Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Use a file collector to specify the structure, content, naming patterns and location of files of data. When you run the file collector, PhixFlow imports the data. You can also use a file collector to process files inside compressed file archives such as zip files; see Handling Compressed Files, below.

You can also use a file collector to import email messages and their attached files; see Reading Data From an Email Account for details.

To open a file collector's property tab, double-click on:

  • the file collector name in the repository
  • the file collector icon in a model.

Before running a model, you must upload files that do not already exist on the PhixFlow server. For example you may have CSV or Microsoft Excel files saved to your computer or the network.

  • In the property tab, set the Input Directory Expression.
  • In the model, right-click on the file collector icon to open the context toolbar.
  • Click  Insert excerpt_upload_file_upload_filenopaneltrue.
  • PhixFlow opens a file browser. Find and select the file.
  • Click  Insert excerpt_upload_file_upload_filenopaneltrue. Insert excerpt_standard_settings_standard_settingsnopaneltrue
    titleSections on this page

    Table of Contents

    File Collector Properties

    Basic Settings

    FieldDescriptionNameEnter a name for this file collector.Auto Configuration

    This check box is available for a new file collector that has not been configured. It is ticked by default.

    Insert excerpt_check_box_ticked_check_box_tickednopaneltrue to load an Excel spreadsheet and automatically configure the file collector and stream properties using the data in the spreadsheet


    Use a file collector to specify the structure, content, naming patterns and location of files of data. When you run the file collector, PhixFlow imports the data. You can also use a file collector to process files inside compressed file archives such as zip files; see Handling Compressed Files, below.

    You can also use a file collector to import email messages and their attached files; see Reading Data From an Email Account for details.

    To open a file collector's property tab, double-click on:

    • the file collector name in the repository
    • the file collector icon in a model.

    Before running a model, you must upload files that do not already exist on the PhixFlow server. For example you may have CSV or Microsoft Excel files saved to your computer or the network.

    1. In the property tab, set the Input Directory Expression.
    2. In the model, right-click on the file collector icon to open the context toolbar.
    3. Click 
      Insert excerpt
    4. PhixFlow opens a file browser. Find and select the file.
    5. Click 
      Insert excerpt

    Insert excerpt

    titleSections on this page

    Table of Contents

    File Collector Properties

    Basic Settings

     to switch off auto-configuration. More file collector properties become available so that you can specify details about the file. You also need to add the stream and pipe to the model.Select the root directory on the PhixFlow server in which the file collector looks in for input files. The directory locations are specified in the System Configuration tab → System Directories section. 

    Specified Directory

    For files that are already stored in a known location on the PhixFlow Server. When you run the file collector PhixFlow will extract data from files in this directory and save the data to the server location specified in System Configuration tab → System Directories →  Import File Location.

    If you do not want to use the Import File Location, select Specified directory and   Ignore base directory

    Managed File

    Use for files that you have on your local machine or the network. Upload the file before attempting to run the collector. PhixFlow uploads the file to the server, in the location specified in System Configuration tab → System Directories →   File Upload Directory. When you run the file collector, PhixFlow extracts the data from the files in this location.

    Can have values:

    All Files in Folder: read all files matching the pattern specified in File Pattern Expression.

    Read File Paths: read in file path names from a collector or stream.

    This input database
    NameEnter a name for this file collector.
    Auto Configuration

    This check box is available for a new file collector that has not been configured. It is ticked by default.

    Insert excerpt
     to load an Excel spreadsheet and automatically configure the file collector and stream properties using the data in the spreadsheet; see Easy Loading for Excel Spreadsheets, below.

    Insert excerpt
     to switch off auto-configuration. More file collector properties become available so that you can specify details about the file. You also need to add the stream and pipe to the model.

    Insert excerpt
     to indicate you have completed the properties and the file collector is ready to use.
    Source Type
    Select whether or not the file is already on the PhixFlow server.

    Specified Directory

    Use for files that are already stored on the PhixFlow server. By default, PhixFlow assumes files are in the System Configuration → System Directories → Import File Location, or a subdirectory of it. You must also specify the relative path to the file(s) in the Input Directory Expression.

    If your file is not in the Import File Location, select Specified directory and tick Ignore base directory. In this case you must also specify the full path to the file(s) in the Input Directory Expression.

    See also Input Directory Expression and Ignore base directory, below.

    Managed File

    Use for files that you have on your local machine or the network. 
     PhixFlow loads the file to its System Configuration → System Directories→ File Upload Directory. You can optionally specify a sub-directory of the File Upload Directory using the Tag property.

    For a managed file, you must load the file before running the file collector.

    titleHow to load a managed file
    1. In the analysis model, hover your mouse pointer over the new file collector to display the pop-up toolbar.
    2. Click
      Insert excerpt
    3. In the file explorer, find your file and click Open.
    4. In the Upload Managed File window, click the 
      Insert excerpt

    If you have selected Auto Configuration, PhixFlow automatically starts the process for loading a managed file; see Easy Loading for Excel Spreadsheets, below.

    Insert excerpt
    EnabledTick to indicate you have completed the properties and the file collector is ready to use.
    Source Type
    Insert excerpt
    Number of Header LinesEnter the number of lines in the header of the file. These are ignored when reading the file. (This option is not available for Binary File, XML and HTML file types).
    File Type
    Can have values:

    Comma Separated Values: fields are delimited by a comma, (or other character).

    Fixed Length Records: fields have a fixed column width.

    Binary File: Data is extracted from the file using a Binary File Grammar (in XML) specified in the File Format Description tab.

    File Details Only: Only attribute details about the file itself will be available.

    Excel Spreadsheet: Data is extracted from the an excel spreadsheet supporting a .xls or .xlsx extension.


    .xlsx type excel files containing in excess of 10,000 rows are not supported by PhixFlow and should not be imported using a file collector.

    XML File: Data is extracted from an XML file.

    HTML File: Data is extracted from an HTML file.

    For information about the PhixFlow internal variables you can use to specify the attributes you want, see File Collector Attributes, below.

    Next Sequence

    Available when File Location Strategy is All Files in Folder.

    Enter the next sequence number expected to be found within the name of the file being imported.

    Allow Non-Scheduled CollectionIf this is turned on, then the collector will run as part of any ad-hoc Analysis Engine run which requires this data. If not, it will only run as part of a scheduled task under the Analysis Engine.
    FTP SiteThe FTP Site on which the import file is stored. If no site is specified then the file is assumed to be on the local machine. If a site is specified then all directory paths specified on this form should be the full path to the file since the base directory specified in system configuration is ignored (since the base directory is specific to the local machine).

    File Location Strategy

    Number of Header LinesEnter the number of lines in the header of the file. These are ignored when reading the file. (This option is not available for Binary File, XML and HTML file types).
    File Type
    Can have values:
    • Comma Separated Values: fields are delimited by a comma, (or other character).
    • Fixed Length Records: fields have a fixed column width.
    • Binary File: Data is extracted from the file using a Binary File Grammar (in XML) specified in the File Format Description tab.
    • File Details Only: Only attribute details about the file itself will be available.
    • Excel Spreadsheet: Data is extracted from the an excel spreadsheet supporting a .xls or .xlsx extension.


      .xlsx type excel files containing in excess of 10,000 rows are not supported by PhixFlow and should not be imported using a file collector.

    • XML File: Data is extracted from an XML file.
    • HTML File: Data is extracted from an HTML file.

    For information about the PhixFlow internal variables you can use to specify the attributes you want, see File Collector Attributes, below.

    Next Sequence

    Available when File Location Strategy is All Files in Folder.

    Enter the next sequence number expected to be found within the name of the file being imported.

    Allow Non-Scheduled Collection

    Insert excerpt
     to run the file collector as part of any analysis run that requires this data. 

    Insert excerpt
     to only run the file collector as part of a scheduled task.

    FTP SiteSpecify the FTP Site on which the import file is stored. If no site is specified then the file is assumed to be on the local machine. If a site is specified then all directory paths specified on this form should be the full path to the file since the base directory specified in system configuration is ignored (since the base directory is specific to the local machine).

    File Location Strategy

    Input Directory

    Select one of:

    • All Files in Folder: read all files matching the pattern specified in File Pattern Expression.
    • Read File Paths: read in file path names from a collector or stream.

    This input database collector or stream must be attached to the file collector by a lookup pipe with no index set. The attribute of the input stream or collector which contains the file path names is specified in the field: File Name Attribute. The value entered into this field should be plain text, e.g. myFilePaths but not quoted "myFilePaths".

    Each file path name is interpreted as a pathname relative to the Import Directory. A path name may be a simple file name, or it may have multiple levels of directory. Compressed files are interpreted as directories. On Linux and Windows platforms, the directory separator must be forward-slash /  not  backslash \ . Do not include a leading forward-slash /, for example: 'abc.csv' or 'dir1/'

    • Read Names: This option is deprecated.

