Release 7.7.1

PhixFlow version 7.7.1 contains improvements and bug fixes, as listed below.

Installation and Upgrade

To install a new PhixFlow instance, follow the standard installation instructions.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance:

  1. First review Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning to check any changing requirements for database versions etc.
  2. Follow the Standard Upgrade Instructions plus any special instructions for all intermediate releases listed in Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning.

Sections on this page

Features and Improvements

Context Parameters

Context Parameters can now be dragged between Stream Actions, copying the parameter name and expression contained within.

Excel Templates

Excel Templates now more fully support Excel formulae, they're copied in to new rows (with references updated) when new rows are added as part of an Excel File Export.

Bug Fixes

Stream View Component

Fixed an issue where deleting a background filter on a Stream View Component also deleted the Stream View Component.


Fixed bug where an action configured to close the parent dashboard and open a post dashboard only closes the dashboard and does not reopen it when the parent and post dashboards are the same.

Editable Grids

Fixed Drop Downs in editable grid columns sometimes updating the wrong cell.


The installer no longer generates a large volume of info/debug messages in startup.

Log Files

Fixed a bug where Task Plan - Show Log Files did not work.

Configuration Export

Fixed a bug that could prevent a full configuration export.