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This page is for administrators who need to monitor events on the PhixFlow system. 



Insert excerpt
 has a series of tabs displaying information about PhixFlow activity; see System Console. Use the:

  • Task Logs tab to monitor processes that are running on PhixFlow
  • Archive Log tab to monitor the archiving of stream sets; see pages in the Tasks, Task Plans and Archiving topic for details.

In some cases you may need to investigate problems not covered by the information in the console. In this a case, refer to the server log files that record PhixFlow and Tomcat activity and network traffic. In particular, the phixflow.log files include information to help you track down problems.

See also Logs for Third-Party Systems.

titleSections on this page

Table of Contents

Server Log Files

PhixFlow generates detailed logs of activity on PhixFlow and Tomcat and writes them to:

Code Block
[tomcat installation base]/logs

For example:

Code Block

Downloading Server


Log Files

In addition to viewing the log files in the logs directory you can download a zip file of all or selected log files.

  1. In the bottom right, click
    Insert excerpt
     to open the Administration menu.
  2. Select Other Options → Download Log Files. PhixFlow opens a window prompting you to enter file names.
  3. Enter file names, optionally using an asterisk * as a wildcard.
  4. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to start the download process. PhixFlow zips the specified log files into a single zipped archive. Depending on your system configuration, downloading all log files may take some time and will produce a large (several GB) zip file.
  5. When the download is finished, a blue notification box reports that the file is ready. Click the notification to download the zip file.

The server log files generated by PhixFlow and Tomcat, are:

  • phixflow.log and phixflow.log.<date>
    phixflow.log is the default name. The name and recorded data can be configured in logback.xml.
  • manager.<date>.log
  • localhost_access_log.<date>.txt
  • localhost.<date>.log
  • host-manager.<date>.log
  • catalina.out and catalina.<date>.log

The main log files are phixflow.log and phixflow.log.<date>. This is the default name. The name and recorded data can be configured in logback.xml.

If you have multiple instances of PhixFlow hosted under the same Tomcat instance, each PhixFlow instance will have a different log file name. Check logback.xml file to find out the main log file names.

Configuring Server Log Files

During the PhixFlow webapp installation, the administrator configures the level of server logging in:

When investigating problems, you can change the logging level for PhixFlow. If you are working with the PhixFlow support team, they can provide advice on what to change.

Edit and save the logback.xml file, which is in:

Code Block
[tomcat installation base]/webapps/[instance name]/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml

For example:

Code Block

Some options can generate huge amounts of extra logging, and these will create very large log files.

PhixFlow will automatically pick up the change, so you can continue investigating, for example repeating the activity that has the problem. After repeating the problem, check your phixflow.log file to see the additional logging details. 


Remember to reset logback.xml to the standard logging options once your investigation is finished.