    Read in file locations from a collector or stream. This input collector or stream must be attached to the file collector by a



    with no index set

    . The attribute of the input stream or collector which contains the file

    path names is specified in the field: File Name Attribute. The value entered into this field should be plain text, e.g. myFilePaths but not quoted "myFilePaths".

    Each file path name is interpreted as a pathname relative to the Import Directory. A path name may be a simple file name, or it may have multiple levels of directory, including compressed files (which will be interpreted as directories). The directory separator must be '/' (forward-slash), and not '\' (back-slash), even on a Windows platform. There should be no leading '/'.

    E.g. 'abc.csv', 'dir1/'
    Please note that once an attempt is made to read a file via the Read Paths method, the stream will not attempt to re-import the contents of that file if instructed to do so during another analysis run, even if the original import failed.
    Please also note that the stream containing the file paths will not run automatically in this situation, and so must be added to a taskplan if it is required to run it before the file collector stream.

    Read Names: This option is deprecated.

    Read in file locations from a collector or stream. This input collector or stream must be attached to the file collector by a pipe. The attribute of the input stream or collector which contains the file locations is specified in the field: File Name Attribute.


    This field is only available if the Source Type field is set to Managed File.

    Specify a directory using string literals only. Do not use PhixFlow variables.

    When files are uploaded by PhixFlow they are placed into a directory whose full path is a combination of the root File Upload Directory (specified in System Configuration on the System Directories tab), the tag value specified here and the Input Directory specified below (hard coded to 'in' for Managed files).
    For example, if the System Configuration File Upload Directory is set to C:\ManagedFiles and Tag is set to CVFiles then the File Collector will look within C:\ManagedFiles\CVFiles\in for files to process.

    If you are creating a file collector to load email messages and/ or attached files, you can specify a tag here if one has been provided in the subject line of the incoming emails. See Reading Data From an Email Account for further details.

    Ignore Base Directory

    This field is only available if Source Type = Specified Directory.
    Normally the base directory, specified in the "System Directories" tab of the "System Configuration" screen, is prepended to all directories specified on this form. However, if this flag is ticked then this does not happen and the directories specified on this form alone are used as the full path specifications for the import file.

    When Source Type is Specified Directory

    Specify a directory using string literals only. Do not use PhixFlow variables.

    If the Source Type is Specified Directory, files will be read from the directory specified in Input Directory Expression.

    Unless the flag Ignore Base Directory is ticked, the path specified in this field will be added to the default input directory root - this is specified in the System Configuration File Upload Location. If the flag locations is specified in the field: File Name Attribute.


    After a stream has attempted to read a file using Read File Paths, the stream will not attempt to re-read the contents of that file during another analysis run, even if the original import failed.

    This means the stream containing the file paths will not run during an analysis run. You must add it to a task plan in order to run it before the file collector stream.


    Available when Source Type field is Managed File.

    Specify a sub-directory of System Configuration → System Directories →  File Upload Directory using string literals only. Do not use PhixFlow variables.

    PhixFlow loads files into a directory whose full path is a combination of:

    • File Upload Directory, for example  C:\LoadedManagedFiles
    • Tag, for example CVFiles
    •  Input Directory - this is automatically set to in for managed files.

    For the example paths above, the file collector looks in the directory C:\LoadedManagedFiles\CVFiles\in

    If you are creating a file collector to load email messages and/or attached files, you can specify a tag here if one has been provided in the subject line of the incoming emails. See Reading Data From an Email Account for further details.

    Ignore Base Directory 


    Available when Source Type is Specified Directory.

    The base directory is set in System Configuration → System Directories → Import File Location.

    Insert excerpt
     to automatically prepend the Import File Location directory path to the directories specified in the file collector properties.

    Insert excerpt
    so that PhixFlow reads directories specified in the file collector properties as the full path to the file.


    For improved security, your administrator can set a System Configuration → System Directories → Restricted Directory. If it is set, PhixFlow will only load files from the Restricted Directory or a sub-directory of it. Even if you tick Ignore base directory, all directories specified in the file collector properties must be within the Restricted Directory

    Input Directory

    Specify the location of the files you want to load.

