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Streams are a key model component. They represent a structured store of data within PhixFlow receiving data from one or more components, processing it then storing it.

Insert excerpt

The tab toolbar has the following additional buttons: 

Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt


NameThe name of the stream.
Insert excerpt
 to include the steam during analysis runs.
Static Data

Insert excerpt
 to set the stream to hold static data. Static data is reference or "look up" data that is used as part of a stream calculation.

Updating a static stream

Static In general, static streams are not updated during an analysis run that is initiated on another stream in the model. The exception is when an incoming push pipe is triggered, as this will force the stream to update itself.

Instead, to update the data in a static stream you must run analysis directly on the stream via:

  • via the model
  • via a task planor via an incoming push pipe.
PeriodSelect the time period for the stream. This can be either a regular period, or variable.
  • Transactional: allows multiple users to run independent analysis tasks at the same time.
  • Daily: generate or collect data every day.
  • Monthly: generate or collect data every month.
  • Variable: generate or collect data since the more recent run of the stream to the current date.

As transactional streams need a UID attribute, PhixFlow automatically creates this stream attribute if it does not already exist.

Stream Type

Select the stream type. The type indicates the function that operates on the data.

  • Aggregate Stream
  • Calculate Stream
  • CalculateBySet Stream
  • Cartesian Stream
  • Merge Stream 
Supersede Items on Pipe

Select a loop pipe from the list of those available. 

A loop pipe links the stream back to itself. It compares new data records to the existing data records. If there is a repeated record PhixFlow uses the new one in the stream and marks  the old one as superseded.

Audit Manual Changes

This check box is available when the Period is Transactional.

Insert excerpt
 to update and delete initiated by stream actions (not those carried out by analysis runs) will automatically mark the existing record as superseded and create a new stream set. The new versions of the updated records will be placed in the new stream set. Inserts will simply create a new stream set, and add the inserted record into that stream set.

When Audit Manual Changes is first set, the attributes UpdateActionUpdatedByNameUpdatedByID and UpdatedTime will be created if they do not already exist. If you do not require these attributes, delete them. For the UpdatedByName attribute, PhixFlow creates a field of 250 characters. (In versions up to 8.0.4, the field was 50 characters long.)

UpdateAction must be set to the type of action, such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. The other attributes will be populated if they exist on the stream:

  • UpdatedByName - the name of the user that performed the update, 
  • UpdatedByID - the internal id of the user that performed the update 
  • UpdatedTime - the date and time the update was made


The grid contains a list of the stream attributes in the stream. This section has a toolbar with standard buttons and 

Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt

The grid lists the attributes (data columns) in the stream data. To edit the properties of an attribute, double-click the attribute name to open the Stream Attributes properties.


To add an existing attribute to the list:

  1. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to list the streams available in the repository.
  2. Expand a stream to show its attributes.
  3. Drag an attribute into this list to add it. 


The grid contains a list of actions that use the stream. This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

To edit the properties of an action, double-click the attribute name. To add an action to the list, click  

Insert excerpt
. PhixFlow opens a new Action properties tab.


The grid contains a list of stream item actions that can update the stream. This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

To edit the properties of an action, double-click the attribute name. To add an action to the list, click  

Insert excerpt
. PhixFlow opens a new to open the Stream Item Actions properties tab.


The grid contains a list of the data views for this stream. This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

o edit the properties of an stream view, double-click the attribute name to open its Stream View properties tab.


Store Stream Views

To do

Access Permissions

By default, the permissions to access stream data is set in System Configuration →  Allow access to data by default. You can add specific user groups to restrict access to the stream; see Common Properties → Access Permissions.
