Logging ConfigurationWhere a level is required this can be one of level values: OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL
Property | Requires Configuration | Default Value | Explanation |
logging.file.directory | Occasionally | logs | The directory logs are written into, relative to the Tomcat root directory. | logging.file.phixflow.base | Occasionally | phixflow | Base name of the standard PhixFlow log file. | logging.file.security.base | Occasionally | security | Base name of the security log file. | logging.stdout.level | Occasionally | OFF | Used to control the minimum log message level permitted to be output to standard output. | logging.root.level | Rarely | INFO | Configures the default minimum log level that can be generated. | logging.file.phixflow.main | Rarely | ${logging.file.directory}/${logging.file.phixflow.base}.log | Defines the path and name of the standard PhixFlow log file | logging.file.phixflow.archive | Rarely | ${logging.file.directory}/${logging.file.phixflow.base}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log | Defines the path and name of archived standard PhixFlow log files. | logging.file.security.main | Rarely | ${logging.file.directory}/${logging.file.security.base}.log | Defines the path and name of the security log file. | logging.file.security.archive | Rarely | ${logging.file.directory}/${logging.file.security.base}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log | Defines the path and name of archived security log files. | logging.file.phixflow.level | Rarely | ALL | Used to control the minimum log message level permitted to be output to standard log file. | logging.file.security.level | Rarely | ALL | Used to control the minimum log message level permitted to be output to security log file. | logging.phixflow.level | | INFO | | logging.security.level | | INFO | | logging.audit.level | | INFO | | logging.hibernate.level | | ERROR | | logging.spring.level | | ERROR | | logging.file.audit.base | | audit | | logging.file.phixflow.maxFileSize | | 1GB | | logging.file.phixflow.maxHistory | | 50 | | logging.file.phixflow.totalSizeCap | | 30GB | | logging.file.audit.level | | ALL | | logging.file.audit.main | | ${logging.file.directory}/${logging.file.audit.base}.log | | logging.file.audit.archive | | ${logging.file.directory}/${logging.file.audit.base}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log | |