Custom Confirmation Messages
Custom confirmation messages are useful for displaying extra information that may help the user make a decision to proceed or go back. Bespoke messages can be added to confirmation screens using dynamic text components to display information, such as, names or totals.
The below text is taken from 1.13 Confirmation Message Configuration.
Configuring Custom Messages
- On your confirmation screen, add dynamic text and static text components, as required, to create your message
- In this example, a number of static and dynamic text components have been used to create a message where the two company names can be dynamically mapped onto the screen
- Open the Actionflow containing the Confirmation Phase
- Within the Confirmation Phase, map the attributes from the initiator screen onto the dynamic text components, e.g. company name
- Create counts by configuring lookups to additional data, then using countElements within an Output Attribute on a action Calculate
- See below worked example for full details on how to do this
Configuring Multiple Confirmation Buttons
- On your confirmation screen, additional buttons can be added and configured with an Action Method of Other and an Action Type of Confirmation on their Actions tab
- On the Actionflow for the action, e.g. delete, ensure a Confirmation Phase is added before the Processing Phase, and that the Confirmation Phase contains an Open Screen action for the confirmation screen
- Right-click on the Configure button mappings Open Screen node and choose
- Create mappings for each confirmation button and click Confirm Mappings
- Hover over the
Worked Example
Here's a worked example using the Company Data (available from the Learning Centre).
In this example, we are using:
- A Company Management screen containing a grid of the Companies data and a card container of their associated Employees - this screen was created using the Multi-Tile template
- A Company Merger Pop up screen containing:
- two manual drop down fields of the company name's of the companies to be merged
- two string fields showing the company ID's of the companies to be merged
- a button to initiate the Actionflow - this screen was created using the Tile no Buttons template
- A Company Merger Confirmation screen containing a multiple static and dynamic text components, and buttons - this screen was created using the Confirmation template
- A Company Order Form screen containing form fields for the Orders data - this screen was created using the Edit Form template
If you are completing this chapter as part of the Actionflow course and using a training instance, the data and screens have already been pre-loaded into the Actionflow Advanced Application. For this example, we'll be working on the Company Merger Confirmation screen.
For this example, we'll add a custom confirmation message to a company merger Actionflow. If you have not completed 3.03 Bulk Update Action Configuration, expand the section below and follow the steps to create the company merger Actionflow.
Example 1: Custom Merger Message
In this example, a company acquisition screen requires a custom confirmation message to show the company names, and the quantities of employees and orders that will be affected by the merge.
Lookup Setup
- Open the Company Merger Confirmation screen and familiarise yourself with the components available
- Open the Actionflow on the Run Acquisition button on the Company Merger Pop up screen
- Add a Processing Phase
- Name:
Phase before the - Name:
- Select the CompanyMerger datasource as the Input
- Map into the Actionflow the four attributes from the screen:
- CompanyIDBeingAcquired
- CompanyIDDoingAcquiring
- CompanyNameBeingAcquired
- CompanyNameDoingAcquiring
- Setup a action that will be used to process the lookup data Calculate
- Configure lookups to retrieve the Employees and Orders for the company that is being acquired
Count and Open Screen Setup
Create two Output Attributes on the Calculate action that count the records being retrieved from the lookups
Create an output connector from the Caqlcxulate action, then clikc on the canvas to create an
Open Screen action for the Company Merger Confirmation screenHover over the Company Merger Confirmation
Open Screen action and click Confirm, then select anywhere on the canvas to connect to the Processing Phase
- Return to the Company Merger Pop up screen
- Select two companies from the drop downs and click Run Acquisition
- The Company Merger Confirmation screen should appear with the details of the selected companies mapped to the screen
- Choose Cancel or Confirm
Example 2: Multiple Confirmation Buttons
In this example, we'll configure a confirmation screen for a save company action that has two confirmation buttons - one button will just confirm the save and one button will confirm the save and create a new order for the company.
Lookup Setup
- Open the Actionflow on the Save button on the Company Form
- Rename the Processing Phase to Save Only Phase
- Add a new phase after, Name: Save and Add Phase
- Add a new phase before the Save Only phase, Name: Confirmation
Confirmation Phase Setup
- On the Confirmation Phase, configure an input of On Click
- Create an Open Screen action to open the Company Form Confirmation screen
- Right-click on the Configure button mappings Open Screen action and choose
- Create an additional mapping for the ConfirmAndAdd button
Hover over the
Open Screen action to see the two output connections, then connect Confirm to the Save Only Phase, and ConfirmAndAdd to the Save And Add Phase
Save and Add Phase Setup
- On the Save And Add Phase, configure an input of the CompanyForm datasource
- Map the CompanyID and CompanyName attributes into the Actionflow
- Set up a Save action to save data to the Companies table, ensuring Auto Save Attributes is toggled on
- Map the CompanyID attribute to the Save action
- Create an Open Screen action to open the Company Order Form screen
- On the Mappings between the Save and Open Screen actions:
- Map the CompanyName attribute from the input to the CompanyName attribute on the screen
- Map the CompanyID attribute from the table (not the input) to the Customer_ID attribute on the screen
The CompanyID attribute is mapped from the table and not the input because for a new company an ID is not created until the record is saved to the table. If the CompanyID attribute was mapped from the input, it would be populated when saving an existing company but blank when creating a new company
- Open the Company Management screen
- Select either Add or Edit to open the Company Form
- Enter/change details for a company and press Save
- The confirmation screen will open, choose Yes + Create Order
- This will save the company and open the Company Order Form populated with the company name and ID of the company just created/edited