Create a simple app that maintains a list of contact details. To recap the steps in the video:
Create a simple app
- Go to the repository browser, and create an Application called
Contact Manager
- Under the new application, create an Analysis Model called
- In the analysis model, create a stream called
- Set the Period of the stream to Transactional
Add the following attributes to the stream:
*UID is a special field name. If you create an attribute with this name, PhixFlow knows that it must automatically increment this value when a new record is added to the stream.
The UID is a unique identifier for each record, and it used to link the two views on the dashboard in this example.- Within the repository browser under the application
, create a Dashboard calledContacts
- Open the configuration form for the stream
, and bring the new dashboard back to the front (you may need to use the grey menu bar at the bottom of the application to do this) - Drag the stream icon from the configuration form onto the dashboard, to create a Grid View
- Drag all attributes from the stream on to the header of the grid view
- Split the dashboard by adding a Horizontal Bar
- In the bottom pane, known as an Element, right click and select Create New Form
- Click on the pane (now you are actually clicking on the form, but it is currently empty), in the form configuration that opens enter the form name:
- Open the stream configuration:
- In the top pane, right click and select Show the Stream Configuration
- Drag all the attributes from the stream into the lower half of the dashboard - for each one, an edit field will be created
- Create an Add button:
- In the lower form, right click and select Open Palette → Basic Components
- From the palette, drag an button onto the form
- Set the Name of the button to
Add Contact
- Set the Action Type to Insert
Save your changes
The Name of the button is internal - it is a good idea to make this as descriptive as possible, so that you can find this in your configuration and it is clear what this does.
- Click on the text in the button - this will open the configuration form for the button Label
- Update the Display Text of the label to
- Save your changes to the label
- In the same way, add
buttons:- Update button:
- Name: Update Contact
- Action Type: Update
- Display Text of button label: Update
- Delete button:
- Name: Delete Contact
- Action Type: Delete
- Display Text of button label: Delete
- Update button:
- Link the two views:
- Drag the column header for
from the top grid view onto the bottom form - This automatically creates a Background Filter which determines the data that will be displayed.- This filter can be access by Right click the lower portion of the dashboard,
- Select Show Element Details
- Under Background Filter Rules, we can see the rule that has been create. This can be edited if necessary.
- Drag the column header for
Go into App Mode, try adding, updating and deleting some records.
Next video: 2. Styling Applications