PhixFlow Help


Forms: External Transition

When triggered an External Transition places a task on a Process Queue for external processing. PhixFlow monitors the queue for task completion, triggering the Transition if applicable. Just as for userTransition the user is able to specify both task description and data expressions. These can be as complex as needed e.g. allowing the user to dynamically generate alarm context specific XML to be passed to the external process.
The following details are configured for each saved External Transition:

Form: External Transition Details

The following fields are configured on the Details tab:

NameName of the user transition.
Process QueueThe process queue a task is placed on when this task triggers.
Task Description ExpressionAllows the user to build a regular PhixFlow Expression which will be used to create the task description.

The following fields are configured through separate tabs on the form:

Data ExpressionAllows the user to build a regular PhixFlow Expression which will be used to create the data.
DescriptionDescription of the user transition.

Form Icons

The form provides the standard form icons.

See Also

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