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  • This line was added.
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Insert excerpt_Banners_Bannersnamescreennopaneltrue

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Table of Contents

This page is for application designers. It describes the properties of a component. It also lists the context menu options for components.


Components are the building blocks of dashboards. For information about the different types of component and how they can be combined into layouts, see Screen Structure.

Component Properties

Each component has the following properties. Some properties are only available for some types of component.

Insert excerpt_property_toolbar_property_toolbarnopaneltrue Insert excerpt_parent_parentnopaneltrue. For components, this property is read-only. The parent is the application or package to which it belongs.


Basic Settings


Enter the name of the component.

The names for data views, form fields and card components cannot include spaces.

Allow Empty Row

Available for drop-down list components.

Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to allow empty rows in the drop-down list.Cache Data

This field is only available if the component is a drop-down list.

Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to cache the data in the field after it is loaded for the first time.Parent

Available for button components. PhixFlow displays the name for the parent component.

The following options relate to actions.


For new applications created in PhixFlow version 9.0 or later, we recommend you use new actionflows for configuring actions.

  1. Set the Action Method to Actionflow.
  2. Select or create an Actionflow.

For applications created in version 8.3 and earlier, we recommend that you continue to use stream actions combined with either an Action Type or an Action, not both.

  1. Set the Action Method to Stream action.
  2. Select:
    • either an Action Type.
    • or an Action from the appropriate stream.

If you specify both, the Action Type overwrites the type of the first stream-item-action rule that is configured in the action properties. The rest of the stream-item-action rule configuration remains the same. For example:

  • A button Action Type is Update.
  • Its Action has 3 stream-item-action rules, to:
    1. insert 
    2. insert
    3. update.

When the user clicks the button, PhixFlow runs the stream-item-action rules in turn, but runs the actions:

  1. update
  2. insert
  3. update

Only the first insert stream-item-action rule type is replaced by the update type specified in the Action Type

Action Type

Available for buttons.

Select one of the following action types that will run when the user clicks the button.

  • General
  • Insert
  • Clear All Fields
  • Close the current dashboard
  • Update
  • Delete

Alternatively, use the Action field to specify a stream action in which you can configure more details.

Action Method or 
Double-click Action

Action Method is available for buttons. Double-click Action is available for grid views and cards.

Select whether or not an action runs when the user clicks the button or grid. 

  • No Action
  • Stream Action: use when maintaining applications created in PhixFlow version 8.3 or earlier.
  • Actionflow: new in PhixFlow version 9.0.0. Use for new applications; see Wiring in Actionflows

Available when Action Method is Stream Action.

Select the action to run when a user clicks the button or double-clicks a grid view or card. The drop-down list shows:

  • if your application is not loaded: a list of applications. Select the application on which you are working to see the available streams.
  • if your application is loaded: a list of streams.

Select a stream to see the list of actions associated with the stream.

Default Action

Available for grid and card data components, when Double-click Action is Stream Action.

Select an action to run when a grid row or card is double-clicked

Drag Type

Available for grid and card data components, when Double-click Action is Stream Action or Actionflow.

Select or add a drag type to use when the user drags a grid row or card; see Drag Types and Drop Targets.


Available when Action Method is Actionflow. Click:

Insert excerpt_add_addnopaneltrue to create a new actionflow. Insert excerpt_actionflow_actionflownopaneltrue to select an actionflow from a list. The drop-down list shows:
  • if your application is not loaded: scroll down the list of applications to find the application on which you are working and its actionflows.
  • if your application is loaded: a list of actionflows in your application.
End of options related to actionsSnap Grid Size

Todo-Fiona - waiting for adam

Available for container components:

  • form
  • area

Also available for basic layouts:

  • tab header
  • tab display area
  • labelled number field
  • labelled date field
  • labelled date-time field
  • labelled drop-down field
  • labelled true/false field.

Enter the grid size to use when components are snapped to the grid.

Composite Component Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to indicate this component is grouped with its parent component.

It can be useful to group components together, such as a dynamic text field and the static text field that acts as its label. To do this,

  1. Create a component to act as the container, for example an area.
  2. Add the components you want to treat as a single component.
  3. Tick this option for each of the components within the container.

PhixFlow then treats the container and the components it contains, as a single, composite component. In a dashboard, when you select or drag a component, such as a text field, PhixFlow selects or moves the whole composite component. 


To select a component that is part of a composite component:

  1. Click once to select the composite component.
  2. Click again to select the specific component.
Layout Category  Anchorlayout-catlayout-cat

Available for container components:

  • areas
  • forms
  • card containers.

This property relates to configuring preferred parents for components; see Layout Categories and Preferred Parents.

Select a layout category to indicate the part of a screen that this component represents, such as a header, navigation, button-bar or footer. You can also add a new layout category. Layout categories are listed in the repository.

For other components and layouts, the property tab includes a Preferred Parent Categories section. Use this to select the layout categories that are suitable locations to drop a component. For example, a button could have button-bars as their preferred parent. When you drag a component or layout from the palette,  PhixFlow can highlight parts of the dashboard where you can drop.


Available for card containers and forms.

The name of the stream or stream view bound to the form or card container. 

For a card container, you can drag a stream or stream view from the repository into this property to bind data.

Stream View NameDisplay Text

Available for static text fields.

Enter the text you want to display on the component. By default this field is an expression editor. For options to format the display text as HTML, tick Use HTML Formatting.

Use HTML Formatting

Available for static text fields.

Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to change the Display Text field from an expression editor to an HTML editor. You can then use the toolbar to apply HTML formatting to the text. Default Value

Available for data field components:

  • true/false field
  • date field
  • date-time field
  • number field
  • string field
  • dynamic text.

