Currently in draft. Requires technical input from Eleanor and context input from Skevi.
This page is for application designers who need to configure when a specific operation will change data in the stream.
Record-Action Concepts
To make changes to the data in a table use a record-action. Each record-action is a single operation that can happen to a record in the table. Record-actions can create, read, update or delete a record, so are sometimes called CRUD actions. To configure PhixFlow to perform several operations to the data record-actions directly to a table. Alternatively, to configure PhixFlow to perform several operations
- in one table, add a list of record-actions to a table or to a table-action associated with the table.
- in different tables, add a list of record-actions to an action that is not associated with a specific table. The record-actions affect the different tables.
An action/table-action can potentially run any of the record-actions in its list. To decide which record-action to run, create a rule associated with each record-action. When the rule evaluates to true, the record-action runs, making a change to the data in the table. See Record-Action and Record-Action Rule properties.
Creating a Stream Item Action Rule
To use a stream item action in an action and to add a rule for it:
- Open the Action properties.
- In the toolbar of the Stream Item Action Rules section:
- either click Add New to create a new stream item action rule.
- or click Stream Item Action (SIA) to open a repository list of streams.
Expand the branch for the stream, then drag its stream item action into the action properties → Stream Item Action Rules grid.
Double-click on row of the grid to open the stream item action rule properties.
Stream Item Action Rule Properties
Use the following properties to configure the conditions or rules under which the stream item action will run.
This properties tab is not available from the repository. It only opens from the Action properties.
For information about the properties toolbar, and about the sections Parent Details, Analysis Models, Description and Audit Summary, see Common Properties. We recommend you always add a Description that explains the purpose of the item you are creating.
For a full list of all the PhixFlow property tabs and windows, see Properties, Windows, Menus and Toolbars.
Basic Settings
Field | Description |
Stream Item Action | The name of the stream item action. To add or change the name, do one of the following:
Stop if True | If the following expression is true, stop the stream item action from running.?? If the expression is true run this action but do not evaluate any more stream item action rule expressions and do not run any more of the stream item actions. |
Expression | Enter an expression. Details?? The expression should evaluate to true or false and the action will run if true. If the expression is empty this is equivalent to true. Values are true or false according to the same rules as true/false stream attributes, except empty is true (but an expression that evaluates to null or empty string is false). |
Order | Specify the order in which this stream item action is listed in the action properties → Stream Item Action Rules grid. PhixFlow evaluates the stream item action in order and runs those that evaluate to true in order. |