    When Source Type is Managed File

    This field contains a read-only value of in.
    PhixFlow reads files from the combined path: File Upload Directory + Tag +in

    When Source Type is Specified Directory

    Specify a path:
      - either to a directory relative to the Import File Location. PhixFlow reads files from the directory whose full path is a combination of Import File Location and the path specified here.
      - or, if Ignore Base Directory is ticked, the full path for the input directory must be specified.In fact, this field is an expression. This to the file(s).

    titleTips on specifying a directory in an expression

    This expression must evaluate to a plain text

    string. In the simple case, this will be text surrounded by


    Use string literals only.

    Always use forward-slash / rather than backslash \, even on Windows.

    Enclose the string in quotes, for example:

    Code Block
    Also, because this is an expression, you must always use / rather than \, even on windows platforms.

    You can

    Optionally include PhixFlow variables

    in this expression

    , for example



    Code Block
    "C:/data/address/input/" + _inputMultiplier

    Do not use wildcards. If you need to include wildcards or some other variable element in the resulting path,

    you must

    use the Directory Pattern Expression.

    If File Location Strategy



    •  All Files in Folder, PhixFlow
    will look If File Location Strategy =
    • Read Names, this is added to the start of the file location read from the file name attribute

    When Source Type is Managed File

    If the Source Type is Managed file, this will contain a non editable value of "in"
    This will be appended to the combined path of System Configuration File Upload Directory and Tag to give the input directory that files will be read from
    • .

    See also System Configuration for File Upload Directory and Import File Location.

    Pattern Expression

    Enter a regular expression to specify one or more relative paths from the Input Directory to its sub-directories. PhixFlow looks in the input directory and its sub-directories for files whose names match the File Pattern Expression.

    PhixFlow can recognise some compressed file types; see Handling Compressed Files, below. PhixFlow treats these compressed files as a matching sub-directory.

    Internal Variables

    You can use the following PhixFlow internal variables in this expression:

    • _fromDate: the start date of the period of the stream being processed.
    • _toDate: the end date of the period of the the stream being processed.

    The Input Directory specifies three directories:
        'region1/teamA'; 'region1/teamB'; 'region2/teamA'

    To load files from all regions for teamA only, enter:  ".*/teamA/"
    To load files for all teams in region 1 only, enter:  "region1/.*"

    Insert excerpt

    Exclude Dir.
    Pattern Expr.

    If the Directory Pattern Expression includes some sub-directories that you do not want to search, enter a regular expression that will exclude those sub-directories.

    Internal Variables

    You can use the following PhixFlow internal variables in this expression:

    • _fromDate: the start date of the period of the stream being processed.
    • _toDate: the end date of the period of the the stream being processed.

    Input Directory has the sub-directories:
        'region1/teamA'; 'region1/teamB'; 'region2/teamA'
    Directory Pattern Expression is:  ".*"
    This means PhixFlow will load all files from all regions.

    To exclude files from teamB, enter the expression:  ".*/teamB/"

    Insert excerpt

    Pattern Expression

    Available when File Location Strategy is All Files in Folder.

    Enter a regular expression that will match one or more files in the Input Directory, in order to generate a list of files to load.

    PhixFlow uses the File Pattern Expression combined with the fields that specify the directories in which to look. This means PhixFlow:

    • looks in directories specified in the Input Directory
    • and looks in sub-directories specified the Directory Pattern Expression
    • but ignores sub-directories that have been excluded by the Exclude Dir Pattern Expr.

    If the specified directories contain no files that match the regular expression, the file collector will not load any files.

    Internal Variables

    You can use the following PhixFlow internal variables in this expression:

    • _fromDate: the start date of the period of the stream being processed.
    • _toDate: the end date of the period of the the stream being processed.
    • %SEQ%: the current sequence number.

    An Input Directory, inputRecords.txt, contains multiple files. To load:

    • a single file called inputRecords.txt, enter: "inputRecords.txt"
    • all the files, enter:  ".*"
    • files with the extension .txt, enter: ".*\\.txt"
    • files whose names start with teamA, enter: "teamA.*"
    • files with the format record_yyyy-MM-dd.txt, where yyyy-MM-dd is the current date, such as
    • record_2013-03-26.txt, enter:  "record_" + toString(now(),"yyyy-MM-dd") + "\\.txt"

    You can also load files with name contained in the list of files uploaded by the Stream Action which caused the File Collector to run. The stream action must it must have a Context Value called 'f' with the value expression '_files'.

    In this case, enter the file pattern expression:  "("+listToString(_context.f,"|")+")"

    Insert excerpt

    Archive Directory Expression

    Optionally, enter an expression for a directory path. The expression must resolve to a Regular Expression.


