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Insert excerpt

 Test Your Knowledge

You have now learnt how to create and configure simple Actionflows in PhixFlow. To reinforce the techniques you have learnt, complete these assignments.


Don't worry, this is not an exam. Use the Help to broaden your understanding and assimilate knowledge. 

Assignment 1

Difficulty Level: 

  1. Configure the ability to open the Student Management screen from the Menu 
    1. Use the Students button or create your own button 
  2. Configure the ability to save and delete new students using the New Student Form screen
    1. Set up Actionflows on the Save and Delete buttons on the New Student Form screen to save and delete data in the School Students table

Assignment 2

Difficulty Level: 

  1. When a new student is created, using the New Student button on the Student Management screen, we want the Intake Year field on the New Student Form screen to be prepopulated with the current year in the format, YYYY

    1. Expand
      titleTip 1

      Modify the Actionflow on the New Student button on Student Management screen

    2. Expand
      titleTip 2

      Use one of PhixFlow's Functions to retrieve the current year. 

      What type of Action Node can perform a function?

    3. Expand
      titleTip 3

      Use the dateGet function in an Output Attribute in a 

      Insert excerpt

    4. Expand
      titleTip 4

      Check your mappings all the way through the Actionflow and remember to map your new Output Attribute onto the IntakeYear field.

  2. When a user tries to save a new student, we want a confirmation screen to show to that allows the save to be confirmed or cancelled
    1. Bonus Task: map in the name of the new student onto a dynamic text component
  3. Set up the Students grid on the Student Management screen to contain the below icon in the Web column and configure this button to open the student's website when clicked
    1. Web icon:

Assignment 3

Difficulty Level: 

  1. When a new student is created on the New Student Form screen, we want the form to contain validation that requires:
    1. the Name field must be populated
    2. the Name field must contain at least 3 characters
    3. the Name field must adhere to the pattern, ^[A-Za-z\s-]+$
  2. We want to see a list of the courses that each student is enrolled on. Set up a button on the Student Management screen that opens a separate screen with this information on
  3. We want the status of a course to be dynamically updated to On Hold if the associated classroom's status is changed to Unavailable 

HTML Comment

Assignment 2

Configure the Student Management button in the menu

Difficulty Level: 

  1. On the Course Management screen open the
    Insert excerpt
     and expand the area, Screen Header
  2. Expand the area, Right, and you will see two components - a button and a dynamic text field
  3. Create an Actionflow on the button that uses the now function to insert today's date into a dynamic text field

HTML Comment

Assignment #: Configure a button, that when pressed, shows today's date

Difficulty Level: 

  1. On the Course Management screen open the
    Insert excerpt
     and expand the area, Screen Header
  2. Expand the area, Right, and you will see two components - a button and a dynamic text field
  3. Create an Actionflow on the button that uses the now function to insert today's date into a dynamic text field

titleQuestions to consider
  • Does this Actionflow require any data from the Course Management screen for it to run?
  • What type of Action Node can perform a function?
  • How do you write the results of the function to the text field on the screen?

titleHelpful Hints & Answers to the Above Questions
  • No data is required for the input
  • Use a Calculate Action to perform the function
  • You will need a create an output to write to the text field
    • The top level of the screen is called a Form
  • Remember to map all the way through the Actionflow
    • Check every connector to make sure the data you expect is being pushed through

titleReveal Answer

titleInput & Action Node Setup

Setup the Input and Calculate Action


  1. Right-click on the button on the screen and choose 
    Insert excerpt
  2. Enter a name for the Actionflow,
    1. Name: Populate Date Field
    2. Select Confirm
  3. Select Click to Connect and for the input, choose the 
    Insert excerpt
     Action Event, then select Connect Input
  4. Click and drag the 
    Insert excerpt
     icon from the toolbar onto the canvas
  5. Enter a name for the Calculate Action and select Create Action 
  6. The 
    Insert excerpt
     for the Calculate Action will open on the right
  7. In the Output Attributes section, click the 
    Insert excerpt
  8. Enter a name for the new Output Attribute and complete the following details:
    1. Type: choose String
    2. Expression: 

      Code Block

    3. Then 
      Insert excerpt
  9. Click and drag the input onto the Get Date Calculate Action

titleOutput Setup

Setup the Output and Write Back to the Screen


  1. In the Connections panel on the left, click
    Insert excerpt
     Add to create a new connection point
  2. Enter the following details for the new connection point:
    1. Name: out
    2. Type: choose Output
    3. Select Create Connection Point
  3. Select Click to Connect and for the output, choose the 
    Insert excerpt
    1. Select Connect Output
  4. Close the Mappings window that automatically opens
  5. Hover over the Calculate Action node and select out
  6. A red arrow will appear - click on the
    Insert excerpt
     output node under Connections
  7. On the Mappings window, drag the attribute, TodayDate, from the left (Calculate Action) to the right (output connection point) to create an attribute on the output
    1. Select Save
  8. Under Connections, right-click on the connector, out, and choose
    Insert excerpt
  9. Drag the TodayDate attribute from the left (output connection point) and drop it onto the DateField target parameter on the right (Course Management screen)
    1. Select Save
  10. Close the Actionflow to return to the Course Management screen
  11. Insert excerpt
     the screen and press the Button Date on the screen to see the Actionflow in action
    1. We can see that the Actionflow is working because it displays today's date in the format DD/MM/YY in the DateField dynamic text field