actionflow | nopanel | true |
Open the repository showing the list of available actionflows for your application. | Insert excerpt |
_palette | _palette | nopanel | true |
Open the list of palettes. | Insert excerpt |
_styles | _styles | nopanel | true |
Open the repository showing the list of available styles for your application. | Canvas options |
Insert excerpt |
_help | _help | nopanel | true |
Open the help topic with details about working with screens. | Insert excerpt |
_property_settings | _property_settings | nopanel | true |
Open the properties tab for the screen. | Insert excerpt |
_layout_unlock | _layout_unlock | nopanel | true |
or Insert excerpt |
_layout_lock | _layout_lock | nopanel | true |
Unlock a screen to edit its layout.
Lock a screen to _refresh | _refreshRight-click on a screen to display its pop-up menu. The options available depend on where you click. If there are many options, some are moved onto the sub-menuUpdate the screen to reflect changes made elsewhere in PhixFlow, such as the screen properties, layer orders or shared styles. | screenscreenMenu option | Description Options.layout_unlocklayout_unlockUnlock a screen to edit its layoutlayoutlocklayoutlockLock a screen to prevent accidental edits and to display the data content. | contextparameterscontextparametersFor dashboards created in PhixFlow versions 8.3 and earlier, open a window listing the context parameters in alphabetical order.elementshowelementshowFor dashboards created in PhixFlow versions 8.3 and earlier, open the properties for the dashboard elementabove_aboveTo remove a pane, use the pop-up menu options Use these options to divide a screen into multiple, resizable panes. Select the option to add a pane relative to the currently selected pane.
deletedeletePanearearightarearight_area_below | nopanel | true Insert excerpt |
_area_below | arealeftarealeftarealock_widtharealock_widthFix the height or width of the selected pane. You will no longer be able to resize a pane by dragging its dividing line_area_lock_height | _area_lock_heightdeletedeleteOther delete options that may be available relate to specific types of component in the selected paneWhen a specific component is selected, delete the component.
delete_itemdelete_item Delete options depend on item. Examples aredeleteitemdeleteitem selected objectsdeleteitemdeleteitem panedeleteitemdeleteitem form Insert excerpt |
_element_delete | _element_delete | nopanel | true |
Delete a dashboard elementformnewformnewCreate a new form in the current areapinunpinpinunpinPin a component to fix its position; see Pinning and UnpinningpalettepaletteOpen the palette to drag in componentsautosizeautosize Note |
Using this option, or manually resizing a component may change the state of the Layout → Style Settings → Auto Size propertyToggle whether or not the currently selected component is automatically auto sized when an application window is resized by the user.
arrangecomponentsarrangecomponentsOptions to arrange the selected components within a pane:alignleftalignlefttruealign_rightalign_rightalign_topalign_topalignbottomalign_bottomnopanel | true |
distributehorizontaldistributehorizontaldistributeverticaldistributeverticaltruerepositoryfindrepositoryfindOpen the repository with to see the selected component in the list. This can be useful if you want to move a componentscreenproperties_screen_properties | nopanel | true |
Open the properties tab for the screen. | Insert excerpt |
_record_show | _record_showDisplay information about the stream (table) and its (stream items) recordsmappingmappingOpens a new mapping element properties tab where you can map attributes with different names to components. | Insert excerpt |
_children | _children | nopanel | true |
For the selected parent container, select all the child components. | Insert excerpt |
_table_properties | _table_properties | nopanel | true |
or Show the Stream ConfigurationOpen the properties for the stream (table). | Insert excerpt |
_attributes_show | _attributes_show | nopanel | true |
Show the list of attributes that are bound to the component. The attributes can be from a stream or view. This is shown in the option:
Insert excerpt |
_attributes_show | _attributes_show | nopanel | true |
for stream (table)<name>attributesshowattributesshow for view <name> HTML Comment |
Unreachable Actions
A workflow can have placeholder actionflows linked to a dashboard. If the actionflow has not been wired then it is listed here.