    To enter a plain text directory as an expression:

    • enclose the path in quotes
    • use forward slash / as a separator, even for paths on a Windows platform, for example, "C:/data/address/directory/".

    The Archive Directory Expression is the location to which all files processed by the file collector will be written.

    The Error Directory Expression is the location to which any files that cause an error during processing will be written.

    Error Directory
    Local Archive Directory

     Available Available when FTP Site is specified.

    Specify whether the archive directory is on the PhixFlow server (local) or on the original server.


    If you have uploaded a file to the file collector, when you run analysis, PhixFlow reads the data into the file collector's stream and then archives the uploaded data. This means the file collector no longer has any data. If you subsequently run analysis again, the stream set will be empty. To keep the data in the file collector, you must do one of the following:

    • do not specify an archive directory
    • upload the file to the file collector again
    • once the data is in the stream, make the stream, or the pipe to the stream, static.

    Local Error DirectoryAvailable when FTP Site is specified. Specify whether the error directory is on the PhixFlow server (local) or on the original server.


    Maximum FilesEnter the maximum number of files that PhixFlow will process when the file collector runs.
    Minimum FilesEnter the minimum number of files that PhixFlow expects to find when the file collector runs. If fewer files are found then this is treated as an error.
    Max Records Per FileEnter the maximum number of records that PhixFlow will read from each file.

    Errors Before Rollback

    The maximum number of errors PhixFlow will permit during the processing of a file before. Once this number has been exceeded, PhixFlow will abandon the attempted file load; see Error Handling below.

    Parallel ReadersEnter the number of files to process in parallel. If blank, this defaults to 1. If the file collector is configured to read files in sequence, this field is ignored and a single file reader is used.
    Unreadable DirectoriesSelect what PhixFlow will do if there are unreadable directories when it is searching a directory hierarchy for files to import.
    • Error: the search fails and the unreadable directories are reported in the log.
    • Warning: the search continues and unreadable directories are reported in the log.
    • Ignore: the search continues and unreadable directories are ignored.
    XPath ExpressionAvailable when File Type is XML File or HTML File.

    Enter valid XPath syntax. For information about how to use XPath expressions and how to use the returned data in the corresponding stream attribute expressions, see XPath Examples.

    Character Set
    Insert excerpt
    Column Separator
    Insert excerpt
    Separator Character
    Insert excerpt
    Quote Style

    Insert excerpt

    Quote Character
    Insert excerpt

    Ignore Extra Columns

    Available when File Type is Comma Separated Values.

    Insert excerpt
     PhixFlow will not report an error if the record being read  contains more columns than expected.

    Insert excerpt
    PhixFlow report will report an error if there are too many columns; see Error Handling below.

    Ignore Missing Columns

    Available when File Type is Comma Separated Values.

    Insert excerpt
     PhixFlow will not report an error if the record being read contains fewer columns than expected.

    Insert excerpt
     PhixFlow will report an error if there are too few columns; see Error Handling below.

    Import Rows MatchingEnter an expression that PhixFlow compares to each line in the file against the expression. Only lines that match are imported.
    Replace Text MatchingIn each imported line, find all occurrences of the expression that you enter in Replace Text Matching and replace it with the  expression that you enter in With.
    Excel Data Range Expression
    Available when File Type = Excel Spreadsheet.

    Leave this field blank or enter an expression for the spreadsheet data range that PhixFlow will look in. The data that PhixFlow extracts from the range is defined in the File Columns section, below. The expression can specify:

    • blank: PhixFlow looks at the whole first worksheet in the Excel file, even if this is a hidden sheet. 
    • columns on the first worksheet, for example, "A:C"
    • columns and rows on the first worksheet, for example, "A1:G10"
    • the worksheet and data range, with the format "WorksheetName!TopLeftCell:BottomRightCell", for example, "DailyCalls!A1:G100"

    You cannot specify:

    • only a worksheet.
    • columns for a specified worksheet.

