Advanced linked view
PhixFlow Help
Advanced linked view
Linked views with multiple driving views
You can create a linked view with more than one driving view. That is, you can use several data sets to build up a set of criteria to filter data on other views (driven views) on the same dashboard.
- Create a new model Dashboards and Forms 09, 10: Linked Views and presentation
- Drag the datasource Inventory DB onto the model
- Create database collectors and streams to read in all data from the following tables in this datasource:
- Run both streams to load data into PhixFlow
A file containing a list of books can be found in the input files, at:
- Add a File Collector to your model
- Call this: Book List
- Navigate to the directory …\inputData\Books
- Select the file BookList.xlsx – and complete the automatic File Collector and Stream configuration
- Run your stream to load the book list into PhixFlow
- Create a simple grid view on each of these streams to display all columns and all rows
- Give the view on the stream Book List the name: Book List
- Create a new dashboard Review Book List
- Drag all three views you created onto the dashboard. E.g. create a layout such as:
- Set the Element Name of the list of publishers to Publishers
- Set the Element Name of the list of subjects to Subjects
- Add a filter to the list of books:
- Name: by Publisher and Subject
- Conditions
- Where ALL the following are true
- Publisher equals Publishers.Publisher
- Press the ABC button on both - this will now say fx
- Subject contains Subjects.Subject
- Press the ABC button on both - this will now say fx
Here we use the operator contains because the subjects of books may be longer than the subject names in the subject list – but the subjects of books will contain the subject name
- When you have completed all these details press
- Set this filter to be applied on the view in the dashboard:
- In the banner press
- Press - Show chart details
- In the chart parameters configuration form:
- Tick the flag Use Custom Default Filter
- Select the filter by Publisher and Subject
- Press - Apply
- Press - Close
- Set this filter to be applied on the view in the dashboard:
- Click on a row in the list of publishers and on a row in the list of subjects
- Press - Update the dashboard using the selected rows on either of the driving views
- You will see list of books update to show only books that are by the selected publisher and on the selected subject
Passing a list from a driving view
You can pass in a list of selected records from a driving view to use in a filter:
- Edit the filter on the list of books:
- Update the condition on publisher, make this:
- Publisher is in Publishers.Publisher
- Press
- Update the condition on publisher, make this:
- Select several publishers and a subject and press on either of the driving views
- You will see list of books update to show books that are by the selected publishers and on the selected subject
, multiple selections available,
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