Select or enter a value to display in the field. PhixFlow uses this value if:

  • an action opens the dashboard to which this component belongs
  • and there are no context parameters or form mappings to populate this field.
Date/Time Format

Available for the data field components:

  • date field
  • date-time field
  • dynamic text
  • drop-down field.

Select the format in which to display the date or date time value.

Number Format

Available for the data field components:

  • number field
  • dynamic text
  • drop-down field.

Select the format in which to display the number value.

The drop-down list of Number Formats is populated from the formats defined for your: 

  • PhixFlow instance
  • your application's theme
  • your application.

Available for dynamic text and drop-down components.

Select one of the data types:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Date
  • Datetime
  • HTML

The data type determines how the selected data will be formatted.

  • Integer or Float must have a number format
  • Date or Datetime must have a date-time format.
Decimal Places

Available for dynamic text components.

Enter the number of decimal places to display for numbers.


Available for URL display components.

Specify the URL that you want to be displayed.


Available for URL display components.

Enter an expression which, if true, determines the URL.

Multi-line Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to allow the text to wrap over 2 lines.The following options are only available for date, date-time, number, string and drop-down fields.Use Field Name as Place Holder Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to automatically use the field name as the placeholder text in the empty field.Place Holder Text

Enter text that PhixFlow will display when the input field is empty. Placeholder text is shown slightly greyed out to distinguish it from text that:

  • either is entered by the user
  • or is read-only text.
The following options are only available for a view or a card container.  AnchorcardcardParentThe name of the form or area that this component is a part of.Display NameEnter a name to be displayed as the heading for this component. If no display name is set, the file name for the component is displayed.Stream View NameSelect the view that backs this card container or form. This means you can have aggregated data in the background filter of the card container or form.Select First Row By Default Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to automatically select the first grid row or card when the dashboard is opened.Refresh If Not Active Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to refresh the data in the component even if the parent dashboard is not active. Use this option if a user selection elsewhere in the application can affect the data in this component.  Insert excerpt_check_box_unticked_check_box_untickednopaneltrue to refresh the data in the component when the dashboard becomes active.Show Paging Bar Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to display the paging bar by default.Default Page Size

Available for grid and card data components.

Specify the number of records to be displayed as:

  • rows in a grid
  • cards in a card component.

If not specified, PhixFlow uses the default page size set in System Configuration.

Use Custom Data Range Insert excerpt_check_box_untick_check_box_unticknopaneltrue to use the default data range, which is set in the Stream → Basic Settings → Data Range property. It determines whether this component displays stream-items (records) from:
  • either all stream-sets
  • or the latest stream-set only.
Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to override the setting in the backing stream. PhixFlow shows the Data Range property.Data Range

Available when Use Custom Data Range is ticked.

Insert excerpt_data_range_data_rangenopaneltrue

This value is used instead of the data range specified on the backing stream.  

Use Custom Default Filter Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to display the Default Filter field.Default FilterThis field is available when Use Custom Default Filter is ticked. Select or add a filter. This overrides any default filter set in the original view.Default Sort OrderSelect or add a default order in which data will be displayed; see Sort Order.Kanban Board  Anchorkanban_boardkanban_board

This section is available when the Advanced → Type is Cards.

Kanban boards display stream-items as cards in columns, with headings. The columns usually represent the status of the stream-item. When a Kanban application user drags a card from one column to another, the default kanban drag action automatically updates these attributes to match those of the target column.

Example: a stream may stream-item information about status using the attributes StatusID and StatusName.

StatusIDStatusNameDataUse this attribute to identify the columnsUse this attribute to name the columns01PlannedYes02In ProgressNo03In ReviewNo04DoneYes

Table 1: Example attributes for a kanban board

Use the following properties to set the columns and headers for the kanban board.  To specify the styles for the kanban board columns and headings, see 9711230837, below.


Kanban Columns

This field is required. Select an attribute from the list.

PhixFlow uses this attribute to create the kanban columns. Each value found for the attribute in the stream data generates a column. PhixFlow displays the stream-item as cards in the column that represents the value of this attribute.

In some cases, the attribute that you use to create the columns will have a data form that is not useful as a column heading. For example it may be a identifier, rather than a name. In this case, specify Kanban Column Headings.


The columns are restricted to those found in the data.


Example using the attributes from Stream 1, above.

Select the attribute:

  • StatusID to create the kanban columns
  • StatusName to name the kanban columns

Recirds include StatusID values of 01 and 04. No stream-items include the values 03 and 04. Therefore the kanban board has just two columns:

  • 01, with the heading Planned 
  • and 04, with the heading Done.

To display kanban columns for all possible values of the selected attribute, tick Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression. PhixFlow adds the expression fields:

  • Kanban Column Expression
  • Kanban Column Headings Expression, when you select a Kanban Column Headings attribute.

Enter an expression that defines all the columns and (optionally) their headings.

Kanban Column Headings

Optionally, specify the attribute to create the kanban column headings. Select an attribute from the list. 

This attribute must have values that correspond to the values in the Kanban Columns attribute. For example, if you select a Kanban Columns attribute of StatusID, the corresponding attribute for column headings is StatusName, as shown in the Stream 1 above.

Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to display expression fields. Enter expressions to specify the full set of columns and headings that you require. Columns remain visible on the board even when there are no stream-items to display in them.

To ensure kanban boards are responsive, expressions can only take a subset of functions; see Responsive Functions.

Kanban Column Expression

Available when a Kanban Columns is selected and Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression is ticked.

Enter an expression to specify which columns appear on the board.


Example using the attributes from Stream 1, above.

  1. Select the attribute:
    • StatusID to create the kanban columns
    • StatusName to name the kanban columns
  2. Tick Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression
  3. Enter an expression for all 4 columns: 01, 02, 03 and 04.
  4. Enter an expression for all 4 column names: Planned, In Progress, In Review and Done.

The kanban board has just four columns. The In Progress and In Review columns do not contain any cards.

Your expression can directly specify all the columns/headings.