    If the worksheet name contains:

    • spaces, you must enclose the name in single quotes, for example My Sheet is expressed as "'My Sheet'!A1:G10"
    • single quotes, you must
      • enclose the whole name in single quotes
      • and use two single quotes (apostrophes).
        For example Gary'sSheet is expressed as "'Gary''s Sheet'!A1:G100"

    Use the internal variable _worksheets to list all worksheets that PhixFlow found in the file.

    titleSimple Examples

    To specify the Daily Calls worksheet, columns A to G, rows 1 to 10:

    "'Daily Calls'!A1:G10"

    To specify different areas from the same worksheet, or multiple worksheets:

    ["'Daily Calls'!A1:G100", "A1:B20", "'Monthly Totals'!A1:C100"]

    To specify John's Data worksheet, columns A to G, rows 1 to 10, escaping the space and apostrophe:

     "'John''s Data'!A1:G10" 

    titleExample using _worksheets

    To examine the list of worksheets that have been found and specify ranges for only certain sheets, if they exist. The worksheet names contain spaces and/or single quotes.

    Code Block
    do (
        $rangeList = [],
        forEach($sheet, _worksheets,
            if ( listContains(["sheet A", "sheet'B"], $sheet),
                    $safeSheet = "'" + replaceAll($sheet, "'", "''") + "'",
                    $range = $safeSheet + "!A1:B10",
                    addElement($rangeList, $range)

    This expression evaluates to the list of a maximum of two ranges, if both worksheets sheet A and sheet'B exist. If a sheet is not found, the range is not be included.

    This is important for error handling. If you specify a range that is not in the Excel file, PhixFlow will error. If you are not sure that a worksheet will always be included, write an expression like this to check, and only specify the range when the sheet is found.

    To ensure PhixFlow recognises the generated ranges as valid, you must use $safeSheet, as this doubles any embedded single quotes and wraps the result in single quotes.

    Ignore Undefined Values
    Available when File Type is Excel Spreadsheet. When importing the file:

    Insert excerpt
     PhixFlow ignores all unsupported Excel values such as #N/A, #REF! #DIV/0 and replaces them with null values. When the import is complete, PhixFlow displays a single warning message stating the number of unsupported cell values with details about the first unsupported cell value.

    Insert excerpt
     PhixFlow attempts to import all the values that it finds. PhixFlow reports individual warning or errors in the console for any unsupported Excel values. If the import exceeds the maximum number of errors/warnings, PhixFlow ends the process and the import will fail.
    Maximum Excel File Size (MB)

    Specify the maximum file size, in megabytes, to process. This prevents upload attempts on excessively large files from slowing down the server.

    The default is 0, which means no restriction. Specify a number greater than 0, for example 500, to prevent the file collector from processing files larger than this size.

    File Password

    Available if File Type is Excel Spreadsheet.

    If you are reading a spreadsheet which is password protected, enter the password here so that the file can be unlocked.

    Confirm Password

    Available when File Type is Excel Spreadsheet.

    If you are reading a spreadsheet which is password protected, confirm the password here so that the file can be unlocked.
    Log Traffic

    Insert excerpt

    • Log File Collector Traffic : when ticked, PhixFlow always logs the number of records read from files by file collectors, whatever is set here.

    Insert excerpt

    File Columns

    Available when File Type is Comma Separated Values, Fixed Length Records and Excel Spreadsheet. Enter the attributes of the data columns that you want to extract from the input file. The grid has the standard toolbar and the extra buttons:

    • Insert excerpt
       Once you have uploaded a file, automatically populate the File Columns grid with the data attributes. 
      PhixFlow samples some rows in the file to determine the values to use.
    • Insert excerpt
      Open a repository tab listing all the streams.
    • Insert excerpt
      Open a repository tab listing all the file collectors.

    To add attributes, click

    Insert excerpt
     and to edit an attribute double-click on a row in the grid. PhixFlow opens an attribute form.


    Enter the name of the column, which can contain any combination of letters, numbers and _ the underscore character.

    If you use  

    Insert excerpt
    PhixFlow uses data in the first row of a file to generate column names. Any invalid characters are stripped out. 

    PhixFlow always uses this name to refer to this attribute.


    Enter a number that matches the column number in the input file. For example, if you want to extract the third, first and fifth column of data from a file, the three rows in this grid will have the order:

    • 3
    • 1
    • 5
    Enter one of the data types:

    If you use  

    Insert excerpt
     , PhixFlow uses the type it recognises from the data, or String.


    Enter the maximum length of the field in the input file

    • For String, the maximum length of the string
    • For Integer, the maximum number of digits.

    This is:

    • required when File Type is Fixed Length Records
    • optional when File Type is Comma Separated Values or Excel Spreadsheet, as only the field sizes of the fields in the stream that this collector will write to are important.

