Action Concepts
A stream has a set of Stream Item Actions (SIA). These represent the smallest, specific operation that can happen to the data in the stream.
You can configure one action to run on the data in different streams. This is because the action contains:
- a list of stream item actions (SIA) from different streams. The action can potentially run any of these SIA.
- with each SIA, is the rule that specifies the conditions for that SIA to be run.
To use a SIA in an action:
- Open the Action properties.
- In the toolbar of the Stream Item Action Rules section:
- either click to create a new SIA rule. Add New
- or click to open a repository list of streams. Stream Item Action (SIA)
Expand the branch for the stream, then drag its SIA into the action properties → Stream Item Action Rules grid.
Double-click on a SIA rule in the grid to open its properties.