10. Adding Drop-down Fields

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10. Adding Drop-down Fields

Add drop-down fields to an application to link data. To recap on the steps in the video:

Creating Drop-down Fields

  1. In the stream Businesses, create a new view called DD_Businesses.

    The DD_ prefix is used here as an indication that this view is used for a drop-down.

  2. Ensure the new view has the UID and Name fields only.
    1. Hide the UID.
  3. Bring the contacts Dashboard to the front.
  4. Drag the new DD_Businesses View icon onto the BusinessName field on the edit form. This dynamically creates a Drop-down field.
  5. Set up the drop-down by opening the configuration form for the stream attribute BusinessName.
    1. Set Drop Down Value Field to Name. This is the value that the user will be able to select and it will be displayed in the dropdown field.
    2. Next we will set any required mappings. Mappings are used where we need to set additional values from the dropdown. For example, the user can select a business's name from the dropdown but we want to capture that business's ID when we save the data. For this we have a form field on the screen that an additional value from the dropdown can be mapped to.
    3. Under the Mappings section, click + to add a new mapping and set:
      • Form FieldBusinessUID
        The name of the attribute on the form to which we want to map.
      • Drop Down Field: UID
        The name of the attribute on the view that we want to map to the form value.

Link the Contacts on the Business Dashboard

  1. Open the configuration form for the Business Contacts view on the Businesses dashboard.
  2. Click + next to the Default Sort Order and set:
    1. Name: ByName
    2. Sort Order AttributesFamilyName
  3. Click + next to the Default Filter and set:
    1. Name: ByBusiness
    2. Filter Details
      • BusinessUID equals Businesses.UID
      • Click abc to tell PhixFlow that this is an expression.
  4. Now the Businesses view will drive the content of the Contact Details. This means you will see the contacts relevant to the selected business.

Drop-down fields are useful when we want users to select an option from a predefined list of values. Another good candidate for a drop-down field is Type on the Businesses dashboard. Update all your contacts with a business from the drop-down list.

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