    If you use  

    Insert excerpt
     , PhixFlow uses the length of the longest record that PhixFlow has seen. As PhixFlow does not check all the records, longer fields may exist in the CSV file.

    XML Namespaces

    This section is available when File Type is XML. It has a toolbar with standard buttonsThe grid contains a list of the namespaces defined in an XML response.

    To add a namespace to the list, click 

    Insert excerpt
    . PhixFlow opens a new XML Namespace properties tab. To remove a namespace, use the
    Insert excerpt
     in the toolbar.

    File Format Description

    Available when File Type is Binary File. Enter details about the binary input file format and the data you want to extract.

    Validate File Format

    Tick to indicate you have completed the properties and the XML description matches the file format.

    Stream Item Node

    Enter an expression for a string or list of strings. Each string is a node name in the binary file that will generate an output record.


    For a single output record, enter:


    For a list of output records, enter:


    File Format DescriptionEnter an expression, using XML XML Binary File Grammar, describing the format of data in the file.

    Error Handling

    All the properties that support error handling are documented individually above; this is a summary of these features, and what to consider when designing the error handling needed for the files you are loading.

    Ignore Missing Columns

    If you tick Advanced → Ignore Missing Columns  you will still import rows which are missing columns. The missing columns will give you blank values in the stream for the missing fields.

    However, PhixFlow starts lining columns up from the left, based on the idea that if there are missing columns, they will be missing from the right hand side. This means if columns are missing from somewhere in the middle or at the beginning of the line, the line may fail to import if the data types don't line up. However, this is not an error trap,  it is arbitrary - if you think lines might be missing values in the middle or at the beginning of lines you should be careful about using this option – in any case, you will need further validation.

    Ignore Extra Columns

    If you tick Advanced → Ignore Extra Columns - again, this assumes that extra columns will appear on the right. If they appear in the middle or at the beginning of the row, the row may or may not import depending on how the data types of the resulting record line up with a standard record. Again, if you think this may occur, you need further validation.

    Errors Before Rollback

    If you set a number in Advanced → Errors Before Rollback – providing that, across the run (not individual files), the error count is less than the threshold you have set - this will load all records that are not in error. You will get a warning message about any that fail in the console – with the file name, and details of the line that failed. But these are essentially discarded from the import. These files will then be placed in the archive directory.

    If, across the run, the threshold is reached – all files that have been processed up to that point will be placed in the error directory, including files don’t contain errors (because these are associated with a failed run). The run will be in error - that is, a red line in the console, the resulting data set for the run (the stream set) will be invalid, and therefore not available to the next step in your process. Any files remaining after the error threshold was reached will remain, untouched, in the input directory.

    Supported Formats and Values

    Supported Date/Datetime Format Patterns

    The following formats are available for use in Date and Datetime type fields:

    Valid Date FormatsValid Datetime Formats
    dd/MM/yy dd/MMM/yy dd/MM/yyyy dd/MMM/yyyy dd-MM-yy dd-MMM-yy dd-MM-yyyy dd-MMM-yyyy MM/dd/yy MMM/dd/yy MM/dd/yyyy MMM/dd/yyyy MM-dd-yy MMM-dd-yy MM-dd-yyyy MMM-dd-yyyy yyyyMMdddd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss dd/MMM/yy HH:mm:ss dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss MMM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss MMM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss MM-dd-yy HH:mm:ss MMM-dd-yy HH:mm:ss MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss MMM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss yyyyMMdd.HHmmss

    The symbols used in these formats are explained in the following table

    Mmonth of yearmonthJul; 07
    dday of monthnumber10
    Hhour of day (0~23)number0
    mminute of hournumber30
    ssecond of minutenumber55

    The number of letters used in the pattern determines the format.

    • Number: The minimum number of digits. Shorter numbers are zero-padded to this amount.
    • Year: Numeric presentation for the year field are handled specially. For example, if the count of 'y' is 2, the year should be displayed as the zero-based year of the century, which is two digits.
    • Month: 3 or over, use text, otherwise use number.

    Supported TrueFalse Values

    The following values are available in upper, lower and mixed cases for use in the TrueFalse type field:

    Valid True ValuesValid False Values

    File Collector Attributes 

    You can use the following PhixFlow internal variables to specify the attributes you want to load using a file collector. These attributes are available for all file types.

    _fileNameThe name of the file.
    _lineNumberThe line number of the record within the file it was read from.

    The _lineNumber attribute is not available for file collectors of File Type is File Details Only.

