Configuring the Download Area

This page is for administrators who need to set up an location where PhixFlow can save exported configuration zip files.

Set the Download Location

When PhixFlow generates exported configuration zip files, it saves them to a secure area in the PhixFlow database, called the download area. You can set the location of the download area in System Configuration → System Directories → Download Location

Processes that save zip files to the download area are:

  • exporting a configuration or table data.
  • running an analysis model that exports a file
  • running an action in an application that exports a file.

Users can open the download area from the  Administration menu, by clicking  Downloads

Set Download Expiry Time

PhixFlow automatically deletes files from the download area after a period of time. By default, files are available for 24 hours. You can set a different time period in System Configuration →  General Settings → Download Expiry.

Set Encryption Required

To configure PhixFlow so that exported configuration files are encrypted as they are downloaded by the user:

  1. In System Configuration → Advanced → Export Password Policy select a Password Policy. This can be the same as the default password policy, used to specify the rules when users log into PhixFlow. Alternatively, you can create a new password policy with rules specific to exported configurations.
  2. Ask users to set their default password using their User Details, or set it passwords in the User account properties, in the Export Password section.

The password policy means users must specify a password when they download a zip file from the download area. Specifying the password causes the file to be encrypted and the password is associated with it. When a user imports the  zip file to another PhixFlow instance, they must provide the same password; see Using the Download Area.