Confirmation Message Configuration

Confirmation Messages

Confirmation messages can be added to Actionflows, e.g. Save, Delete, etc. by inserting an additional   Phase before the Actionflow processing phase, i.e. where the Save, Delete, etc. action is.

A confirmation phase is useful where the user must:

  • Confirm an action before continuing
  • Choose an option to determine which phase runs

Confirmation Screens

Confirmation messages require two screens: 

  • An initiator screen where the required action (e.g. delete) is initiated from
  • A confirmation screen that contains the confirmation message, plus buttons to confirm/proceed or cancel/go back
    • the button for confirm/proceed must be set up with an Action Type of Confirmation
    • the button for cancel/go back must be set up with an Action Type of Close Screen

  • The Serene Grey palette contains a template confirmation screen with preconfigured Confirm and Cancel buttons

See Creating or Opening a Screen.

Creating Confirmation Messages

  1. On the confirmation screen, click on the Confirm button to open its  Properties, then click on the  Actions tab
  2. In the Action Settings, set:
    1. Action Method: choose Other
    2. Action Type: choose Confirmation
      1. this setup allows the Confirm button to trigger the next phase in the Actionflow
  3. On the initiator screen, set up the Actionflow for the required action, e.g. Delete
  4. Open the Actionflow for the required action, and above the Actionflow canvas, click the  icon next to the Processing  Phase
  5. Choose Add Phase Before to set up the confirmation phase
  6. On the confirmation phase, select Click to Connect and choose the Input of On Click
  7. From the Actionflow toolbar, click  Open Screen to open the list of available screens
    1. Drag the confirmation screen onto the Actionflow to create an  Open Screen action node
  8.  Drag the  icon from Connections onto the Open Confirmation Screen action node to connect them 
  9. To allow the confirmation screen to trigger the next  Phase phase in the Actionflow, drag a   Phase action node from the toolbar onto the canvas and in the popup select the Processing  Phase
  10. Hover over the  Open Screen action node and click , then click the  Phase action node to connect them.

Worked Example

Here's a worked example using the School Data (available from the Learning Centre).

In this example, we are using:

  • Course Management screen containing a grid of the School Courses data - this screen was created using the Tile with Buttons template

If you are completing this chapter as part of the Actionflow course and using a training instance, this data has already been pre-loaded into the Actionflow Foundation ApplicationFor this example, we'll be creating a new screen and working on buttons on the Course Management screen.

We want to add a confirmation screen that appears when users delete a course on the Course Management screen. In this example we will insert a Confirmation phase into an Actionflow to show a confirmation message before a Delete Action is processed.

Setting up a Confirmation Screen

  1. Click on the  icon in the PhixFlow header bar
  2. Select  Add Screen on the left
  3. In the Create Screen window, enter the following details:
    1. Name: Confirmation Screen
    2. Open Maximised: toggle off 
    3. All users can View Data: toggle on
    4. Description: A generic confirmation screen
    5. Please select a Template, choose Confirmation
    6. Click Create Screen.
  4. The screen will be created and will automatically open
    1. Close the Add Attributes window that opens
  5. Click the Confirm button to open its  Properties, then click on the  Actions tab
  6. You can see here that this button has an Action Method of Other and an Action Type of Confirmation - this is important as it is these settings that allow the Confirm button to trigger the Delete Action phase 
  7. No edits are required to this screen
  8. Close the Confirmation Screen

Configuring a Confirmation Actionflow

  1. On the Course Management screen, open the Delete Actionflow by right-clicking on the  button and choosing  Display Actionflow
  2. Above the Actionflow canvas are the phases, click the  Add New button next to Processing Phase
  3. Select  Add Phase before and set:
    1. Name: Confirmation 
    2. Press Confirm  
  4. Select Click to Connect and choose the Input of On Click 
  5. Press Connect Input
  6. From the Actionflow toolbar, click  Open Screen to open the list of available screens in your application
  7. Drag the Confirmation Screen you made earlier onto the Actionflow canvas
  8. Drag the  icon from Connections onto the Open Confirmation Screen action node to connect them 
  9. From the toolbar, drag a   Start Phase action node onto the canvas and in the popup select the phase, Processing Phase, to run after the confirmation has been completed
  10. Hover your mouse pointer over the  Open Confirmation Screen action node, click  , then connect the  Open Screen action node to the Processing   Phase action node


  11. Close the Actionflow to return to the Course Management screen
  12.  Lock the screen, select a record and press the  button
    1. We can see that the Actionflow is working because when you press Confirm on the Confirmation Screen, the selected record is deleted