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Streams are a key model component. They represent a structured store of data within PhixFlow receiving data from one or more components, processing it then storing it.

Insert excerpt

The tab toolbar has the following additional buttons: 

Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt


The grid contains a list of the stream attributes in the stream. This section has a toolbar with standard buttons and 

Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt

The grid lists the attributes (data columns) in the stream data. To edit the properties of an attribute, double-click the attribute name to open the Stream Attributes properties.


To add an existing attribute to the list:

  1. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to list the streams available in the repository.
  2. Expand a stream to show its attributes.
  3. Drag an attribute into this list to add it. 


The grid contains a list of actions that use the stream. This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

To edit the properties of an action, double-click the attribute name. To add an action to the list, click  

Insert excerpt
. PhixFlow opens a new Action properties tab.


The grid contains a list of stream item actions that can update the stream. This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

To edit the properties of an action, double-click the attribute name. To add an action to the list, click  

Insert excerpt
. PhixFlow opens a new to open the Stream Item Actions properties tab.


The grid contains a list of the data views for this stream. This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

o edit the properties of an stream view, double-click the attribute name to open its Stream View properties tab.



Keep for X Days

The number of days data to keep in the stream.

When an archive task runs for a stream, all stream data is deleted if it is at least Keep for X Days old or if it is older than the Keep for Y Stream Sets most recent valid stream sets.

If both Keep for X Days and Keep for Y Stream Sets are set, stream data will be deleted only if it meets both conditions. If neither are set, stream data is kept indefinitely.

If Save Archive to File is ticked, deleted items are first saved to archive files.

The age of data in a stream set is its 'to' date relative to the 'to' date of the newest valid stream set in the stream.

See here for how to set up and schedule an Archive Task.

Please see the section below on Archiving Examples to


Keep for Y StreamSets

The number of stream sets data to keep in the stream.

See Keep for X Days for the main description of archiving.

Keep Superseded for X Days

The number of days for which to keep superseded data in the stream.

If Track Superseded Data is ticked, then this field will become visible/enabled.

In a stream where the superseded date is tracked, the stream data will contain a mixture of superseded records and "active" records - that is, records that have not been superseded.

When an archive task runs for a stream, records that were marked as superseded more than Keep Superseded for X Days days or more than Keep Superseded for Y Stream Sets stream sets ago are deleted.

If both Keep Superseded for X Days and Keep Superseded for Y Stream Sets are set, superseded records will be deleted only if they meet both conditions. If neither are set, superseded records are not deleted.

This means, for example, that if you have set Keep Superseded for X Days to 4, you will be able to roll back 3 days, making the 4th day the latest valid day.

If Save Archive to File is ticked, deleted items are first saved to archive files.

Please see the section below on Archiving Superceded Examples to see how this value can be used within Archiving strategies.

Keep Superseded for Y StreamSets

The number of stream sets for which to keep superseded data in the stream.

If Track Superseded Data is ticked, then this field will become visible/enabled.

See Keep Superseded for X Days for the main description of archiving superseded records.

Save Archive to FileIf Save Archive to File is set, archived data will be written to compressed archive files before being deleted.
Apply Archive FilterIf this flag is ticked then a dialog box appears within which a filter can be created. This filter will be applied during archiving and only the records which match the filter will be archived and deleted.

Store Stream Views

To do

Access Permissions

By default, the permissions to access stream data is set in System Configuration →  Allow access to data by default. You can add specific user groups to restrict access to the stream; see Common Properties → Access Permissions.
