This page is for data modellers and screen designers who want details on the Available Attributes window.
To display data from a table you use a view. For example, when you drag a table onto a screen canvas, PhixFlow asks if you want display the table's data as a grid, chart, card or form; these are all types of view. You can then select the attributes you want to appear in the view, as well as apply sorting and filtering; see Displaying Data (Views). Views can include attributes from different tables, provide the tables are related; see Entity Relationship Diagrams.
Whenever you create or edit the attributes in a view, PhixFlow displays the Available Attributes window.
The window lists:
on the left:
the current (base) table for the view
tables that have a relationship to the base table
Only related tables for the current application and its packages will show, even where related tables exist in other applications/packages.
on the right: the available attributes for the selected table.
To use the window,
From the current table, select the attributes you want to use in the view. To select, you can:
click into the tick box
click in one line then shift-click in another, to select multiple consecutive attributes
control-click to select multiple attributes that are not consecutive.
Drag the selected attributes to the destination. Depending on where you are working, the destination might be a view on a screen or a list of attributes in the view properties.
Click on the name of a related table to show the available attributes for that table.
Select any related attributes and drag them to the destination.
When you have finished, click X to close the window.
To redisplay the Available Attributes window:
In a screen, right-click on a view component and select Show Attributes...
In the view Properties tab, in the View Attributes section, click Show Attributes button.
To open the view properties:
In an ERD,
click on a table to open its properties.
In the Views section, click on a view name to open its properties.
In the repository:
Expand Tables → base table → Views.
Double-click the view name to open its properties.