When you have several forms models or dashboards open in PhixFlow, you may want to switch between them.
- Open several models (if you don't already have some open).
- In the repository list, double-click on an model to open its configuration formproperties.
- Click
Image Removed Display in In the toolbar at the top of the formproperties toolbar, Insert excerpt |
| _model_display |
| _model_display |
nopanel | true |
. PhixFlow displays the item model window in the workspace. - Repeat for several models.
- Notice that:
- in the form area, each time you open a new configuration formthe properties tab for a model, PhixFlow closes the previous formproperties tab, unless: form
- properties tab has unsaved changes
. - in the workspace area, PhixFlow displays opens the latest model window, but the other models model windows also remain open.
- Look at the status task bar , at the bottom left of the PhixFlow window. The status bar On the left, PhixFlow lists how many workspace windows are open in the workspace.

- Click Show Windows Barthe
Insert excerpt |
| _window_bar |
| _window_bar |
nopanel | true |
icon. - PhixFlow displays icons for all open windows. In this example all the windows are models. You can:
- click an icon to display its window. This is like bringing the selected window to the front.
- right-click an icon and select Close to close its window.

- If you also want to show the configuration form for the model, in the toolbar click
Show model details.