PhixFlow provides the option for creating copies of objects or application in your current instance. These items can be moved to a separate instance of PhixFlow via the Export facility.
Copy Configuration
- Open → Administration Copy Configuration.
- Drag the required objects from the repository onto the Copy Configuration window.
- Click Copy Configuration.
if you copy an analysis model it will only copy the model and not the modelling objects held within it.
Moving Configuration Between Instances
You may have several instances of PhixFlow running, for example one for developing and one for production. To move objects between different instances, export them from one instance (the source instance) and import them to another (the target instance); see Export Configuration and Import Configuration.
Moving Configuration Behaviour
- If the target instance has an object that matches one in the import, PhixFlow overwrites it with the imported object.
- If an object has been explicitly deleted from the source instance, when the configuration is imported into the target instance, PhixFlow permanently deletes the object from the target instance also.
- If an object has been added to the source instance it will be added to the target system.
- For this reason when performing an export it is only necessary to take the items that have changed,