Sort Order

This page is for data modellers who need to sort attributes.


You can create multi-column sort orders for data in tables and views, from their Sort Orders property section.

Sorting large amounts of data can take some time. To ensure that data is returned as quickly as possible, use filters to ensure that only the data you need is sorted. If there are particular sort orders which need to be applied across large sets of data, please contact PhixFlow Support for help with tuning your PhixFlow instance.

Property Pane Toolbar

For information about the toolbar options, see the Common Properties page, Toolbars and Controls section.

If the table property tab has been opened from a data grid, the toolbar includes Refresh the grid using sort order. This does not save the sort order.

 Properties Tab

Parent Details

If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.

Basic Settings

NameThe name of the sort order.

Sort Order Attributes

This section has the  Show Attributes button.  For new sort orders, first add a name and save the properties to display the toolbar.

The grid lists the attributes used to sort the data.

To add attributes, click  Show Attributes to display a list of attributes. Drag an attribute from the list into Sort Order Attributes.

Double-click on an attribute to open the its sort order properties, where you can set:

Properties Tab
OrderThe order that the sorting will be applied
NameThe name of the attribute - in the sort order attribute editor, this is read-only.

One of:

(A-Z) - ascending, e.g. A to Z, 1 to 9, earliest to latest date

(Z-A) - descending, e.g. Z to A, 9 to 1, latest to earliest date

DescriptionDescription of the sort order attribute.
Audit Tab
Audit SummarySee the Audit Summary section on Common Properties.

Save the attribute's sort order properties.


We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.

 Security Tab

Access Permissions

See the Common Properties page, Access Permissions section.

 By default, the permissions to access table data is set in System Configuration →  Allow access to data by default. You can add specific user groups to restrict access to the view order;  see Common Properties. → Access Permissions.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

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