If you want the flexibility of changing the kanban columns over time, consider having a stream in which all the attributes for the kanban columns and their headings are defined. Use the expression to refer to the stream. When you update the stream, the kanban board will automatically be updated.

To ensure kanban boards are responsive, expressions can only take a subset of functions; see Responsive Functions.

Kanban Column Headings Expression

Available when a Kanban Column Headings is selected and Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression is ticked.

Enter an expression to specify which column names appear on the board.

Background Filter Rules

Available for data view components and card containers. Specify a background filter that PhixFlow applies to the stream data before it is displayed in the component.

FieldDescriptionEvaluate These Filter Rules as an Or

Specify how to combine the Background Filter Rules.

Insert excerpt_check_box_untick_check_box_unticknopaneltrue to combine the background filter rules as an AND filter. Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to combine the background filter rules as an OR filter.Background Filter Rules

This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

The grid contains a list of the background filter rules that are combined together to create the background filter for the component.  To add a filter rule  to the list, click  Insert excerpt_new_newnopaneltrue. PhixFlow opens the filter rule properties. To remove a filter rule, use the toolbar button  Insert excerpt_delete_deletenopaneltrue.

For information about the details shown in the grid, see Filter Rule.

Drop Targets

A list of rules of the action drop-targets on this component. Click  Insert excerpt_new_newnopaneltrue to add a new drop-target; see Drag Types and Drop Targets and  /wiki/spaces/HELP11/pages/9711192182.

Style Settings

Select formatting properties for the current component; see Style Reference Information properties, as they are the same as the Style Settings here.

PhixFlow uses the style settings to construct CSS for the component; see CSS for details of CSS. If the formatting you require is not available in this section, you can also create custom styling, see CSS Properties Reference Information. PhixFlow applies the style to the component when you save changes to the properties tab.

In addition to the standard style properties, this section includes the following settings related to kanban boards. 

FieldDescriptionKanban Column Style

Available when a Kanban Board → Kanban Column attribute is selected.

Select a Style Reference Information to format the kanban board columns and their headers.

  • Either select a style from the drop-down list.
  • Or click  Insert excerpt_style_list_style_listnopaneltrue to show the list of styles available in the repositoryOr click  Insert excerpt_new_newnopaneltrue to create a new style to use.Kanban Header StyleHeader StyleRemaining properties

    The rest of the Style Settings properties are the same as those that you can set in a Style Reference Information.


    Style settings include adding scrollbars.

    Grid and card container components that have scrollbars can also scroll automatically. This means users can drag cards or grid items to targets that are currently off-screen.

    1. Click to select the item and start to drag it in the direction of the target.
    2. At the edge of the component, pause the mouse pointer.
    3. PhixFlow then starts to scroll in the direction of your drag.

    Automatic scrolling can be:

    • left or right
    • up or down
    • diagonal.

    CSS Properties

    A list of CSS properties. Click  Insert excerpt_new_newnopaneltrue to add a new CSS style; see CSS Properties Reference Information.

    Shared Styles

    A list of shared styles. Click Show the List of Styles to see the styles available in the repository. You can drag styles from the repository into the grid to add a shared style to this component.

    Formatting Rules

    A list of rules about when to apply formatting. Click  Insert excerpt_new_newnopaneltrue to add a new rule; see Formatting Rules.

    Event Handlers

    This section has a toolbar with standard buttons

    The grid contains a list of event handlers configured for this component. Event handlers use a user action, such as a mouse-click, to trigger a stream-action or actionflow to run. To add an event handler:

    Click Insert excerpt_add_addnopaneltrue
  • PhixFlow opens a new properties tab for the event handler.
  • Select the Event Type, Action Method and specific stream-action or actionflow you require; see Event Handlers properties.
  • To remove an event handler, use the toolbar button  Insert excerpt_delete_deletenopaneltrue.

    Position Settings

    FieldDescriptionOrderThe order of the component.Tab IndexThe order of the tab.WidthThe width of the component; height of the component; top of the component;
    LeftThe left of the component;
    RightThe right of the component; bottom of the component; Dragging Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue to prevent a component from being dragged or resized when a dashboard is in edit mode.  This means you cannot accidentally move a component that you want to stay in a fixed position, such as a header or footer.Preferred Parent Categories  Anchorpref-parentpref-parent

    This property relates to configuring preferred parents for components; see Layout Categories and Preferred ParentsFor container components, the property tab includes a Layout Category property in which you can create layout categories and assign container components to them.

    This section includes a list of the layout categories, that this component can be dragged onto. For example, you can set a button-bar as the preferred parent for a button. When you drag a component or layout from the palette, PhixFlow can highlight parts of the dashboard where you can drop it.

    To add a category, open the repository Layout Categories section and drag one into the list.


    This section is only available for components that can have actions, such as buttons, views and cards. This means you can map attributes that have different names. PhixFlow will evaluate all the mapped datasets when it runs the action.


    FieldDescriptionTypePhixFlow populates this property with the type of component.View Type

    Available for area components. Optionally select one of the following to set additional behaviour for an area.

    • Field Container: indicates the area is acting as a container for a data field and associated text field.
      PhixFlow uses the container name as the text in the field,  
    • Dashboard Drag Handle: the area acts as a drag handle.
      The application user can click in the area and drag to move the whole dashboard.
    1. Drag in an attribute.
    2. PhixFlow adds a labelled field component that matches the data type.
    3. PhixFlow uses the attribute name as the name of the area.
    4. PhixFlow adds the attribute name as the content of the text field, which has the name Label

    todo-Fiona - data associations

    Internal Icon Source  Anchorimage-iconimage-iconSelect an image from the list of uploaded images.

    Optionally specify either an internal or an external icon source. If you specify both, PhixFlow will use the Internal Icon Source.

