Release 6.0.4

PhixFlow Help

Release 6.0.4


These release notes are for PhixFlow 6.0.4.

This release is for Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.




Installation / Upgrade

To install a new PhixFlow instance, follow the standard installation instructions.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance, follow the Standard Upgrade Instructions plus the special instructions for all intermediate releases.

This release has no special instructions.


This PhixFlow release requires:

  • Java 7
  • Apache Tomcat 7

One of:

  • Oracle 11g or 12c (preferred)
  • SQL Server 2008R2 or later
  • MariaDB (MySQL) 10.0.14 or later


Features / Improvements

System Administration

Active Directory Login Groups

Active Directory Login Groups specified in the System Configuration do not need to exist as an Active Directory Group in any User Group.

Groups Recorded in Database

When logging into PhixFlow as a Active Directory (LDAP) user, the AD user groups for that user are used to determine which PhixFlow user groups the user belongs to by mapping the groups. Now we only record groups that have been successfully mapped in the database, rather than all AD groups, since the number of these can be very large.

File collection

Excel invalid cell handling

Excel File Collectors are now more robust when handling cell-related conditions such as references to invalid functions. These conditions are all considered to be 'Undefined Values' and will be reported or ignored depending on the File Collector 'Ignore Undefined Values' setting.


Cache size warnings

The warning message that was generated when a lookup pipe cache reached 90% full has been changed to report when a single read exceeds 90% of the cache size. This is an indication that the pipe cache is only just big enough, and you should consider making it bigger or restructuring your model to make the read return fewer records.


Bug Fixes

Internal Variables

Scope of _user and _system variables

The _user and _system internal variables were not set when referenced from a macro used in a filter expression on a stream view.

System Administration

Active Directory User Application Mode

Active directory users are now enabled to save application mode as their default, just as a local user can.


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