Welcome to Workflow Fundamentals. In this chapter we will learn about all the key techniques and principles to create our first application workflow in PhixFlow that models the logic of our business processes.
To find out more about the key concepts for Workflows in PhixFlow before you take the course below, or simply to refresh your memory, see Creating Workflows.
Video Demonstration
Watch the video demonstration, then complete the task list below.
Task 1: Create a workflow
Select Workflow from the PhixFlow home page
- Click Add New
- On the Create Workflow window that appears, enter the name,
Customer Approval,
and select Create
Task 2: Add nodes
On the workflow, click and drag the Analysis node from the toolbar onto the canvas
On the Create Analysis Model window:
Collect Companies
Press Create Analysis Model
Task 3: Add and Change Swim Lanes
- Right-click on the Swim Lane on the left of the screen, and choose Edit
- On the Properties, in the Basic Settings, change the Label to:
- Apply and Close your changes
- Right-click on the Swim Lane, Web, and choose Add lane after
- On the Properties, in the Basic Settings, change the Label to:
- Apply and Close your changes
Task 4: Rename Nodes
- Add a Screen node for the screen you created in 3. Screens Fundamentals, by clicking Screen on the toolbar
- The list of screens in your application appear in the Repository
- Click and drag the Companies List screen onto the canvas
- In the node Properties, change the Name to:
View Companies List
- Apply and Close
Task 5: Connect Nodes
- Hover over the Collect Companies node and select the icon
- Then click on the View Companies List node to connect the two nodes together
- From the toolbar, click and drag an Actionflow node onto the canvas
- On the Create Actionflow window:
- Name:
Open Companies Form
- Actionflow: select the button
- Name the Actionflow:
Open Companies Form
- Click Confirm
- Name the Actionflow:
- Click Create Actionflow
- Name:
- Connect the nodes by hovering over the View Companies List node and selecting the icon, then click on the Open Companies Form node
Task 6: Screen Creation
- Create another screen for editing a company by clicking and dragging a Screen node from the toolbar onto the canvas
- Name:
Companies Form
- Press Create Screen
- Name:
- Connect this screen to the Actionflow by hovering over the Open Companies Form node and selecting the icon, then click on the Companies Form node
- Double-click on the Companies Form nodeand select Yes to the Confirm message
- On the Create Screen wizard, set the following:
- Name:
Companies Form
- Open Maximised: toggle off
- All Users can View Data: toggle on
- Template:
Edit Form
- Press Create Screen
- Name:
Task 7: Unconnected Actions
- Click back onto the Customer Approval Workflow tab
- Double click the View Companies List node
- The Properties for the screen will open on the right
- Click the Actions tab
- In the Unconnected Actions section, click and drag the Open Companies Form action onto the Edit button on the screen
Task 8: Actionflow Creation
- Click back onto the Customer Approval Workflow tab
- Double-click the Open Companies Form node to open the Actionflow
- On the Actionflow, under Connections, select Click to Connect
- Choose On Click, then press Connect Input
- Click and drag the input onto the Open Screen (Companies Form) node
Task 9: Add Embedded Workflows
- Click back onto the Customer Approval Workflow tab
- From the toolbar, click and drag a Workflow node onto the canvas
- On the Create Workflow window:
- Name:
Onboarding Workflow
- Press Create Workflow
- Name:
- From the toolbar, click and drag an Actionflow node onto the canvas
- On the Create Actionflow window:
- Name:
- Actionflow: select
- Name:
- Click Confirm
- Name:
- Click Create Actionflow
- Name:
- From the toolbar, click and drag an Actionflow node onto the canvas
- On the Create Actionflow window:
- Name:
- Actionflow: select
- Name:
- Click Confirm
- Name:
- Click Create Actionflow
- Name:
- Hover over the Companies Form node and select the icon, then click on the Save node
- Repeat this to connect the Companies Form node to the Submit node, and the Submit node to the Onboarding Workflow node
Task 10: Add External Nodes
- On the toolbar, hover over External, then click and drag a Send Email node onto the canvas
- On the Create Send Email window:
- Name:
Email Accounts
- Press Create Action
- Name:
- Hover over the Submit node and select the icon, then click on the Email Accounts node
Task 11: Add Descriptions to Nodes
- Click on the Email Accounts node
- In the Properties, add the Description:
Email Account Managers
- Press Apply
- Hover over the node on the canvas to see the description
Task 12: Add Labels to Connectors
- Select the connector between the Companies Form node and the node
- In the Properties, change the Label to:
Save Details
- Press Apply
- Save the model