    When you add a component to the palette, PhixFlow uses the image as the icon in the palette. If you do not specify an image, PhixFlow uses a default icon based on the component type.

    External Icon Source 

    Enter the path to an icon that is stored in your file system.

    Test Handle

    Enter a name that you can use for this component, when you are running automated tests on your application.


    Read-only. Available for components that have been added to a palette.

    Insert excerpt_check_box_tick_check_box_ticknopaneltrue indicates this is a template component that has been added to a palette.Palette Label

    Available for components and layouts that have been added to a palette.

    Optionally, enter a label that will appear below this component when it is displayed in the palette. This is useful if you want a shorter or more descriptive label than the component name, which is displayed by default.

    Insert excerpt_access_accessnopaneltrue


    FieldDescriptionTooltipEnter tooltip text. When using the application, if the user hovers their mouse over this component,  PhixFlow displays this text.
    Insert excerpt_translatable_translatablenopaneltrueDescriptionEnter a description to explain the purpose of this component. Insert excerpt_audit_auditnopaneltrue

    Creating Background Filters Within a Component

    As well as using the properties tab to set up background filters, you can apply them within an unlocked dashboard or component that contains a grid view.

    In the component, drag the column header from a grid view onto a form or card. This creates a background filter using the backing attribute. When you then select a different row in the grid view, the contents of the form or card is updated to show the details for the selected row.

    If the backing stream no longer contains an attribute that appears as a column header in the grid view, PhixFlow prompts you to select an alternative attribute of the same type, if one is available. If the backing stream has no attributes of the same type, PhixFlow reports and error. 

    Understanding Kanban Boards

    A kanban board is a project tracking tool that shows work at various stages of a process. Each column represents a stage in the process. Each piece of work is represented by a card. 

    Card components have properties so that you can easily create kanban boards. In the Kanban Board section, select an attribute from the backing stream to define kanban columns, and optionally their headings. PhixFlow creates one card for each stream-item in the stream, and displays it in the appropriate column. To define the styles for the columns and headings, use the options in 9711230837.

    There are two ways to move cards to different columns.

    • Either update the backing stream. When you refresh the kanban board, PhixFlow automatically moves the cards to the columns that reflect their stage in the process.
    • Or drag a card from one column to another. PhixFlow automatically updates the values of its kanban attributes to reflect the target column. 


    The backing stream for a component has the attribute Status, which can have the values:

    • Not started
    • In progress
    • Blocked
    • Done

    PhixFlow uses these values to create 4 columns, and uses the status values as the headings. Each stream-item is displayed as a card. The Status attribute determines which column the card is in. You can drag a card between columns, for example from Not started to In progress. In the backing stream, PhixFlow updates the Status of the stream-item to In Progress.

    Component Pop-up Menu

    The context menu options vary for different types of component. Options for dashboards will be listed:

  • either in the context menu itself
  • or in the   Insert excerpt_screen_screennopaneltrue Options sub-menu.

    In the following stream, the menu options are grouped according to purpose. This may not be the order in which the options appear in the menu.

    Menu optionDescription
    Fixing and Moving
    Insert excerpt_layout_unlock_layout_unlocknopaneltrue When a dashboard is locked, unlock to make changes. Insert excerpt_layout_lock_layout_locknopaneltrueLock a dashboard to display the data content. Insert excerpt_pin_unpin_pin_unpinnopaneltruePin or unpin a component. You can drag unpinned components to different locations in the dashboard. Unpinned components will move if another component is dropped on or near them. Insert excerpt_lock_height_lock_heightnopaneltrueFix the height of the selected component. Insert excerpt_autosize_autosizenopaneltrue

    Toggle whether or not the currently selected component is automatically auto sized when an application window is resized by the user.


    Using this option, or manually resizing a component may change the state of the Component → Style Settings → Auto Size property; see Style Reference Information.

    Insert excerpt_arrange_components_arrange_componentsnopaneltrue sub-menu Insert excerpt_align_left_align_leftnopaneltrueAlign the left edges of all the selected components to the component that is furthest to the left. Insert excerpt_align_right_align_rightnopaneltrueAlign the right edges of all the selected components to the component that is furthest to the right. Insert excerpt_align_top_align_topnopaneltrueAlign the top edges of the selected components to the component that is positioned highest. Insert excerpt_align_bottom_align_bottomnopaneltrueAlign the bottom edges of the selected components to the component that is positioned lowest. Insert excerpt_distribute_horizontal_distribute_horizontalnopaneltrueEqually distribute the selected components horizontally in the available space. Insert excerpt_distribute_vertical_distribute_verticalnopaneltrueEqually distribute the selected components vertically in the available space.
    Insert excerpt_element_show_element_shownopaneltrueOpen the properties tab for the component. Insert excerpt_screen_properties_screen_propertiesnopaneltrueOpen the properties tab for the dashboard. Insert excerpt_table_properties_table_propertiesnopaneltrueOpen the properties tab for the stream. Insert excerpt_context_parameters_context_parametersnopaneltrueOpen the list of context parameters. Insert excerpt_table_attributes_show_table_attributes_shownopaneltrueOpen the list of attributes for the stream. This option is available when a dashboard or component has a backing stream or view Insert excerpt_view_attributes_show_view_attributes_shownopaneltrueOpen the list of attributes for the stream. This option is available when a dashboard or component has a backing view as well as a backing stream or view. Insert excerpt_record_show_record_shownopaneltrueOpen a window showing the stream-item. Insert excerpt_repository_find_repository_findnopaneltrueOpen the repository with the component's name highlighted. Insert excerpt_mapping_mappingnopaneltrueOpen a new mapping properties tab.
    Insert excerpt_form_new_form_newnopaneltrueFor new dashboards, add a form container. Insert excerpt_palette_palettenopaneltrueOpen the palette to drag in templates. Insert excerpt_area_right_area_rightnopaneltrueAdd a vertical bar to the current area. Insert excerpt_area_above_area_abovenopaneltrueAdd a horizontal bar to the current area.
    Insert excerpt_layout_children_layout_childrennopaneltrueFor the selected area or container, select all the components contained in it.Copy as TemplateUse the selected item as a template. This also copies any background filter rules and data mapping to the template.
    Insert excerpt_delete_item_delete_itemnopaneltrue Delete the selected component from the dashboard. Insert excerpt_delete_deletenopaneltrue <component>Delete the selected component from the dashboard, and everywhere it is used.test

    Insert excerpt

    This page is for application designers. It describes the properties of a component. It also lists the context menu options for components.


