Adding Authentication to an API End Point
Step 1 - Enable Authentication
- Open the Incoming API/API End Point Actionflow
- On the toolbar click Properties
- In the API section, disable
- This will then only allow authenticated calls to the API
Allow Anonymous Connection - the changes Apply
Step 2 - Create an Authentication User
- In the , expand the application with the Incoming API Repository
- Expand and create an New Role by clicking Roles
- Pin the tab as we will need it to remain open
- Provide a useful Name, e.g. GenerateToken
- In the Privileges section, click Privileges
- Search for the privilege in the Full Repository :
Use API Key
- Drag the Use API Key into the Privileges section of the Role Properties
- the changes Apply
- In the section, click User Groups User Groups
- Add a new Group for you Role
- Give it a useful Name e.g. API Users
- Add any users you require to be able to run the API. This could be a dedicated API user with limited privileges
- To create a user see Managing User Accounts → Creating Users
- Click and close the tab Apply
- Now drag the new user group into the section of the new privilege User Groups
- the changes Apply
- Add a new Group for you Role
- The setup should look similar to:
Step 3 - Authentication Token KeyStore
A signing key is used to generate the PhixFlow API key and this is stored on the server to ensure secure access.
Using the page Configure a Keystore and Aliases, configure phixflow-api-key to be used as the signing key for PhixFlow API Keys in the same way as the pepperKey is configured. This secret string must be a minimum of 32 bytes length.
Step 4 - Generate Authentication Token
- The Incoming API will run as a specified user, this means that when it is called the audit trail will show the specified user as having performed the Incoming API Actionflow
- You do not need to login as this user, however, if you were already logged in as this user, you will need to logout and login again to pick up the user group change
- In the , scroll down to the Full Repository section and expand it Repository
- Expand the Users section
- Double click on the user who will run the Incoming API
- Click the 3-dot more menu in the top right of the user properties
- Click Generate API Key
- Copy the value displayed and store it somewhere safe
Step 5 - Send Authorization
When calling the Incoming API, the authorisation token must be passed in as a header called: Authorization.
Worked Example
Here's a worked example using the Company Data (available from the Learning Centre).
In this example, we are using:
- A Company Orders screen containing two grids of the Orders and OrderLines data - this screen was created using the Multi-tile template
If you are completing this chapter as part of the Actionflow course and using a training instance, the data and screens have already been pre-loaded into the Actionflow Advanced Application. For this example, we'll be working on the Company Orders screen.
Stop Multiple Processes Running While Performing Data Import
In this example, we'll create an Actionflow to import the AdditionalCompanies_Processed data and add the Status of New to each company on that table before adding it to the Companies table. We'll add this Actionflow to an Exclusion Group with other Actionflows on the same screen so that other processes cannot be triggered while the import is taking place.
Actionflow Setup
- Open the Company Approval Review screen
- Create an Actionflow on the Import button to import the AdditionalCompanies_Processed data
- Name:
- If you have completed the Actionflow Intermediate Course, chapter 2.15 Analysis Action Configuration, this Actionflow setup is similar
- Name:
- Add a action to the canvas and connect the Calculate input node to it
- On the Calculate action, add the following Output Attribute that will be used to update the Status of all imported companies:
- Name:
- Type:
- Expression:
- Type:
- Name:
- On the Calculate action, add another Output Attribute that will be used to add a 20 second delay into the Actionflow, this will simulate a large data import and allow time to trigger the Actionflow twice:
- Name:
- Type:
- Expression:
- This will add a delay into the Actionflow for demonstration purposes. See sleep
- Name:
- Add a Run Analysis action to the canvas
- On its Properties, in the Tables section, click the icon
- Drag across the AdditionalCompanies_Processed table from the Repository to the Analysis action properties
Connect the Calculate action to the Analysis action and map across the attribute
Table Attributes Setup
- On the Analysis Model, Actionflow Advanced Data, click on the table, AdditionalCompanies_Processed
- Double-click on the attribute, Status, and change the Expression to
- This is then referring to the attribute setup on the Calculate action
- Save the Analysis Model
Combine Data & Display
- On the Actionflow, create a action with the Primary Table, AdditionalCompanies_Processed, and connect the Analysis action to the View action View
- In its Properties, in the Data Retrieval Options section, set the Data Range to Latest
- This will ensure that this data isn't continuously added if the Actionflow is run repeatedly
- For the Output Attributes section, click the icon and drag across all attributes
- In its Properties, in the Data Retrieval Options section, set the Data Range to Latest
- Create a
- In its Properties, in the Basic Settings section, set the Type to Insert and toggle on Auto Save Attributes
Save action to save the data to the Companies table - Connect the View to the Save action and map across all attributes
Setting the Exclusion Group
- Open the Actionflow Properties
- Under Basic Settings, populate the Exclusion Group field with any text, e.g.
- Under Basic Settings, populate the Exclusion Group field with any text, e.g.
Add the same Actionflow to the Import button the Company Management screen
- Open the Company Approval Review and Company Management screens
- Ensure both screens are ed Lock
- Click Import on one screen then press Import on the other screen
- A warning message should appear