Adding Screen Content

Adding Screen Content


To configure a screen, drag components and layouts from the  Palette, or a data table, onto the screen canvas.

Opening a Palette

Palettes are available from the Toolbar on a screen, click the  Palette button to display them.

Adding to a Screen

To add content to your screen, such as buttons, maps, headers etc:

  1. Click and drag items from the  Palette onto the screen as illustrated here:

Adding Form Fields 

It's easy to create data display or data entry using fields on a form by dragging attributes onto the screen canvas:

  1. Open the table properties.
  2. Drag attributes from the Attributes section onto the screen canvas.
  3. Enter a name for the field component.
  4. PhixFlow automatically creates the form fields using on the default style specified for the type of data that the attribute represents. For example, a telephone number has a number field, whilst a name has a text field. The default styles are set in your application properties.

Dropping Components Into or Next To Existing Content

When you drop a component, table or attribute onto a screen, PhixFlow needs to know if you want to put the item into or next to any existing item.

To move an item you drag it onto another component and: 

  • drag and drop places a component next to the component on which you drop. This creates a sibling relationship. 
  • shift+drag and drop moves a component into the component on which you drop it. This creates a parent-child relationship.

If you drag a component that is a parent, all its children move with it.

Where the palette item has a preferred parent, when you drag it onto a screen PhixFlow highlights these preferred parents and will try and place the item you are dragging inside its preferred parent; see Component Categories and Preferred Parents.

Finding a Component

The  Layers panel on the left of the screen canvas automatically highlights any selected item. To display or hide the panel click  Show/Hide Layer Panel

Moving Content on a Screen

See Moving Components on a Screen

Trouble Shooting

Are changes not showing? Under certain circumstances changes you make on a screen will not appear immediately. Therefore a simple close and reopen of the screen will invoke a refresh and you will see your changes appear.

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