FooInput Connection Points



Actionflows can use data displayed on screens. This data can be manipulated within an actionflow and can be saved onto tables. Sometimes an actionflow does not require any data from the screen from which it is initiated. In this case, use the event as the input for the actionflow. An event is triggered by mouse-clicks (On-Click, Double-Click)  or keyboard presses (On-Enter). Connecting an event to an actionflow means the actionflow runs in response to the event, regardless of any data supplied.

Input Connection Points

Input Connection points are the interface to the actionflow. They define the inputs the actionflow is expecting, and allows values from the incoming inputs to be mapped onto these.

For example, an actionflow may expect an Area Code to calculate a distance. One screen passes the actionflow a Postcode this is mapped into the actionflow using the Input Connection Point mapping.

A second screen can reuse the actionflow (this is referred to as a different instance) and pass in a Zip Code which is mapped into the actionflow using the Input Connection Point mapping

Input Connection Point Setup

When a new input is connected the mapping wizard will appear. To reopen the mapping wizard:

  1. Right-click the input Connection Point
  2. Select  Configure Mapping.

Data to be Used

Data NameDescription
Selected RecordsRecords selected in the Input. For example multiple records selected on a grid.
Edited RecordsRecords that have been edited on the input. For example, only records which have been edited on a grid.
PageAll records on a page. For example a single record being edited using a form.
Dragged RecordsSelected records that have been dragged onto a drop target.
Drop Target RecordsRecords Dropped onto a drop target.


  1. Drag a record from the left (input) onto a corresponding record on the right (Input Connection Point)
    1. If no corresponding record exists in the Input Connection point one can be added by dropping an incoming record into the empty space on the right, this causes a new record to be created.
  2. This input is now mapped correctly into the actionflow. 
  3. Repeat for all required inputs.
  4. Click Confirm Mapping.

Further information, see Wiring Actionflows.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

Sections on this page

Learn More

For links to all pages in this topic, see Understanding Actionflows

Terminology changes in progress

As part of the redesign of PhixFlow, we are changing the following terms:

dashboard → screen   
stream → table
stream attributes → attributes
stream item → record
stream set → recordset
stream view → view
stream item action → record-action 
stream action → table-action
driver class → database driver