System Console
This page is for PhixFlow administrators who need to monitor PhixFlow activity.
The system console provides details on:
- active and completed tasks
- files imported and exported by PhixFlow
- audit trail of changes made to PhixFlow's configuration
Access to the console, depends on your privileges. Application users, analysis modellers and application designers are notified of errors that prevent their work, but are not notified of system warnings. These are only reported to the console. This means it is important for the PhixFlow administrator to monitor the console for warnings and to determine what action is required.You require the permission:
- View System Console to open the system console and to rollback a task
- Cancel Tasks to stop a running task.
For logs with information related to server and Tomcat traffic, see Server Log Files.
Console Information
The following buttons are available at the top of the System Console:
Opens this Help page. | |
Closes the console. |
The following tabs show information about the system:
Active Tasks
Displays a log file summary for all Task Plans that are currently active. Right click on the task and select Show Log File to bring up the detailed log file.
Active Tasks can be stopped at any time, if required (this may be useful when testing new models) by pressing the
Stop button.Snapshot
A of the current status of the action and added to the log file. Snapshot can be taken Although this option appears for all tasks, results are only generated for Actionflows.
Completed Tasks (All Tasks) & Daily Logs
Completed Tasks displays a log file summary for each task that has completed. To display a log file in a pop-up window, right-click its name and select . This window will appear over the top of all PhixFlow areas. Show Log File
In PhixFlow v12.1+, the Completed Tasks tab has been renamed to All Tasks.
Daily Logs displays a filtered version of the Completed Tasks, containing only the daily log files.
The following buttons are available in the toolbar for Completed Tasks and Daily Logs:
Maximise/minimise Completed Tasks list and hide/show Messages. | |
Apply a filter to the list of Completed Tasks. | |
Refresh the list of Completed Tasks. | |
Show/hide paging bar. |
Completed Tasks and Daily Logs Colour Coding
Red | Error | This log file contains errors. | |
Orange | Warning | This log file contains warnings. | |
Blue | Suspended Task | The initiator of this log file is currently suspended. This can be suspended by the user manually or set to suspend on failure. Blue overrides all of the other colours. If a task is is suspended, all instances of it in the Completed Tasks list are marked in blue. | |
Teal | Selected Task | The item has been selected by ticking the first column, one or more lines can be selected. Note: this will override any of the above colours. | |
Green | Mouse Over | The mouse over highlights the row in bright green. |
The following details are available for each log file:
Field | Description |
Started | The date and time that this Analysis run was started. |
Finished | The date and time that this Analysis run finished. |
Duration | The time it took for the task to complete, in seconds. |
Archive Time | The date and time that this Log File was archived. |
Name | The name of the Task which has been run. |
Cancelled | Whether this Analysis run was cancelled by a user. |
Active | The total number of active tasks, e.g. when a task plan is running that contains many tasks, this field displays how many are currently active. |
Status | An icon will indicate if the recordsets generated by the Analysis run were rolled back from the Recordsets tab in the system console. See below for details. |
Tasks | The number of individual Tasks that were run as part of this Analysis run. |
Messages | The total number of messages in the Log File. |
Info | The number of information messages contained in the Log File. |
Errors | The number of error messages contained in the Log File. |
Warnings | The number of warning messages contained in the Log File. |
Initiator Type | The PhixFlow object that was used to launch this Analysis run. |
Login Name | The user that stated this run. |
Action | Whether the task was a table-action. |
For recordsets that have been rolled back from the system console Recordsets tab:
- If the recordsets generated by an analysis run were rolled back and the analysis repeated (see Tab: Recordsets, below), the log file entry is displayed with a button in the Status field. Click to open the new log file from the rerun of analysis.
- If the recordsets generated by an analysis run were rolled back, the log file entry is displayed with a button in the Status field. Click to open the log file for the rollback.
Tab: Messages
The log messages for the currently selected log file. For each message the following fields are shown:
Field | Description |
Line | Line number for the log entry. |
Time | Date and time of the log entry in DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS |
Time Difference | The time difference in seconds between each log entry. If this is less than 1 second, it will show 0. The first log entry will have a blank Time Difference, then each subsequent log entry will show a time in seconds. |
Message | The summary message output by the analysis engine. |
Type | The type of message e.g. INFO, WARN, ERROR or DEBUG. |
Code | The numeric error message code. |
The following buttons are available for log messages:
Apply a filter to the list of log messages. | |
Refresh the list of log messages. |
Log message details
Double-click on a log message to see further details. In addition to the standard fields, you will also find, on its own tab, the message detail:
Field | Description |
Message Detail | Displays the values of the variables in the parser or detailed stack trace. Populated if an error occurs during analysis or a debug attribute function has been processed. |
It may take a few moments to display log message details for HTTP communications. This is because the log messages can be long.
Tab: Recordsets
The recordsets for the currently selected log file; see Managing Recordsets
If the recordsets generated by an analysis run produced a number of cycle, and one or more cycle was rolled back and repeated, then the Status field will contain a symbol to indicate whether:
- this recordset was originally generated as part of this Analysis run, but has been moved forward into the log for the Analysis to generate those recordsets that were rolled back and repeated.
- this recordset was moved forward into this log from the original Analysis run, along side new recordset generated in this Analysis run - the new recordset are those that were rolled back to be redone from the original log.