    Components are the building blocks of dashboards. For information about the different types of component and how they can be combined into layouts, see Screen Structure.

    Component Properties

    Each component has the following properties. Some properties are only available for some types of component.

    Insert excerpt

    Insert excerpt
    . For components, this property is read-only. The parent is the application or package to which it belongs.

    Basic Settings


    Enter the name of the component.

    The names for data views, form fields and card components cannot include spaces.

    Allow Empty Row

    Available for drop-down list components.

    Insert excerpt
     to allow empty rows in the drop-down list.

    Cache Data

    This field is only available if the component is a drop-down list.

    Insert excerpt
     to cache the data in the field after it is loaded for the first time.


    Available for button components. PhixFlow displays the name for the parent component.

    The following options relate to actions.


    For new applications created in PhixFlow version 9.0 or later, we recommend you use new actionflows for configuring actions.

    1. Set the Action Method to Actionflow.
    2. Select or create an Actionflow.

    For applications created in version 8.3 and earlier, we recommend that you continue to use stream actions combined with either an Action Type or an Action, not both.

    1. Set the Action Method to Stream action.
    2. Select:
      • either an Action Type.
      • or an Action from the appropriate stream.

    If you specify both, the Action Type overwrites the type of the first stream-item-action rule that is configured in the action properties. The rest of the stream-item-action rule configuration remains the same. For example:

    • A button Action Type is Update.
    • Its Action has 3 stream-item-action rules, to:
      1. insert 
      2. insert
      3. update.

    When the user clicks the button, PhixFlow runs the stream-item-action rules in turn, but runs the actions:

    1. update
    2. insert
    3. update

    Only the first insert stream-item-action rule type is replaced by the update type specified in the Action Type

    Action Type

    Available for buttons.

    Select one of the following action types that will run when the user clicks the button.

    • General
    • Insert
    • Clear All Fields
    • Close the current dashboard
    • Update
    • Delete

    Alternatively, use the Action field to specify a stream action in which you can configure more details.

    Action Method or 
    Double-click Action

    Action Method is available for buttons. Double-click Action is available for grid views and cards.

    Select whether or not an action runs when the user clicks the button or grid. 

    • No Action
    • Stream Action: use when maintaining applications created in PhixFlow version 8.3 or earlier.
    • Actionflow: new in PhixFlow version 9.0.0. Use for new applications; see Wiring in Actionflows

    Available when Action Method is Stream Action.

    Select the action to run when a user clicks the button or double-clicks a grid view or card. The drop-down list shows:

    • if your application is not loaded: a list of applications. Select the application on which you are working to see the available streams.
    • if your application is loaded: a list of streams.

    Select a stream to see the list of actions associated with the stream.

    Default Action

    Available for grid and card data components, when Double-click Action is Stream Action.

    Select an action to run when a grid row or card is double-clicked

    Drag Type

    Available for grid and card data components, when Double-click Action is Stream Action or Actionflow.

    Select or add a drag type to use when the user drags a grid row or card; see Drag Types and Drop Targets.


    Available when Action Method is Actionflow. Click:

    Insert excerpt
     to create a new actionflow.

    Insert excerpt
     to select an actionflow from a list. The drop-down list shows:

    • if your application is not loaded: scroll down the list of applications to find the application on which you are working and its actionflows.
    • if your application is loaded: a list of actionflows in your application.
    End of options related to actions
    Snap Grid Size

    Todo-Fiona - waiting for adam

    Available for container components:

    • form
    • area

    Also available for basic layouts:

    • tab header
    • tab display area
    • labelled number field
    • labelled date field
    • labelled date-time field
    • labelled drop-down field
    • labelled true/false field.

    Enter the grid size to use when components are snapped to the grid.

    Composite Component

    Insert excerpt
     to indicate this component is grouped with its parent component.

    It can be useful to group components together, such as a dynamic text field and the static text field that acts as its label. To do this,

    1. Create a component to act as the container, for example an area.
    2. Add the components you want to treat as a single component.
    3. Tick this option for each of the components within the container.

    PhixFlow then treats the container and the components it contains, as a single, composite component. In a dashboard, when you select or drag a component, such as a text field, PhixFlow selects or moves the whole composite component. 


    To select a component that is part of a composite component:

    1. Click once to select the composite component.
    2. Click again to select the specific component.

    Layout Category 

    Available for container components:

    • areas
    • forms
    • card containers.

    This property relates to configuring preferred parents for components; see Layout Categories and Preferred Parents.

    Select a layout category to indicate the part of a screen that this component represents, such as a header, navigation, button-bar or footer. You can also add a new layout category. Layout categories are listed in the repository.

    For other components and layouts, the property tab includes a Preferred Parent Categories section. Use this to select the layout categories that are suitable locations to drop a component. For example, a button could have button-bars as their preferred parent. When you drag a component or layout from the palette,  PhixFlow can highlight parts of the dashboard where you can drop.


    Available for card containers and forms.

    The name of the stream or stream view bound to the form or card container. 

    For a card container, you can drag a stream or stream view from the repository into this property to bind data.

    Stream View Name
    Display Text

    Available for static text fields.

