You have installed Java, with the required settings.
Step 1 Create Tomcat user
Warning |
Do not run Tomcat as root as this constitutes a security risk. |
Code Block |
sudo groupadd tomcat
sudo useradd -s /bin/false -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat tomcat |
Step 2 Download and install Tomcat
Excerpt |
Download - To find the latest version, go to the Tomcat downloads page:
- Find the latest Binary Distributions section, then the Core sub-heading, and copy the tar.gz link.
To download Tomcat, on the Linux server, go to the tmp directory. Use the curl command to download from the the tar.gz link. Code Block |
cd /tmp
curl -O http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/rsync.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.38/bin/apache-tomcat-9.0.38.tar.gz |
- Install
Unpack the Tomcat tar.gz file into /opt/tomcat . Code Block |
sudo mkdir /opt/tomcat
cd /opt/tomcat
sudo tar xvf /tmp/apache-tomcat-9*tar.gz --strip-components=1 |
This creates the tomcat folders (conf, logs, webapps etc.) directly under /opt/tomcat .Set the file ownership and permissions. Code Block |
cd /opt/tomcat
sudo chown -R tomcat webapps/ work/ temp/ logs/
sudo chgrp -R tomcat .
sudo chmod -R g+r conf
sudo chmod g+x conf |
Step 3 Create a service wrapper
This stage step creates a wrapper which that allows tomcat Tomcat to be managed as a service; this allows tomcat to be stopped and started . Using a service means you can stop and start Tomcat reliably, and ensures that the running environment (e.g. the starting directory) is well defined.
Specifically, these These instructions create a systemd
First, create a service definition file: