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This feature is available in PhixFlow version 12+.

Use layout categories to configure highlighting of an area that is a preferred parent, when you drag components from the palette onto a screen; see Component Categories and Preferred Parents for detailscustom series to add quartile, trend, target and/or arbitrary lines to your charts in PhixFlow. See Creating a Custom Chart (Trends) for worked examples.

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Basic Settings


Enter the a name for the layout category, which PhixFlow will add to the Layout Categories section of the repository.

Drag layout categories from the repository into the Preferred Parent Categories section of components.

custom series.

Right Axis

Enable this to display the custom series

' value

for the dataset(s) on the right axis

, along with relevant increments.



Choose from:

  • Percentile: 
    • Percentiles areThis is a type of quantile that show shows how a value (percentile) compares to other values from the same group of datawithin the dataset
    • They indicate the value below which a given percentage of values in a group dataset falls, e.g. the 50th percentile represents the point below which 50% of the data falls, or if a exam score is at the 80th percentile, it means the candidate scored the same as or higher than 80% of other candidates in the same group
  • Algorithm - Drop down selection of algorithm/trend
  • Expression
  • Algorithm
    • Choose this to display a drop down list of calculations
  • Expression
    • Choose this to display the Expression editor 

Available when Mode is set to Percentile

Enter a number between 0 and 100.

Move screenshots to Creating a Custom Chart (Trends) and add link here. e.g. For an example chart setup using this option, see Creating a Custom Chart (Trends)Image Removed.


Available when Mode is set to Algorithm

Choose from the drop down list:

  • Mean - set a chart line at the average value of a set of numbersthe dataset values
  • Median - middle value of a list of numbers set a chart line at the middle value of the dataset values, when they are ordered from least to greatestascending
  • Standard Deviation -

    measure of how

    set a chart line to display how spread out the values in a

    data set

    dataset are from the mean

    . Helps


    Standard Deviation helps to understand the dispersion or variability of the data points. A larger standard variation indicates that the values are more spread out from the mean.

  • Maximum - set a chart line at the largest value in a set of numbers or the highest point on a graphthe dataset 
  • Minimum - set a chart line at the smallest value in a set of numbers or the lowest point on a graphthe dataset
  • Sum - set a chart line at the result of adding two or more numbers all values in the dataset together
  • Cumulative Sum - set a trend line showing the running total of a sequence of numbersthe dataset values
  • Cumulative Percent - set a trend line showing the total percentage accumulated

    up to a certain

    at each point in

    a series. it

    the data series


    Cumulative Percent reflects the cumulative contribution or impact of each percentage value as it progresses over time or through a particular

    set of data
Image Removed
  • dataset.

For an example chart setup using this option, see Creating a Custom Chart (Trends).


Available when Mode is set to Expression.

Refer to attributes using the syntax, Image Removed_current.attributeName

For an example chart setup using this option, see Creating a Custom Chart (Trends).

  • Choose a colour from the colour picker
  • Set the value in Hexadecimal format
  • Set the RGB value
StyleChoose from dashed, dotted or slolidsolid.

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For links to all pages in this topic, see Creating Dashboards and Reports.