    Enter the text you want to display on the component. By default this field is an expression editor. For options to format the display text as HTML, tick Use HTML Formatting.

    Use HTML Formatting

    Available for static text fields.

    Insert excerpt
     to change the Display Text field from an expression editor to an HTML editor. You can then use the toolbar to apply HTML formatting to the text. 

    Default Value

    Available for data field components:

    • true/false field
    • date field
    • date-time field
    • number field
    • string field
    • dynamic text.

    Select or enter a value to display in the field. PhixFlow uses this value if:

    • an action opens the dashboard to which this component belongs
    • and there are no context parameters or form mappings to populate this field.
    Date/Time Format

    Available for the data field components:

    • date field
    • date-time field
    • dynamic text
    • drop-down field.

    Select the format in which to display the date or date time value.

    Number Format

    Available for the data field components:

    • number field
    • dynamic text
    • drop-down field.

    Select the format in which to display the number value.

    The drop-down list of Number Formats is populated from the formats defined for your: 

    • PhixFlow instance
    • your application's theme
    • your application.

    Available for dynamic text and drop-down components.

    Select one of the data types:

    • String
    • Integer
    • Float
    • Date
    • Datetime
    • HTML

    The data type determines how the selected data will be formatted.

    • Integer or Float must have a number format
    • Date or Datetime must have a date-time format.
    Decimal Places

    Available for dynamic text components.

    Enter the number of decimal places to display for numbers.


    Available for URL display components.

    Specify the URL that you want to be displayed.


    Available for URL display components.

    Enter an expression which, if true, determines the URL.


    Insert excerpt
     to allow the text to wrap over 2 lines.

    The following options are only available for date, date-time, number, string and drop-down fields.
    Use Field Name as Place Holder
    Insert excerpt
     to automatically use the 
    field name as the placeholder text in the empty field.
    Place Holder Text

    Enter text that PhixFlow will display when the input field is empty. Placeholder text is shown slightly greyed out to distinguish it from text that:

    • either is entered by the user
    • or is read-only text.

    The following options are only available for a view or a card container. 


    ParentThe name of the form or area that this component is a part of.
    Display NameEnter a name to be displayed as the heading for this component. If no display name is set, the file name for the component is displayed.
    Stream View NameSelect the view that backs this card container or form. This means you can have aggregated data in the background filter of the card container or form.
    Select First Row By Default

    Insert excerpt
     to automatically select the first grid row or card when the dashboard is opened.

    Refresh If Not Active

    Insert excerpt
     to refresh the data in the component even if the parent dashboard is not active. Use this option if a user selection elsewhere in the application can affect the data in this component. 

    Insert excerpt
     to refresh the data in the component when the dashboard becomes active.

    Show Paging Bar
    Insert excerpt
     to display
     the paging bar by default.
    Default Page Size

    Available for grid and card data components.

    Specify the number of records to be displayed as:

    • rows in a grid
    • cards in a card component.

    If not specified, PhixFlow uses the default page size set in System Configuration.

    Use Custom Data Range

    Insert excerpt
     to use the default data range, which is set in the Stream → Basic Settings → Data Range property. It determines whether this component displays stream-items (records) from:

    • either all stream-sets
    • or the latest stream-set only.

    Insert excerpt
     to override the setting in the backing stream. PhixFlow shows the Data Range property.

    Data Range

    Available when Use Custom Data Range is ticked.

    Insert excerpt

    This value is used instead of the data range specified on the backing stream.  

    Use Custom Default Filter
    Insert excerpt
     to display the
    Default Filter field.
    Default FilterThis field is available when Use Custom Default Filter is ticked. Select or add a filter. This overrides any default filter set in the original view.
    Default Sort OrderSelect or add a default order in which data will be displayed; see Sort Order.

    Kanban Board 

    This section is available when the Advanced → Type is Cards.

    Kanban boards display stream-items as cards in columns, with headings. The columns usually represent the status of the stream-item. When a Kanban application user drags a card from one column to another, the default kanban drag action automatically updates these attributes to match those of the target column.

    Example: a stream may stream-item information about status using the attributes StatusID and StatusName.

    Use this attribute to identify the columnsUse this attribute to name the columns
    02In ProgressNo
    03In ReviewNo

    Table 1: Example attributes for a kanban board

    Use the following properties to set the columns and headers for the kanban board.  To specify the styles for the kanban board columns and headings, see 9711230837, below.


    Kanban Columns

    This field is required. Select an attribute from the list.

    PhixFlow uses this attribute to create the kanban columns. Each value found for the attribute in the stream data generates a column. PhixFlow displays the stream-item as cards in the column that represents the value of this attribute.

    In some cases, the attribute that you use to create the columns will have a data form that is not useful as a column heading. For example it may be a identifier, rather than a name. In this case, specify Kanban Column Headings.


    The columns are restricted to those found in the data.


    Example using the attributes from Stream 1, above.

    Select the attribute:

    • StatusID to create the kanban columns
    • StatusName to name the kanban columns

    Recirds include StatusID values of 01 and 04. No stream-items include the values 03 and 04. Therefore the kanban board has just two columns:

    • 01, with the heading Planned 
    • and 04, with the heading Done.

    To display kanban columns for all possible values of the selected attribute, tick Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression. PhixFlow adds the expression fields:

    • Kanban Column Expression
    • Kanban Column Headings Expression, when you select a Kanban Column Headings attribute.

    Enter an expression that defines all the columns and (optionally) their headings.

    Kanban Column Headings

    Optionally, specify the attribute to create the kanban column headings. Select an attribute from the list. 

    This attribute must have values that correspond to the values in the Kanban Columns attribute. For example, if you select a Kanban Columns attribute of StatusID, the corresponding attribute for column headings is StatusName, as shown in the Stream 1 above.

    Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression

    Insert excerpt
     to display expression fields. Enter expressions to specify the full set of columns and headings that you require. Columns remain visible on the board even when there are no stream-items to display in them.

    To ensure kanban boards are responsive, expressions can only take a subset of functions; see Responsive Functions.

    Kanban Column Expression

    Available when a Kanban Columns is selected and Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression is ticked.

    Enter an expression to specify which columns appear on the board.


    Example using the attributes from Stream 1, above.

    1. Select the attribute:
      • StatusID to create the kanban columns
      • StatusName to name the kanban columns
    2. Tick Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression
    3. Enter an expression for all 4 columns: 01, 02, 03 and 04.
    4. Enter an expression for all 4 column names: Planned, In Progress, In Review and Done.

    The kanban board has just four columns. The In Progress and In Review columns do not contain any cards.

    Your expression can directly specify all the columns/headings.

    If you want the flexibility of changing the kanban columns over time, consider having a stream in which all the attributes for the kanban columns and their headings are defined. Use the expression to refer to the stream. When you update the stream, the kanban board will automatically be updated.

    To ensure kanban boards are responsive, expressions can only take a subset of functions; see Responsive Functions.

    Kanban Column Headings Expression

    Available when a Kanban Column Headings is selected and Evaluate Kanban Columns as Expression is ticked.

    Enter an expression to specify which column names appear on the board.

    Background Filter Rules

    Available for data view components and card containers. Specify a background filter that PhixFlow applies to the stream data before it is displayed in the component.

    Evaluate These Filter Rules as an Or

    Specify how to combine the Background Filter Rules.

    Insert excerpt
     to combine the background filter rules as an AND filter.

    Insert excerpt
     to combine the background filter rules as an OR filter.

    Background Filter Rules

    This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

    The grid contains a list of the background filter rules that are combined together to create the background filter for the component.  To add a filter rule  to the list, click 

    Insert excerpt
    . PhixFlow opens the filter rule properties. To remove a filter rule, use the toolbar button 
    Insert excerpt

    For information about the details shown in the grid, see Filter Rule.

    Drop Targets

    A list of rules of the action drop-targets on this component. Click 

    Insert excerpt
     to add a new drop-target; see Drag Types and Drop Targets and  /wiki/spaces/HELP11/pages/9711192182.

    Style Settings

    Select formatting properties for the current component; see Style Reference Information properties, as they are the same as the Style Settings here.

    PhixFlow uses the style settings to construct CSS for the component; see CSS for details of CSS. If the formatting you require is not available in this section, you can also create custom styling, see CSS Properties Reference Information. PhixFlow applies the style to the component when you save changes to the properties tab.

    In addition to the standard style properties, this section includes the following settings related to kanban boards. 

    Kanban Column Style

    Available when a Kanban Board → Kanban Column attribute is selected.

    Select a Style Reference Information to format the kanban board columns and their headers.

    • Either select a style from the drop-down list.
    • Or click 
      Insert excerpt
       to show the list of styles available in the repository
    • Or click 
      Insert excerpt
       to create a new style to use.
    Kanban Header Style
    Header Style
    Remaining properties

    The rest of the Style Settings properties are the same as those that you can set in a Style Reference Information.


    Style settings include adding scrollbars.

    Grid and card container components that have scrollbars can also scroll automatically. This means users can drag cards or grid items to targets that are currently off-screen.

    1. Click to select the item and start to drag it in the direction of the target.
    2. At the edge of the component, pause the mouse pointer.
    3. PhixFlow then starts to scroll in the direction of your drag.

    Automatic scrolling can be:

    • left or right
    • up or down
    • diagonal.

    CSS Properties

    A list of CSS properties. Click 

    Insert excerpt
     to add a new CSS style; see CSS Properties Reference Information.

    Shared Styles

    A list of shared styles. Click Show the List of Styles to see the styles available in the repository. You can drag styles from the repository into the grid to add a shared style to this component.

    Formatting Rules

    A list of rules about when to apply formatting. Click 

    Insert excerpt
     to add a new rule; see Formatting Rules.

    Event Handlers

    This section has a toolbar with standard buttons

    The grid contains a list of event handlers configured for this component. Event handlers use a user action, such as a mouse-click, to trigger a stream-action or actionflow to run. To add an event handler:

    1. Click
      Insert excerpt
    2. PhixFlow opens a new properties tab for the event handler.
    3. Select the Event Type, Action Method and specific stream-action or actionflow you require; see Event Handlers properties.

    To remove an event handler, use the toolbar button 

    Insert excerpt

    Position Settings

    OrderThe order of the component.
    Tab IndexThe order of the tab.
    WidthThe width of the component;
    HeightThe height of the component;
    TopThe top of the component;
    LeftThe left of the component;
    RightThe right of the component;
    BottomThe bottom of the component;
    Prevent Dragging
    Insert excerpt
     to prevent a component from being dragged or resized when a dashboard is in edit mode.  This means you cannot accidentally move a component that you want to stay in a fixed position, such as a header or footer.

    Preferred Parent Categories 

    This property relates to configuring preferred parents for components; see Layout Categories and Preferred ParentsFor container components, the property tab includes a Layout Category property in which you can create layout categories and assign container components to them.

    This section includes a list of the layout categories, that this component can be dragged onto. For example, you can set a button-bar as the preferred parent for a button. When you drag a component or layout from the palette, PhixFlow can highlight parts of the dashboard where you can drop it.

    To add a category, open the repository Layout Categories section and drag one into the list.


    This section is only available for components that can have actions, such as buttons, views and cards. This means you can map attributes that have different names. PhixFlow will evaluate all the mapped datasets when it runs the action.


    TypePhixFlow populates this property with the type of component.
    View Type

    Available for area components. Optionally select one of the following to set additional behaviour for an area.

