Event Handlers & Action SettingsAn Event Handler is an action that responds to a specific event, such as a mouse click, double click or enter key press. The Event Handler defines how the application behaves when the event is triggered, such as running an Insert excerpt |
| _actionflow |
| _actionflow |
nopanel | true |
| . Multiple event handlers can be set on the same component or field. For example, you may wish for a validation Actionflow to be triggered On Enter and On Blur.
| Set Events/Actions on: | Event/Action | Description | Component | Data Field |
On Click | The user mouse clicks in an area. | Area | - | On Change | A toggle field changes state or the user mouse-clicks out of a data field in which they have changed data. Note: This event is not triggered by the user typing into a field. | - | Boolean Date Datetime Number String | On Enter | The user presses the Enter key in a data field. | - | On Blur | The user mouse-clicks out of a data field. Note: This event is triggered whether or not the data in the field has been changed. | - | Double Click | The user double clicks in a grid. | View |
| Auto Save | The user changes data in a grid, then clicks out of the cell. | View |
| Drag Types & Drop Targets | User drags an item from one part of a screen, and dropping on another part. | View Kanban Area |
| Task Plan | The user starts a task plan or a task plan auto-starts according to its schedule. |
| On Startup | The user loads the application. |
| Actionflow | Set a double click action that will override any default double-click action set on the View. | View Component |
Tip |
On Click events are automatically set on button components. |
Creating Event Handlers and ActionsEvent handler and actions are both set on components on a screen. Adding an Event Handler- From a screen, click on a component or field to open its
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
nopanel | true |
- Click on the
Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | action |
nopanel | true |
| and in the Event Handler section, click the Insert excerpt |
| _addIcon |
| _addIcon |
nopanel | true |
| icon to create a new event handler In the New Event Handler Insert excerpt |
| _property_settings |
| _property_settings |
nopanel | true |
| , select an Event Type
Tip |
Only events available for this type of component will show - see Event Types table above. |
- For Action Method, select Actionflow, then click the
Insert excerpt |
| _add_icon |
| _add_icon |
nopanel | true |
| icon to create a new Actionflow or click the Insert excerpt |
| _actionflow_icon |
| _actionflow_icon |
nopanel | true |
| icon to display a list of available Actionflows
Adding Action Settings- From a screen, right-click on a grid and press
Insert excerpt |
| _view_show_config |
| _view_show_config |
nopanel | true |
On the View's Insert excerpt |
| _property_settings |
| _property_settings |
nopanel | true |
| , click on the Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | action |
nopanel | true |
- In the Action Settings section, under Double Click Action, select Actionflow
- Click the
Insert excerpt |
| _add_icon |
| _add_icon |
nopanel | true |
| icon to create a new Actionflow or click the Insert excerpt |
| _actionflow_icon |
| _actionflow_icon |
nopanel | true |
| icon to display a list of available Actionflows