Field | Description |
Name | Enter a name for the password policy. |
Passwords must have at least: |
Minimum Length | Specify the minimum number of characters required in a password. If this field is left empty, the minimum length is 1. |
Upper Case Chars | Specify the minimum number of upper case characters [A-Z] required in a password. |
Lower Case Chars | Specify the minimum number of lower case characters [a-z] required in a password. |
Numeric Chars | Specify the minimum number of digits [0-9] required in a password. |
Special Chars | Specify the minimum number of special characters required in a password. Allowed special characters are: \ ! " # $ % & ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ { | } ~
A new password cannot be the same as: |
A password used in the last N days | A new password cannot be the same as a password used previously within this number of days. |
Any of the last N passwords | A new password cannot be the same as any of this number of previous passwords. |
Password expires after: |
Days Valid
| Enter the number of days for which the password is valid. For example, to configure a password that is valid for 6 months, enter 180 . At the end of this number of days, the password expires. The user is not warned that their password is due to expire. To provide the user with a warning and a period of time in which to change their password, set Days to Reset. |
Days to Reset | Enter the number of days that the password continues to be valid, during which PhixFlow notifies the user that their password is due to expire. For example, to add an extra 2 weeks in which the user can continue to use their password, enter 14 . The Days to Reset starts when the Days Valid is exceeded. When the user logs in, PhixFlow displays a message telling them the number of days that remain before their password expires. If the user changes their password during the Days to Reset period, the number of Days Valid starts again. If the user does not change their password, when the Days to Reset is exceeded, the password expires. |
Lock account after: |
Failed login attempts | The user's account will be locked after this number of unsuccessful login attempts. |
Password reset: |
Allow Reset | Insert excerpt |
| _check_box_tick |
| _check_box_tick |
nopanel | true |
| means a user can request a password-reset link to be emailed to their configured email address.When the user follows this link, they must answer a security question and then provide a new password. Tip |
Users configure their security questions in their user properties; see User. To set the From address that PhixFlow uses for password reset emails, go to System Configuration → System Email Address. |
Maximum reset attempts | The maximum number of attempts the user can make to reset their password. After this number of failed attempts to answer a security question, the user must contact their system administrator. |
Reset links valid for | The link in a reset email is valid for this number of minutes. A link older than this will be rejected. If no value is set, reset links are valid indefinitely. |