PhixFlow new features and fixes are described in release notes. Each release has a version number with the format X.Y.Z, for example 7.9.3. Numbers ending in zero, for example 9.0.12, indicates a major release with significant changes. If Z is 1 or more, it indicates a minor release that contains security updates and bug fixes.

This page includes the release notes for:

To find information from previous release notes, see the Release help space, or search.

Release 11.3.1

Release 11.3.0

Release 11.2.2

Release 11.2.1

Release 11.2.0

Release 11.1.4

Release 11.1.3

Release 11.1.2

Release 11.1.1

Release 11.0.2

Release 11.0.1

Release 11.0.0

Release All 10.0+

Release All 9.0+