
Function: replaceAll()

Replace all occurrences of a pattern with a replacement string.


replaceAll(listToCheck, findPattern, replacementString)

listToCheckString or Array A string (or list of strings) to evaluate.
findPatternRegular ExpressionsPattern to be matched in listToCheck
replacementStringStringString to replace matching pattern in list

 replaceAll applied to:

  • a multielement array returns a multielement array
  • a single element array returns a string.


replaceAll(in.fileName, "[0-9]{8}", "")

replaceAll() removes all strings of 8 digits from file names contained in the attribute in.fileName.

If in.fileName = "20060712file-proc20070103-1263", this returns "file-proc-1263".


This expression removes any backslashes ("\") in the string "in.BudgetCode" e.g. if in.BudgetCode is "323\-ABC", the value returned is "323-ABC". The reason that multiple backslashes are used is because "\" is an "escape" character in a Regular Expressions. This allows special control charaters to be treated as regular characters. See Regular Expressions for more details. 

See Also