1. Application Fundamentals

1. Application Fundamentals


Welcome to Application Fundamentals. In this chapter we will learn about all the key features of an application.


To find out more about the Application options and design principles before you take the course below, or simply to refresh your memory, see Creating an Application.

Video Demonstration 

Watch the video demonstration, then complete the Fundamentals Tasks below.


Fundamentals Tasks

These are the tasks for this chapter, and each task can be seen in the video demonstration above. The video is separated into sections that correspond to the tasks below, hover over the video timeline to find the relevant task. 

Each Fundamentals chapter follows this same format. Complete the tasks below, before moving to the next chapter. 

Task 1: Creating an Application

  1. From the PhixFlow  Application menu, click  Add New
  2. The Application Creation Wizard opens, enter:
    1. Name: something useful to help you identify your application, e.g. My Application
    2. Description: Enter a description to help you and others understand what this application is for
    3. Icon (optional): Upload an icon of your choice
      1. This is the icon that will be displayed on the Applications page
    4. Please Select a Template: For the purposes of this course we will use Serene Grey
      1. This is a Template Package containing all of the template items we require to create our screens, such as, complete screens, buttons, and input fields
    5. Click Create Application and the application is created and loaded
      1. Your application's home page opens

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