The recordset in the console also provides the following buttons:
Roll back the data for each recordset and run analysis again. When data is rolled back, any subsequent downstream recordsets are also rolled back. After reprocessing a log file in this way, the log file will be flagged as "Reprocessed", and no recordset will be associated with it. | |
Roll back the data for each recordset. When data is rolled back, any subsequent downstream recordset will also be rolled back. |
A list of imported and exported files that have been read into PhixFlow by File Collectors or produced by PhixFlow File Exporters. This is found on the Files tab on the System Console or when viewing the details of an individual file.
When accessing the Files tab via Completed Tasks, there is a toolbar with the following options:
Icon | Description |
Maximise | |
Restore files | |
Download data to file | |
Select, create or clear a filter | |
Refresh | |
Show the paging bar |
By right clicking on a file you can select:
- Show Log File from the context menu -this will bring up the log file of the Analysis run that handled this file - whether as a file imported or exported
- Show File Importer/Exporter -this will show the configuration of the importer or exporter used to handle this file
- Copy selected records to the Clipboard - this will copy file names out of the Files tab
Field | Description |
Created Date/Time | Date and time that file was processed |
Type | Input or Output |
Creator Name | The Importer or Exporter used to handle this file |
Name | The name of the file |
File Status | Status of the file |
Created Status | Status of the creation |
Records Archived | Number of records archived |
Location | The location of the file on the file system |
FTP Site | The FTP Site the underlying file handler is attached to, if there is one |
Emailed to | The email address the file was emailed to, if applicable |
Current File Name | The name of the file |
Cycle | The analysis cycle in which the file was processed |
Original Location | The original location of the file in the file system |
For information about import errors due to missing items, see Import Configuration.
Emails/Outbound Emails
The Emails tab can be found in PhixFlow v12.0 and older. In PhixFlow v12.1+ this tab is called Outbound Emails.
Emails which have been created and sent by the system, from s, Task Plans or File Exporter actions in Actionflows. Email
Field | Description |
Created Date/Time | The date and time at which the email was created. |
Send by Date/Time | The date and time at which the system will stop trying to send the email. |
Status | The status of the email (ready, sent, failed, etc). |
Status Message | A message associated with the status, such as the reason for failure. |
Email Subject | The subject of the email. |
From | The email address the message is being sent from. |
To | A list of the email addresses the email will be sent to. |
Cc | A list of the email addresses the email will be Cc to. |
Bcc | A list of the email addresses the email will be Bcc to. |
Reply To | The emails address that reply emails will go to. |
Creator Name | The name of the PhixFlow object which created the email. |
Creator Type | The type of the PhixFlow object which created the email. |
is HTML | Indicates if the email is HTML or plain text. |
Zip all attachments | Whether any attachments are being added as a zip file. |
Zip file name | The name of the attached zip file. |
Zip encryption type | The type of encryption applied to the attached zip file. |
Inbound Emails
This tab is available in PhixFlow v12.1+
Any emails processed by file exporters or email endpoint actions will appear here. Additionally, email endpoint actions that failed will be displayed as an error and have an option to retry the action.
Field | Description |
Received at | The date and time that the email was received. |
Email Subject | The subject of the email. |
From | The email address the message is being sent from. |
To | A list of the email addresses the email will be sent to. |
Email Account | The email account the email has been sent to. |
Email Endpoint Action | The name of the | Email Endpoint that is receiving the emails, if applicable.
Success | Indicates if the email has been successfully received. |
Retry | Indicates if the email has been retried. |
Show Log File | Displays the log file. |
PDF Chore
PDF Chores are the PDF conversion processes that have been created by file exporters; see Configuring PDF Conversion.
Field | Description |
Created Date/Time | The date and time at which the PDF Chore was created. |
Status | The status of the Chore (ready, failed, etc). |
Status Message | A message associated with the status, such as the reason for failure. |
Creator Name | The name of the PhixFlow object which created the object. |
Creator Type | The type of the PhixFlow object which created the object. |
Source File Path | The Path of the source file. |
Source File Name | The name of the source file. |
Target Path | The Target Directory Expression |
Audit Summary
Summary details of audited actions performed on PhixFlow objects.
All Audit Summaries can be viewed from the Audit Summary tab on the System Console. Details for an individual Audit Summary can be viewed by selecting an Audit Summary from this view, and double clicking.
The System Administrator uses Privilege Codes to configure which operations should be audited. If a given privilege has been configured for auditing, PhixFlow tracks details of every associated action and presents these in an Audit Summary.
An entry to the Audit Summary tab is written each time PhixFlow starts up, with a version number and details of any database patch scripts that were executed.
PhixFlow database administrators can directly query the PhixFlow database for audit information in the audit_summary and audit_detail tables. Audit records that pre-date the upgrade to version 8.1.0 of PhixFlow will not have an entry in the message_text
Form: Audit Summary
Field | Description |
Date/Time | The date/time the audited action took place. |
Username | Name of the User who performed the audited action. |
Action Summary | A summary description of the audited action. |
Audit Details
The Audit Details of an audited action can be viewed with the details of an individual System Console by double-clicking the audit line.
Form: Audit Details
Field | Description |
Audit Details | A detailed description of the audited action. |
Forms: Audit Summary for Object
This form shows summary details of audited actions performed on a particular PhixFlow object.
Field | Description |
Date/Time | The date/time the audited action took place. |
Username | Name of the User who performed the audited action. |
Original Name | Original Name of the Object that was changed. i.e. if the name of the object was up dated, this is the original value. |
Action Description | A summary description of the action. |