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The toolbar includes the button to dashboarddisplaydashboard_display. dashboard the dashboard dashboard pop-up dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboards pop-up dashboard dashboards allow dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard Dashboards dashboards dashboard dashboards the dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboards dashboard right dashboard dashboards dashboards dashboards dashboard dashboards dashboard pop-up dashboard dashboards dashboard pop-up dashboard dashboards dashboard dashboard pop-up Dashboard Dashboard Elements the Screen Elements for available from the screen toolbar. For more information on Screen Elements and how to use them see: Screen Elements streamclick MenuMenu dashboard actions streamitem Streamitem streams the streamitem recognises dashboard dashboard dashboard and stream-item dashboard and stream-item configure dashboard Stream Streamitem-actionsaccessaccessdescriptiondescription streams dashboards dashboards dashboard_layout_layoutlayout_layout_ dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard Pop-up pop-up _layout_layout dashboard _layout_layout dashboard dashboards dashboards dashboard dashboard .To remove a pane, use the pop-up menu options deletedelete Pane.rightrightbelowbelowarea_leftarea_leftarea_lock_widtharea_lock_widthFix the height or width of the selected pane. You will no longer be able to resize a pane by dragging its dividing linearealock_heightarealock_heightdeletedeleteWhen a specific component is selected, delete the component.
Other delete options that may be available relate to specific types of component in the selected panedeleteitemdeleteitem Delete options depend on the selected item. Examples are:delete_itemdelete_itemToggle whether or not the currently selected component is automatically auto sized when an application window is resized by the user.
Show the list of attributes that are bound to the component. The attributes can be from a stream or view. This is shown in the option:
Unreachable Actions
A workflow can have placeholder actionflows linked to a dashboard. If the actionflow has not been wired then it is listed here.
Open on Startup
You may have a screen that acts as your application's welcome window. Use this option to open a screen whenever the application starts.