File Table

File Table


 File Tables are used to hold the information about uploaded files, such as images, PDFs and CSVs. They can be used for File Display components.

 Properties Tab

Parent Details

If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.

Basic Settings

NameThe name of the File Table.

Enable to allow a file to be uploaded and associated information captured, when a file(s) is dragged and dropped onto a File Display or File Gallery component.    

File Location

This File Location is added to the end of the File Location defined in the System Console, it facilitates the association of a file belonging to this File Table being placed in a specific subdirectory. 

For Example,

the system console defines "/opt/data/FileTableUpload" and the File Location on the File Table set "/secure". This means all file uploaded to this File Table will be placed in "/opt/data/FileTableUpload/secure"  

Read OnlyTick to signify that the file table's attributes cannot be amended.
DescriptionEnter a description to explain the purpose of this item. 


 File Tables have a set of predefined attributes that cannot be changed, deleted or added to. These attributes are: 

UIDThe file's image or placeholder image. Hover over the image to see the unique identifier.
NameA spare field that can be set by the user.
Original File NameThe name of the file before it was uploaded to PhixFlow.
Mime TypeA two-part identifier used to indicate the intended datatype of a file.
Created DTMThe date and time the file was uploaded to PhixFlow.
Created ByThe /wiki/spaces/HELP12/pages/9615616634 who uploaded the file. The information is taken from the users profile in the format, FirstName FamilyName (emailaddress).
File SizeThe file size, in KB.
PathThe directory where the files are stored, as specified by the File Table Upload Locations in the System Configuration and in the Basic Properties.

Provides a URL to access the file. It can be used as a link for a download or sent to a PhixFlow URL component to display the file (where appropriate) on a screen.

From PhixFlow version 11.4+, the URL is created using the System URL, defined in System Configuration, as the base for the URL it creates. Note: The URL created will automatically escape non-URL safe characters, such as spaces.

ExtensionThe file type, e.g. png, MP4 or PDF 
LabelA spare field that can be set by the user. 
Content IdThe ID of the attachment within an email. This allows associated email attachments to be seen.
InlineDefines if the file is to be displayed within an email body.
Folder Id

An ID that links files uploaded at the same time, e.g. files uploaded together will have the same Folder Id such as files received by an email or where multiple files have been dragged onto a File Gallery component.

See Table for descriptions of all other sections in the File Table properties.

Sections on this page

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