    • Field Container: indicates the area is acting as a container for a data field and associated text field.
      PhixFlow uses the container name as the text in the field,  
    • Dashboard Drag Handle: the area acts as a drag handle.
      The application user can click in the area and drag to move the whole dashboard.
    1. Drag in an attribute.
    2. PhixFlow adds a labelled field component that matches the data type.
    3. PhixFlow uses the attribute name as the name of the area.
    4. PhixFlow adds the attribute name as the content of the text field, which has the name Label

    todo-Fiona - data associations

    Internal Icon Source 

    Select an image from the list of uploaded images.

    Optionally specify either an internal or an external icon source. If you specify both, PhixFlow will use the Internal Icon Source.

    When you add a component to the palette, PhixFlow uses the image as the icon in the palette. If you do not specify an image, PhixFlow uses a default icon based on the component type.

    External Icon Source 

    Enter the path to an icon that is stored in your file system.

    Test Handle

    Enter a name that you can use for this component, when you are running automated tests on your application.


    Read-only. Available for components that have been added to a palette.

    Insert excerpt
     indicates this is a template component that has been added to a palette.

    Palette Label

    Available for components and layouts that have been added to a palette.

    Optionally, enter a label that will appear below this component when it is displayed in the palette. This is useful if you want a shorter or more descriptive label than the component name, which is displayed by default.

    Insert excerpt


    TooltipEnter tooltip text. When using the application, if the user hovers their mouse over this component,  PhixFlow displays this text.
    Insert excerpt
    DescriptionEnter a description to explain the purpose of this component.

    Insert excerpt

    Creating Background Filters Within a Component

    As well as using the properties tab to set up background filters, you can apply them within an unlocked dashboard or component that contains a grid view.

    In the component, drag the column header from a grid view onto a form or card. This creates a background filter using the backing attribute. When you then select a different row in the grid view, the contents of the form or card is updated to show the details for the selected row.

    If the backing stream no longer contains an attribute that appears as a column header in the grid view, PhixFlow prompts you to select an alternative attribute of the same type, if one is available. If the backing stream has no attributes of the same type, PhixFlow reports and error. 

    Understanding Kanban Boards

    A kanban board is a project tracking tool that shows work at various stages of a process. Each column represents a stage in the process. Each piece of work is represented by a card. 

    Card components have properties so that you can easily create kanban boards. In the Kanban Board section, select an attribute from the backing stream to define kanban columns, and optionally their headings. PhixFlow creates one card for each stream-item in the stream, and displays it in the appropriate column. To define the styles for the columns and headings, use the options in 9711230837.

    There are two ways to move cards to different columns.

    • Either update the backing stream. When you refresh the kanban board, PhixFlow automatically moves the cards to the columns that reflect their stage in the process.
    • Or drag a card from one column to another. PhixFlow automatically updates the values of its kanban attributes to reflect the target column. 


    The backing stream for a component has the attribute Status, which can have the values:

    • Not started
    • In progress
    • Blocked
    • Done

    PhixFlow uses these values to create 4 columns, and uses the status values as the headings. Each stream-item is displayed as a card. The Status attribute determines which column the card is in. You can drag a card between columns, for example from Not started to In progress. In the backing stream, PhixFlow updates the Status of the stream-item to In Progress.

    Component Pop-up Menu

    The context menu options vary for different types of component. Options for dashboards will be listed:

    • either in the context menu itself
    • or in the  
      Insert excerpt
       Options sub-menu.

    In the following stream, the menu options are grouped according to purpose. This may not be the order in which the options appear in the menu.

    Menu optionDescription
    Fixing and Moving

    Insert excerpt

    When a dashboard is locked, unlock to make changes.
    Insert excerpt
    Lock a dashboard to display the data content.
    Insert excerpt
    Pin or unpin a component. You can drag unpinned components to different locations in the dashboard. Unpinned components will move if another component is dropped on or near them.
    Insert excerpt
    Fix the height of the selected component.
    Insert excerpt

    Toggle whether or not the currently selected component is automatically auto sized when an application window is resized by the user.


    Using this option, or manually resizing a component may change the state of the Component → Style Settings → Auto Size property; see Style Reference Information.

    Insert excerpt
    Insert excerpt
    Align the left edges of all the selected components to the component that is furthest to the left.
    Insert excerpt
    Align the right edges of all the selected components to the component that is furthest to the right.
    Insert excerpt
    Align the top edges of the selected components to the component that is positioned highest.
    Insert excerpt
    Align the bottom edges of the selected components to the component that is positioned lowest.
    Insert excerpt
    Equally distribute the selected components horizontally in the available space.
    Insert excerpt
    Equally distribute the selected components vertically in the available space.
    Insert excerpt
    Open the properties tab for the component.
    Insert excerpt
    Open the properties tab for the dashboard.
    Insert excerpt
    Open the properties tab for the stream.
    Insert excerpt
    Open the list of context parameters.
    Insert excerpt
    Open the list of attributes for the stream. This option is available when a dashboard or component has a backing stream or view
    Insert excerpt
    Open the list of attributes for the stream. This option is available when a dashboard or component has a backing view as well as a backing stream or view.
    Insert excerpt
    Open a window showing the stream-item.
    Insert excerpt
    Open the repository with the component's name highlighted.
    Insert excerpt
    Open a new mapping properties tab.
    Insert excerpt
    For new dashboards, add a form container.
    Insert excerpt
    Open the palette to drag in templates.
    Insert excerpt
    Add a vertical bar to the current area.
    Insert excerpt
    Add a horizontal bar to the current area.
    Insert excerpt
    For the selected area or container, select all the components contained in it.
    Copy as TemplateUse the selected item as a template. This also copies any background filter rules and data mapping to the template.

    Insert excerpt

    Delete the selected component from the dashboard.
    Insert excerpt
    Delete the selected component from the dashboard, and everywhere it is used.