PhixFlow Help and Training
Welcome to PhixFlow, we want you to have a great experience, if you need any assistance please contact our support team.
We also welcome any feedback that you may have about our product or services. Let us know your suggestions for improvements and new features at .
About PhixFlow
PhixFlow is a comprehensive, integrated solution for managing high-volume, complex data from multiple sources, featuring powerful analytics capabilities. It enables effortless creation of custom reports, screens, and applications to investigate and interact with your data, while ensuring a full end-to-end audit trail and reconciliation for transparency and compliance.
PhixFlow is developed by PhixFlow Limited, a software company based in Cambridge, UK. For more information visit
PhixFlow provides comprehensive training at all levels.
About the PhixFlow Help
PhixFlow help is context-sensitive so as you move through the application click to view help relating to that area. Help
However, there are many other pages with useful information such as how-to guides and training. These can be access using the navigation tree on the left of the search facility at the top of this page.
The following list provides a brief overview of the help system.
Build an App Demo | Watch a short demo on how to build your first application. |
Training Courses | A set of comprehensive PhixFlow training courses covering all aspects of data integration and application creation. |
Filtering and Sorting Data | How to use filters on data in models and applications. |
Expressions and PhixScripts | How to write PhixScript including a PhixScript Cheat Sheet. |
System Administration | This section covers functions that require administration privileges, including how to:
Installation and Upgrade | Installing and Upgrading PhixFlow |
Release Notes | Links to all PhixFlow release notes providing a summary of the content of each release. |