    _modifiedDateThe datetime of when the file was last modified.

    The last modified time of a single file residing within a .gz or a .tgz container can not be determined by phixflow, instead the datetime of when the corresponding gz/tgz container was created will be returned.

    _pathThe full path to the file which is the result of concatenating the _rootDirectory and the _subDirectory values.
    _rootDirectoryThe root base directory (if specified) concatenated with the value evaluated in the Collectors 'Input Directory Expr' field.
    _sizeThe size of the file in bytes.

    The size of a single file residing within a .gz or a .tgz container can not be determined by phixflow, instead a size of -1 will be returned.

    _subDirectoryThe sub-directory relative to the _rootDirectory in which the corresponding file resides.
    _worksheetThe name of the current worksheet of the Excel file. The _worksheet is only available if the File Type is Excel Spreadsheet.

    The Excel range expression that was used. The _range attribute is only available if the File Type is Excel Spreadsheet.

    Handling Compressed Files

    In the majority of cases a compressed file will just contain a single file. For example, simple zip file called would contain a single file named DailyCalls.csv.

    However, some compressed files contain directories, sub-directories, files and further compressed files. In such cases the compressed file can be thought of as a directory, and further, any compressed files within the compressed file can be thought of as directories in the directory structure inside the compressed file. Therefore, compressed files are treated like normal directories and obey the same rules when matching the Directory Pattern Expression and the Exclude Dir Pattern Expression. Similarly all directories, sub-directories, and compressed files within a compressed file will also be treated as normal directories when matching the Directory Pattern Expression and the Exclude Dir Pattern Expression. Files contained anywhere inside the directory structure in the compressed file (including files contained in a compressed file within the compressed file) are treated as normal files when matching the File Pattern Expression.

    Supported Compressed Files

    Compression TypeFiles ending with extensionDescription

    A zip archive created by either windows programs such as winzip etc or unix commands such as zip. For example, to create a compressed zip file called that includes a single file called dailyCalls_20120918.csv:

    zip dailyCalls_20120918.csv


    A tar archive created by the unix tar command. For example to create a tar file called dailyCalls.tar that includes a single file called dailyCalls_20120918.csv:

    tar -cvf dailyCalls.tar dailyCalls_20120918.csv 


    A gz archive created by the unix gzip command. For example, to create a compressed gz file called dailyCalls_20120918.csv.gz that includes a single file called dailyCalls_20120918.csv

     gzip dailyCalls_20120918.csv

    The unix gzip command always assumes the named container has a single file of the same name contained within.


    A joint tarred gz archive created by combining both the tar and gzip commands into a single command. For example, to create a compressed tgz file called dailyCalls.tgz that includes a single file called dailyCalls_20120918.csv:

    tar -cvzf dailyCalls.tgz dailyCalls_20120918.csv


    There is currently no support for rar type compressions.

    File Compression Examples

    The following table shows how each compressed file found will be treated given the following values for 'File Pattern Expression', 'Directory Pattern Expression' and the 'Exclude Dir Pattern Expression'.

    Compressed File NameCompressed File Sub SystemFile Pattern ExpressionDirectory Pattern ExpressionExclude Dir Pattern ExpressionMatching/Processed Files".*Calls10.*"".*

    Note that contains a compressed zip file called

    Note that Outer.tar.gz contains a tar container which in turn contains a compressed zip file called

    Easy Loading for Excel Spreadsheets 

    With PhixFlow, you can quickly and easily load all the data from a worksheet in an Excel file, without having to set all the different file collector and stream properties. 

    1. Drag a file collector into an analysis model.
    2. In the file collector properties, enter a name for the collector. Leave Auto Configure ticked.
    3. Hover your mouse pointer over the file collector and click 
      Insert excerpt
       Managed File.
    4. Find and select the Excel spreadsheet you want to load into PhixFlow. Click Open then 
      Insert excerpt
    5. For an .xlsx file only, PhixFlow prompts you to specify the worksheet that you want to upload to the file collector.
    6. PhixFlow automatically:
      • uploads the Excel data:
        • from the specified worksheet in an .xlsx file.
        • from the first worksheet in an .xls file.
      • sets the file collector properties
      • creates a stream
      • sets the stream properties, including adding attributes for each data column in the Excel spreadsheet.

    You cannot use the Auto Configure option to:

    • select specific Excel data columns to load
    • always load the latest version of an Excel worksheet when you run analysis on the model
    • load a data file that is not an Excel file.