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Insert excerpt

Navigating PhixFlow (for



When you log in, PhixFlow displays the Welcome window and the application menu. Anytime you want to return to the application menu, in the top left corner of the PhixFlow window, click 

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You can change the layout of the application menu, using icons in the top right of the application window. 

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Opening an Application

  1. On the Applications menu (see above), double-click anywhere on the chosen application card or on a list line
    1. Alternatively, right-click and choose to open in a new tab or window
  2. The application's Home window will open where you can select a screen to navigate to
  3. You will also see a number of system settings, along with a landing screen and/or menu, depending on your individual system configuration

Here are the key areas when first logging in:

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    : reopen the application menu to load a different application
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    : also opens the application menu
    • Depending on the way your administrator has configured PhixFlow, this logo may be replaced by your company logo

Here you may see a landing screen and/or menu, depending on your individual system configuration.

Here you will see the name of the PhixFlow server on which you are working. This is particularly important where you have multiple environments, such as a development, UAT and production environment. 

Hover over this to see the options:

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    : manage your user details, including name, email and phone number, and see the user groups you are part of, e.g. Administrator, Superuser - see User Details
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    : enter a new password
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The Learning Centre provides access to all courses, video tutorials and example data sets, as well as the ability search our extensive help library for your specific topic, such as Functions or API integrations.


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menu provides a number of system options, including the ability to import or export content and access to the 
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, which monitors different processes and tasks. The options you see depend on your permissions. See Administration Menu.

The download area displays files created by an export process that are ready to download. See Using the Download Area.

The System Console displays currently running tasks and log messages from PhixFlow processes. Access to the console is dependent on your access privileges. 

Use this option to get help from the PhixFlow support team.

Design Mode is used for creating and configuring applications and is only available to users with specific privileges. Application Mode is used by application users to run and interact with PhixFlow applications. See Design and Application Mode.

Using Applications on Mobile Devices

PhixFlow supports mobile devices, such as tablets and phones. This means team members can access and update data whilst on the move. As mobile devices have less screen space available, the header bar is simplified to show the icons:

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     – option available depending on user's permissions

Notifications and Errors

PhixFlow displays notification popups on the screen. The different coloured notifications are:

  • Green - information
  • Blue - warnings
  • Red - errors

You can click Dismiss notifications in the header bar to close all green and blue notifications.

If there is an error that prevents PhixFlow completing something, it will display a red error message. You must close these messages individually. 

Depending on your access level you may see a More Detail link to technical information, a button to open the log file containing the error message and/or Report button to email the details to IT support. The email includes a link to the log file, so the administrator can easily access full details of the error.

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Settings on Views

When working on screens, you will most likely see data views in the form of grids, cards and charts. These views contain options that allow you to modify the data you can see on screen.

Right-clicking a column header on a  Insert excerpt_grid_gridnopaneltrue allows you to:choose Insert excerpt_sort_sortnameascendingnopaneltrue or  Insert excerpt_sort_sortnamedescendingnopaneltrue to sort the grid data by the values in the selected columnchoose Insert excerpt_freeze_column_freeze_columnnopaneltrue to lock a specific column in place so that it remains visible even when you scroll horizontally through the rest of your datachoose Insert excerpt_unfreeze_column_unfreeze_columnnopaneltrue to remove all column freezeschoose Insert excerpt_set_flex_column_set_flex_columnnopaneltrue to set the column's width flexibly by taking up the available space
  • This is useful for large grids with lots of columns
choose Insert excerpt_hide_this_column_hide_this_columnnopaneltrue to temporarily hide a column from view
  • to unhide the column, close the screen and reopen it 

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On all data views, private filters, i.e. only you can see and apply it, can be created, selected and applied. You can also apply any pre-configured filters.

On the data view, click the  Insert excerpt_filter_filternopaneltrueTo create a new filter, click Insert excerpt_filter_filternameaddnopaneltrue
  • On the Create Filter window, enter the criteria which the data must meet to be shown
  • Tick Private to only show the filter for you 
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  • Click Apply to just apply the filter or Apply and Save to apply the filter and save it to your list of available filters
  • When a filter is applied the filter icon will show a yellow star: Insert excerpt_filter_filternameappliednopaneltrueTo remove a filter choose Insert excerpt_filter_filternameremovenopaneltrue

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    On grids, further filters can be applied to individual columns. Choose from the following and/or conditions:

    Insert excerpt_filter_conditions_filter_conditionsnameandnopaneltrue: the data must meet all conditions to be shown Insert excerpt_filter_conditions_filter_conditionsnameornopaneltrue: the data can be meet any condition to be shownClick  Insert excerpt_add_icon_add_iconnopaneltrue to add multiple filter conditions.

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    The down arrow can also be selected to choose data from a drop down list.

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    On all data views, private sort orders can be created, selected and applied. You can also apply any pre-configured sort orders set on the view, see below example of a preconfigured sort order on the view.

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    On all data views, data can be downloaded via the Insert excerpt_more_options_more_optionsnopaneltrue menu. 

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    Select which items to download from All or Selected and the Maximum Records per File. Choose a File Type from Excel or CSV.

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    On charts, data can be exported via the Insert excerpt_more_options_more_optionsnopaneltrue menu.

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    Choose a File Type from JPEG or PNG, and enter the width and height requirements.

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    Choose  Insert excerpt_refresh_refreshnopaneltrue to refresh the data in the view if it doesn't automatically update.

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    Choose  Insert excerpt_paging_pagingnopaneltrue to show or hide the paging bar, which appears at the bottom of the grid and displays how many records are in the grid, along with page numbers, if applicable.Image Removed