Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This page is provides the reference information for dashboard properties.


Where dashboard elements are bound to data, you can link them, so that the data in one dashboard element drives the data in another; see /wiki/spaces/HELP12/pages/9909895169.

Menu Items

This section has a toolbar with standard buttons and:

  •  Image Modified Show stream actions (record-actions)
  • Insert excerpt

The grid contains a list of menu items. To add a menu item to the list, click 

Insert excerpt


To remove a menu, use the toolbar button  Delete Everywhere.


This section has a toolbar with standard buttons. The grid contains a list of mappings between attributes that are the same but have different names in different streams (tables) or views. PhixFlow will evaluate all the mapped datasets when it runs an action on the dashboard. Todo - check this is the correct mapping.

Unreachable Actions

Todo - New feature related to actionflows?


This section has a toolbar with standard buttons. The grid displays a list of actions and/or (todo - check) stream item actions (record-actions) that are linked to the screen.

Insert excerpt

Insert excerpt

Insert excerpt

Menus and Toolbars

Screen Toolbar
