Field | Description |
Basic Settings |
Name | Name given to the annotation. |
Display Text | The text that be to be displayed on the canvas. |
Position Settings |
Padding Top | Define in pixels (px) the amount of padding required around the display text, at the top of the annotation. |
Padding Right | Define in pixels (px) the amount of padding required around the display text, on the right of the annotation. |
Padding Bottom | Define in pixels (px) the amount of padding required around the display text, at the bottom of the annotation. |
Padding Left | Define in pixels (px) the amount of padding required around the display text, on the left of the annotation. |
z-index | Specify the stack order of the annotation (far in front or behind the annotation should appear in relation to other annotations). |
Background Settings |
Background Colour | Select a background colour or enter a hex code. |
Opacity | Set the opacity of the background colour. |
Border Settings |
Border Width | Specify the border width in pixels. |
Border Colour | Specify the colour. |
Border Style | Specify the border style: Solid, Dashed, Dotted, or None. |
Text Settings |
Font | Specify a font name. |
Font Size | Specify a font size. |
Text Colour | Select a font colour. |
Font Weight | Choose a font weight, e.g. Bold, Normal. |
Font Style | Choose a font style, e.g. Italic, Normal. |
Text Justify | Choose from: Flex Start: text is packed toward the top of the annotation. Flex End: text is packed toward the bottom of the annotation. Center: text is centred along the main horizontal axis. |
Text Align | Choose from: Flex Start: text is aligned to the left of the annotation. Flex End: text is aligned to the right of the annotation. Center: text is centred along the main vertical axis. Stretch: text fills the annotation along the main horizontal axis. |